I wake up in a wooden room, I feel light headed as I slowly open my eyes. I focus my mind and I look around, I realize that I'm back in my house. I'm laying on my futon, the room is quiet as I'm the only one. I look out the window and notice the sunlight still shining through.
"It's probably still afternoon... but who knows how long I've been out..." I say to myself.
Suddenly the door opens and Kagome walks in with a tray of food, and behind her is a young man. The same man that I met at the beach and saved me.
"_________! You're up! How are you feeling?" Kagome asks me quickly setting the tray of food down and kneeling down beside me.
The young man walks up to us as well and look down at me with a relieved expression. His blue eyes still captivating in the dim room.
"Yea, I'm feeling better than earlier. I was just really tired out that's all." I reply back to her with a smile.
"Thank goodness, you slept for 2 hours after we came back here. We didn't know what was going on but hoped that it was nothing serious." Kagome says with a frown.
"Sorry to worry you all. How did I get back here?" I ask her.
"Oh this young man carried you back." Kagome says with a smile looking at the young man.
I look back up at the young man and I give him a bow.
"Thank you so much for saving me back at the sea and sorry for putting you into such trouble of carrying me back here. If I may ask, you are...?" I ask him for his name.
"It was no trouble at all, seeing that you're unharmed is all that matters. Especially for your friends. My name is Suikyu. I've met all of your friends in the village, I've heard of your name from them but if you don't mind me asking for your name from you." He responds with a light smile.
"___________. Your name is Suikyu, it means water sphere, very unique." I say to him with a smile.
"Thank you." Suikyu responds.
"Well, Suikyu and I are going to let you rest some more, but first eat some lunch. Hope you can join us for dinner later_________. Will you be staying for dinner Suikyu? We would like to invite you to dinner for bringing _______ back." Kagome asks him.
Suikyu looks like he got caught off guard. I quickly step in to try and convince him.
"Please stay for dinner, it'd be nice to get to know you and make new friends. Especially for me, I'm still considered new to this area so making new friends is what I would like to do." I say to him.
Suikyu looks at me and loosens his tense expression.
"I'd appreciate it, thank you." Suikyu says with a smile.
"Great! Please take a walk around the village and around the area if you like. We'll get you when dinner's ready. ________, try to get some more rest alright? Today seemed to be hectic for you." Kagome says.
"Yea, but I'm sure I'll be ok by tomorrow. Thanks again Suikyu and Kagome." I say to them.
They both nod and walk out the house. I let out a sigh and I pick up the chopstick on the tray. To have slept for 2 hours and didn't eat breakfast and being tired out like crazy, I'm actually really hungry. I finish up the food that Kagome brought me, and I lay down on the futon again. I turn onto my right side and I look at the empty space beside me, I let my left hand glide along the soft silk of the futon. I miss having Sesshomaru beside me, I miss not waking up and seeing his amber eyes. I close my eyes and I fall into another slumber. By the time I wake up, the sun has set. Since I have slept for so long my eyes feel a bit swollen, I feel groggy but no nausea which is good.
"I don't think I'll be sleeping at all tonight." I say to myself with a sigh.
I smooth out my bedhead and I change into a clean kimono, I then head out of my house. The moon is out and the night sky is clear with the stars dazzling away. I head to the main gathering hut. It seems lively already. I open the door and everyone were setting the table with plates of food. Inuyasha and Miroku are back, Shippo is playing with the kids, and Suikyu is helping with the fish that we caught. He seem really skilled in taking care of the fish, as I watch him in just those few seconds I can tell he knows where and what each area of the fish is and how to fillet it accurately. Sango noticed me first.
"Oh_________, you're up, we were just going to get you. How are you feeling?" She asks me with a smile.
"Much better. Sorry for not being able to help out with dinner." I say to them.
"Don't worry about that__________, making dinner is actually quite fun. We heard that you had a rough day out at sea, your health comes first before anything." Miroku says with a smile.
"Thanks Miroku. Suikyu, you're helping out with dinner?" I ask him.
"Oh yes, I suppose I feel bad not helping out, so I insisted on helping out with the fish at least." He says with a smile.
"I see. You really are helping out a lot. Thank you." I say to him.
Suikyu replies with a smile and cooks the fish. I helped out with what I could and not long the table is filled with food. I sit across from Suikyu as we ate.
"So Suikyu, where are you from?" Inuyasha asks him.
"I'm actually from somewhere far away, I'm on a solo journey at the moment." He responds.
"A solo journey? Do you have a destination or goal?" I ask him.
"No not really, I suppose I just want to go out and see the world and its wonders. I happen to stop at the sea today and happened upon a situation that lead me to this moment." Suikyu responds.
"I see. When are you planning on returning to your home?" Sango asks him.
"I'm not sure, I started this journey not too long ago. So I think it'll be a while before I head home." He says.
"Where are you planning on going tomorrow?" I ask him.
"I'm not sure, I suppose wherever the water current takes me." Suikyu says looking at me with a smile.
"Since you're on a long journey, how about staying with us for a bit. Let's say a few weeks to a month? We can show you around the area and let you get a grasp of the climate and enviroment." Miroku suggests.
"I feel that will be a bit inconvenient for you all." Suikyu says.
"Not at all. We have vacant houses in the village, you can stay there till you're ready to leave. Inuyasha and I go out to do our jobs from morning till dusk. Perhaps if you like you can tag along and we can show you around along the way." Miroku says.
"If it's fine with you all, then sure." Suikyu says.
"Well, it's kind of up to you if you want to go or not. We're not forcing you." Inuyasha says biting into a fish.
"Inuyasha, can you be more polite to a guest please?!" Kagome says grabbing his dog ears.
"Ow! Cut it out!" Inuyasha shouts wiggling his dog ears.
I give a small laugh. Suikyu turns to look at me. Our eyes meet and I continue to laugh while covering my mouth. Suikyu shows me a gentle smile. We finish up dinner while talking, although Suikyu prepared and cooked the fish, but I noticed that throughout the rest of dinner he did not touch the fish at all. He avoided it completely. Seeing that he contains quite a lot of knowledge on seafood, you would assume he would like seafood. But no, to Suikyu it was like the fish didn't even exist to him on the table. After we enjoyed our tea time we all turn in, Miroku leads Suikyu to a vacant house not too far away from the gathering hut. I bid them all goodnight and I head back to my lonely house, the moonlight and the few lanterns lit my way back home. I change into my night wear and I blow out the candles. The once fiery orange room immediately turned gray and black, I lay down on my futon and I close my eyes. I don't know how much time has passed, but I don't feel tired. I sit up from my futon and let out a sigh.
"Guess I'll go to the flower field and play my koto for a bit and hopefully I'll tire myself out." I think to myself.
I get up and grab my koto, I step outside into the cool night. I head towards the very flower field that Sesshomaru and I would go to, it's been a while since I've been there. I hold onto my koto as I arrive onto the familiar path to the beautiful place. Not long, I finally arrive. I step into the tall grass and inhale the fresh midnight air, it feels nice and calming. As I look around I notice a figure sitting down in the grass looking up at the moon, his back is facing me but I can tell he has chin length hair. Curious, I walk up to the figure quietly. As I close the distance, I can figure out who it is.
"Suikyu?" I ask the figure.
The figure turns his head and looks at me with a surprised face.
"_________. I didn't know you'd come here at this time." He says standing up.
"I can say the same for you. Couldn't sleep?" I ask him.
"Yea I suppose so. And you?" He asks me.
"Same here. Guess I slept a bit too much today. My brain is running in circles and not losing any energy. I guess a new place is preventing you from resting?" I ask him.
"You can say that. What is that in your arms?" He asks me.
"Oh this? This is my koto. I usually come here at night by myself and play my koto. I love music and the koto is my favorite instrument." I tell him.
"The koto is a very heavenly instrument, the sound it creates is beautiful. You must be really good." Suikyu says.
"I think I'm decent. Not good but not bad. I'm sure I have a lot to learn, but I'm pretty happy with what I know so far in life. Please sit, I haven't had someone to talk to at night in a while." I say to him sitting down onto the soft grass.
Suikyu sits down beside me and we both take in the quiet night. Without a word, I place my koto on my lap and warm up my fingers. I place them on the strings and let the notes do what they do best, I give Suikyu a smile and I close my eyes and take a deep inhale of the refreshing air, my hands naturally moving on their own. Darkness takes over my vision, and I feel like I'm in another dimension. The darkness contains no depths no light, just occasionally small pops of circles, but the music keeps me grounded. After I finish I open my eyes slowly and let my eyes adjust to the silver washed plains in front of me, I turn my head to look at Suikyu, he's just gazing at me without a word or movement. I give him a smile and a small laugh.
"How was it? Is it alright?" I ask him.
"It sounds heavenly indeed." He responds softly.
"Phew, that's good to hear. Because sometimes, the more you play something for too long, your mind tells you it's good enough that you don't need to change it or do anything else to it. That's why it's good to let other people hear it, get a different perspective than your own, because to them there may be taints to what may be a perfect melody to your ears. It may not be perfect, but nothing is hopeless." I say looking up at the moon.
"You're right__________. Absolutely right." Suikyu quietly says besides me.
I turn my head to look at him again, my eyes meeting with cool blue eyes. They reflect the moonlight like crystals, how can a person have such unique colored eyes? Does it have to do with genes? I've heard from Kagome before that foreigners have blue eyes, green eyes, and a color called hazel. I assume the blue she's talking about may be a darker shade of blue , but Suikyu's eyes, they were like water swirls inside a circle, pale blue with tints of dark blue and grey.
"I know I've said this to you earlier today but I can't help but admire your eyes. They're so unique and beautiful, I've heard from Kagome that people who are foreigners have different eye colors but most eye colors are one shade of color, your eyes have gray and blue. Were you born like this?" I ask him.
Suikyu blinks a few times and lets out a small smile as he looks up at the moon. His brown hair gently swaying in the wind.
"I was born with these eyes. The moment I gained life, I was given these eyes of mine. A person's body is full of wonders, even for the person who possesses the said body." Suikyu says.
"You're right. Although they're different, they are absolutely mesmerizing and beautiful. Your eyes reminds me of someone who's very dear to me, except his is bright brown with sprinkles of gold in the bright sunlight." I tell him with a smile trying to make Sesshomaru's eyes sound natural and beautiful as well.
We both just sit there in brief silence as we hear the crickets chirping not far from us in steady rhythm.
"By the way, you like swimming?" I ask him.
"Why you ask?" Suikyu asks me in return surprised.
"Because when you saved us today, you swam with the two of us on your back and you arrived to shore in such a quick pace. You didn't seem unfazed or tired at all afterwards. I just assume you must be really strong and a very good swimmer." I say to him with a small laugh.
"Oh, well, my home is very close to the sea, I would often swim in the water when I was younger and even as I got older. You can say the sea is a part of me, it replenishes me. Spending so much time in the water has allowed my body to adapt to it I suppose." Suikyu says.
"I see. Sorry for asking but how old are you? You look quite young." I ask him.
Suikyu turns to look at me with his blue eyes, he stays quiet for a second or two, almost like he's pondering about something, but then smiles.
"I just turned 25. How about you________?" He answers.
"Oh you're younger than I am. I had my 25th birthday in Autumn." I say to him with big smile.
"So I suppose you're like an older sister figure then?" Suikyu asks with an awkward smile.
"I suppose I am, I guess I'll be for the duration of your stay. You can come to me for help anytime you need, or just to hang." I say to him with a gentle nudge on the arm.
We both let out a laugh and spent another few minutes talking, eventually sleep is slowly getting to me. Suikyu and I decide to end the night here and the two of us head back to the village. Suikyu walks me back to my house, and I bid him goodnight.
"Thanks for bringing me back to my house. Hope you'll get use to your stay here soon." I say to him.
"I will, I've made friends tonight, got to enjoy a night conversing with you as well. It's been a while since I've done something like this, in fact, I don't even remember when was the last time." Suikyu says.
"I'm glad that you had a great day today, and hopefully for the rest of the month. I got myself a younger brother figure to hangout with and talk with for a month, it's nice. Alright, it's pretty late, get some rest tonight and I'll see you tomorrow." I say to him with a smile.
Suikyu nods with a half smile. I wave goodnight and turn to head into my house.
"_________...." Suikyu's voice calls out softly from behind me.
I turn around to look at him.
"Yes?" I answer him.
"No one has ever asked me about my eyes before or openly accepted them. Thanks for being the first person." He says with a smile.
"You're eyes are gorgeous, I had to ask you about them. Knowing new things and to look at them with an open mind makes them even more beautiful." I say to him with a small laugh.
Suikyu nods.
"Thank you for accepting things that are different and I hope you can accept the different sides to me as we get to know each other better." Suikyu says with a smile.
"Why wouldn't I? I have a pretty open mind you know? Everyone has sides to them that they don't show, but I'll look at all of them with an open mind first and go from there." I give him a reassuring smile.
"Thanks. Goodnight___________." Suikyu says and turns to walk to his house.
"Goodnight." I call back.
I open the door to the house that is Sesshomaru and mine, I close the door behind me and place my koto beside the desk. I change into my night wear and I lay down onto my futon, I turn onto my side and I glide my palm along the silk fabric that is on Sesshomaru's side.
"I befriended a young man who has become my younger brother figure to me. In a way he reminds me of you. Different but unique, his eyes are like the water to your fiery eyes. I know you're not going to be back for another half a month or so, but don't worry, I'm perfectly fine. I have a younger brother figure to hang with everyday for a month now, and the others as well. Stay safe out there Sesshomaru and can't wait for your return." I whisper in the dark.
I close my eyes and let my tiredness drag me into a quiet world of slumber. The days go by nicely, I realized that I shouldn't be thinking about Sesshomaru all the time, it's not good for my mentality. I know that nothing will happen to Sesshomaru, he's a great Daiyokai, untouchable, and invincible. Now that we're together, I have no reason to miss him so much like I did before. I should focus on the fun parts of each day and let the good drown out the longing and loneliness. What am I saying? I'm not alone, in the morning, afternoon and evening, I have Kagome, Sango, and Lady Kaede to keep me company, not to mention Shippo and the kids. At night, Inuyasha, Miroku, and Suikyu returns and we enjoy dinner together. Then when everyone turns in, I go to the flower field with Suikyu. We would talk and laugh and have fun, sometimes I feel like we are actually siblings. I know what having a younger sister feels like, but to spend time with a "younger brother" is just as fun. I can totally be myself around him, we connect so well, he seems to know a lot about life as well and we would talk about our journeys and about our families. Another week goes by in a blink of an eye, faster than the last, and closer to Sesshomaru's return. In just these short days, the relationship between Suikyu and I almost seem like real siblings. A day or two passes after the third week, we are eating dinner. We are all having a lively conversation, Shippo and the kids are playing and it's a nice scene, an older brother taking care of his younger sisters.
"Just to let you guys know, Inuyasha and I are going on an exorcism job that's pretty far tomorrow. It's about a 2 day trip, I heard it's near the sea as well." Miroku says.
"Oh sounds like a pretty far trip, you guys have places to stay?" Sango asks.
"We've been out in the wilderness before Sango, we'll be fine. You coming Suikyu?" Inuyasha says.
"Yea of course, I haven't seen the sea in a while. It would be nice to connect with the sea once in a while." Suikyu replies with a smile.
"Great. Then the three of us should get some rest tonight, we have to set out pretty earlier tomorrow." Miroku says.
We finish up dinner without tea because the guys have to turn in early. We bid each other goodnight and head back to our houses. Being by myself still, I decide to go to the flower field by myself. I grab my koto and head to the sea of flowers, the crescent moon illuminating my way as always, never letting me down or losing me. I arrive to the field that had become my third home, I sit down and place the koto on my lap. I place my fingers onto the strings that I'm so familiar with, and start playing. I close my eyes and let the night take over me, as I played, my mind goes to Sesshomaru. How much I miss him, I have so many friends to accompany me everyday, but not seeing him for so long can be unbearable. The power of love can do such thing, it's kind of scary to know. Time slowly flows by, and I eventually finish my third song, as I lift my fingertips off of the string, someone speaks from behind me.
"Sounds beautiful as always."
I turn around surprised, the familiar clear blue eyes looking back at me as he comes closer.
"Suikyu. Why aren't you
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