A week slowly goes by, but I did manage to pull through everyday so far. Thank goodness Sango, and Kagome are around to keep me company. At night after dinner, I would have tea with all of them just like how I use to. It's all normal till after the tea session, because everyone turns in and I'm by myself. Kagome and Sango offered to stay up with me and talk but I know they have families to return to, so I would go to the flower field with my koto. I would lose myself in the heavenly sound that the koto produces, and let the night breeze incase me and lull me into emptiness. A full week goes by and I wake up to the rising morning sun, I feel a bit groggy and nauseous. I sit up from my futon that I've been sleeping in alone for a week and just let the nausea disperse. When it fades away I get up and change out of my night wear, I head out to wash up. I have woken up a bit later than usual which is a bit weird but it's normal I suppose, last night I stayed up late with Kagome and Sango and had girl talks. As I walk to the bath house, Lady Kaede comes up to me.
"Lady Kaede, good morning." I say bowing to her.
"Good morning_________. How are you today?" She asks me with a smile.
"I'm fine thank you, is something the matter?" I ask her.
"Nothing's the matter, apparently, some fishermen in the village are going down to the nearby sea to go fishing and has asked Kagome, Sango, to tag along and see the sea and help out if help are needed. They are wondering if you would like to go with them." Lady Kaede tells me.
I smile at her and I give her a nod.
"I would love to, I haven't really explored much of the area and I've always planned to but never found the time to. When do we leave?" I ask her.
"The men has already headed to the sea, Sango and Kagome are getting ready at the moment. I'll let them know that you'll be going then, they will meet you at the entrance of the village." Lady Kaede says giving me a nod.
"Thank you Lady Kaede." I say to her with a big smile.
I hurry and wash up and change into my kimono and head to the entrance, Sango and Kagome are waiting for me. I run up to them and give them a morning hug.
"You're really happy today." Sango says with a bright smile.
"I am, I've always wanted to explore the area and I finally got the chance to." I reply back to her.
"I see, well let's get going, it's about a 25 to half an hour walk to the sea." Kagome says grabbing my hand.
"Say Sango, what about your kids?" I ask her.
"Don't worry about them, Shippo and Lady Kaede said that they will take care of them, we'll be back by the late afternoon. Besides, the twins aren't toddlers anymore, I'm sure they know how to behave by now." Sango says with a laugh.
The three of us laugh and head down the path to the sea. About half an hour later, we finally arrive to the sea. It's lively, there were boats docked and people walking along the shore. We see the fishermen in our village getting ready to set out, Sango and Kagome run towards them. I take a quick look around the vast area colored with green, blue, gold and brown. The place is beautiful, I take a deep breath of the fresh air, the people's voices around me makes me smile.
"__________! Come on we're setting out!" Kagome's voices calls for me ahead.
"Coming!" I shout back and I begin to walk towards the dock.
The sand on the shore crunches underneath my feet, it felt nice. As I head towards the loading dock, I look to my right. There were people walking and talking, but one person caught my eye not too far away. It's a man, around my age it seem like. He's standing at the edge of the water and looking out to the sea. I can't see his face. He's tall, lean, and looks strong from the way he stands. He's wearing a dark blue top men's kimono with a black silk obi. From the look of his hands and his neck, his skin is fair. His hair is not pure black, it contains shades of brown. He seems different, I looked him over as I head to the boat. As I step onto the deck, I'm at the edge of the water now. I decided that looking at someone I don't know too long isn't really polite so I revert my gaze to my feet to see where I'm going, when I'm on the wooden platform I turn my head to look out at the beautiful clear sea. As I scan the area from the left, I unknowingly scanned the area. I turned my body to look back onto the beach, and when I look to my right. I once again see the young man standing by the water, the sea wind gently blowing his chin length hair around his concealed face. There's something alluring about him, something different that draws me to him. It's not like the type of allure in which you fall in love, he just seems different than the other people. He's just standing there looking at the sea, while everyone else are having fun. Since I couldn't see his face, I decide to turn back and board the boat. But just as I turn around, from the corner of my eye I can see that he's turning around. With instinct, when something moves that's not in your center of vision you turn to examine what that movement is. So that's what I did, I turn my head back to look at him, and I guess he had the same feeling. He stops and turn his head and our eyes meet. He's not that far away so I can see his face now, he has fair skin, he's actually very fair, but not like dead pale, he has a young handsome face with big eyes and symmetrical facial features. Although I can see his face fine, but there's something about his eyes that seems to capture me. I can't really see his eyes clearly, but I can tell his iris isn't black or brown like ours. I couldn't look away, there's something about him that captures me. The young man seems to be caught by something too, he's not looking away or turning his whole body, he's just gazing at me. I don't know how much time has passed but suddenly someone tugs at my hand. I break the gaze and turn to see who it is.
"Come on_______, we're all waiting!" Kagome says to me with a big smile.
"Yea.. let's go." I reply back dazed.
"What were you looking at?" She asks me.
"Nothing really, just admiring the beautiful scenery." I say with a smile.
"Hm alright. Let's go." Kagome says tugging at my hand again towards the boat.
I turn my head back around and I see him still looking at me, not moving at all. The next thing I know I'm being guided into the boat, I sit down on the big boat and we set out to the middle of the sea. I didn't look back, knowing there's not much to that encounter of ours. The hours slowly goes by, we've made a few trips back and forth to drop off our batch of catch. Soon it's afternoon, the sun is hanging high in the sky warm and bright. On our 4th run, I begin to feel a bit nauseous so I sit down on the seat on the boat. The crashing of the light ocean waves is making me feel dizzy.
"You alright_________? You look a bit sick." Sango asks me sitting down beside me.
"Ya I'm feeling a little nauseous, I'm probably getting a bit seasick perhaps." I say to her.
"No one can blame you, you probably never went out to sea this many times and for this long. It must be new. We're heading back to dock to drop off our batch, we have one more run to do and we'll be heading back. Do you want to sit on the shore for a bit and wait for us to finish?" Sango asks me.
"Yea that will be nice." I reply with a smile.
Sango rubs my back to calm me down, after the catch we head back to shore. They unload the catch and I sit down on the sandy ground, there are still a bit of people enjoying the beautiful day.
"Take the time to relax and calm down, we'll be back soon!" Kagome shouts from the boat.
"I will, stay safe out there!" I shout back.
They then depart back out to the luscious blue sea. I bring my knees to my chest and I hug them. I look out at the vast area filled with beauty, I then look at my wrist. I begin to play around with the pearl bracelet that Sesshomaru's mother gave me, and I can't help but think of Sesshomaru all of a sudden. I rest my chin on my knee and I close my eyes, I let the flowing sound of the waves and laughter of children and adults lead me into a light dream. Before I know it, I fall into a light slumber. Without knowing how long time has passed, a sudden shout pulls me back into reality. I suddenly jerk awake by someone shouting for help. I stand up with a start and a sudden wave of dizziness takes over me, should've known that getting up too fast can throw off your balance and make you feel light headed. I didn't care about myself at the moment, my instincts of helping someone in need kicked in. Not far away is a woman with a child beside her shouting for help as another child is out in the sea. I run towards her and grab her hand.
"What happened?!" I ask her.
"My son was playing in the water, I told him not to go too far out because the waves are strong. My daughter wasn't feeling well all of sudden so I had to tend to her, I let my eyes off of my son for a minute or two and he's being carried away by the wave. I can't get him because of my daughter." She cries.
"Don't worry, I'll go get your son back, just stay calm and watch your daughter." I tell her.
She nods, I take off my sandals and I begin to swim out to the open water. The child is drifting further and further away towards the middle of the sea, he seems to be struggling. If I don't hurry, he'll drown. I duck my head underwater and I kick my legs as hard as I can to push myself through the water. When you see the ocean or sea, you are captured by its beauty and openness first. The last thing you think of are the dangers and casualties that can occur in the sea. I swim my way to him, as I finally close the distance I noticed he has begun to stop moving. I quickly grab and hold his head above the water, he's still breathing but he's exhausted. Not to mention, I'm getting exhausted myself, we're pretty far out in the water by now. My kimono isn't really helping in this situation, my muscles are beginning to cramp up. I begin to swim back to shore, but I'm starting to submerge into the water. Although I'm getting exhausted, I kept the child above water as much as I can. My vision is starting to go blurry, and my head submerges under the water, I struggle to stay afloat. If this is how I die, then wow, what a way to go. It's definitely not pleasant and very unfair. My body doesn't seem to comply at all to me today, and I don't understand why. It's letting me down in such a severe situation. Suddenly, I feel a pair of strong arms grab onto my waist and hulls me above the surface. I cough out the water that has gotten into my lungs, the pair of strong arms holds me closely to their body. I'm still holding onto the child on one arm and my other is around the person's neck. I shake the water from my face and I look at who the person is, as I gain my vision I come face to face with a pair of vibrant grayish blue eyes. They are beautiful and mesmerizing, I scan his face quickly and I realize that he's the same person that I saw on the shore. It's the color of his eyes that were unique and different.
"You alright?" He asks me.
His voice sounds young but rich, he doesn't look that much older than me, in fact he seems to look a bit younger than I am.
"Yea I am, thank you for saving us." I reply back to him catching my breath.
"Hold onto my neck, and hold the child close, I'm going to take us back to shore." He says.
"Are you sure you can carry us?" I ask him.
"I can, don't worry, just hold on." He assures me.
I nod, I pull myself onto his back with the child beside me and we hold onto his neck. With a few strong kicks, we begin to move towards the shore in a pretty quick pace. Although he looks young, he is strong. In no time, we arrive back to shore. He pulls the both of us onto the sand and rests the child on the dry ground. The mother runs up to us and thanks the two of us with tears, we tell her it's nothing and we're just glad that everyone's safe. Other adults surrounds the child to make sure he's ok. I smile at the reunion and I begin to walk under a shady area. I guess the exhaustion got to me and I drop onto my knees and I collapse onto my side. My eyes are closed and I'm breathing heavily, my heart is beating really fast and I can feel my temple pounding. I feel a sudden presence coming up to me, and a pair of arms pulls me upright into a sitting position. The pair of hands holds onto my shoulder to support me, then one of the hand brushes aside my hair that has matted onto my forehead. I open my eyes slowly to see who it is, as my eyes finally opens, the same beautiful cool blue eyes grabs onto mine. He has a worried expression on his face as he examined me, I was so out of it to notice before when we arrived on dry land, but he looks absolutely fine. He's not panting or tired looking at all, I suppose he is very well built and with strong stamina. Very strong stamina and strength for a human being.
"You alright?" He asks me.
"I'm just exhausted that's all. You look fine, thank you for saving us again." I say to him slightly slurring my words.
"No need to thank me, glad to see that you're fine. You should rest a little, next time think before you act and consider if you're capable of entering such situation on your own. It was reckless, but thank goodness you're alive." He says with a furrowed brow.
"Thank you for your concerns. I know I may have been a bit reckless, but it's part of my personality." I say to him with a slight smile.
He doesn't say anything but continues to gaze at my face, I couldn't look away from his blue eyes. They were vividly blue with tints of grey, he just seems so special and unique, his cool blue eyes are like the exact opposite of Sesshomaru's fiery amber ones. Without knowing I show a weak smile.
"You have really beautiful eyes. They're so blue and clear like the sea." I say to him.
I guess fatigue took over and I just feel really tired, my muscles are sore as well. Exhaustion takes over and I black out. The last thing I see are his blue eyes widening in worry. To see such calm, clear and blue eyes being clouded in worry is such a shame. Especially when it's the first time seeing such rare gems too.
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