Cheating is bad

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One evening, a girl named Rebecca invited a cute boy to her house.  Her parents were away for the weekend, so she had the house to herself.  The boy's name was Ronnie and she thought he was the most handsome boy in the school.

They were sitting on the sofa and after a while they started making.  Things were getting very hot and heavy and Ronnie took off his shirt.  Suddenly, Rebecca's cell phone started ringing.

Hey babe, I need to take this call," she said.  "I'll be right back."

   "Yeah, well... sure," replied Ronnie.

   Rebecca got up, grabbed her phone and went into the next room, closing the door behind her.

   Rebecca: Hey!  What is happening?

   John: Not much.  Hey Honey, do you think we can do something later?  My boss threw me out of work early tonight.  What are the chances, huh?

   Rebecca: Uh... Yep, that sounds great!

   John: Okay, fine.  I'm almost at your house.  I'll come pick you up and we'll talk where to go.

   Rebecca: Oh, um... that's not such a good idea...

   John: Why not?

   Rebecca: I'm busy right now... Sorry.

   John: What are you busy with?  I'm your boyfriend!  You don't have time to meet me?  You haven't made any other plans...?

   Rebecca: Er... no... no... I was just... um... having dinner with my parents.

   John: I thought you said your parents were away this weekend...

   Then her lover passed through the front door.  He turned the corner into the hallway and saw his best friend Ronnie sitting on the sofa with his shirt off.  Rebecca came running into the room.

   John: What's up?!

   Rebecca: I can explain!  Please listen to me!

   John: Ronnie?  Ronnie!  What is he doing here?

   Rebecca: He was just helping me with my homework.

   John: OMG!  How can you be, Rebecca?  how could you do this to me?  I thought you loved me!  And yet, here you are, cheating on me with my best friend!  I refuse to believe it!

   Rebecca: John... it's not what it looks like!

   As the young couple argued, Ronnie hesitantly put his shirt back on and headed out the window.  Feeling guilty and embarrassed, he started his car and hit the road.

   John was feeling sick to his stomach.  With tears in his eyes, he ran out of the living room and slammed the door.  Rachel ran after her lover, begging him to listen to her.

   Rebecca: No!  Please!  Come back, John!!  Please ????!!!

   He grabbed her by the hand, but he brushed her hard.  Turning around, John looked straight into his girlfriend's eyes.  Tears were running down his cheeks.

   John: Why, Rebecca?  Why?  I loved you!  Oh my god, how could I be so stupid.  I fell in love with a tramp.  That's what they call girls like you, isn't it?  Rebecca, how many other people were there?  take it!

He took something out of his pocket and threw it in his face.  He fell to the floor and when Rebecca looked down, she saw it was a ring.  Her jaw dropped and she fell on her knees.  It was a diamond engagement ring.  He grabbed her by shaking hands and held her.

   Rebecca: You... you were about to propose to me?

   John: Yeah... how dumb was I?  Maybe you better put it... something for me to remember...

   Saying this he came out and sat in his car.  As Rebecca stood at her front door, crying uncontrollably, she noticed her headlights dim far away.

   Later that night, she was awakened by the sound of the doorbell ringing.  When he answered this, there were two policemen standing at his door.

   A police officer said, "I'm sorry I gave you bad news."  "A few hours ago, we found your boyfriend dead.  He committed suicide."

   Rachel couldn't believe what she was hearing.  She burst into tears and fell on the ground wrapped in a ball.

   As she was crying and crying, the policemen told her what had happened.  Apparently, her lover had tied one end of the rope around her neck and the other end around a tree.  After that he got into his car and left from there.  When the rope was pulled tight, his head exploded.  He had cut off his head.

   "When we found him, he had a picture of you in his hand," said another police officer.  "On the back, he had written two words......Cheating is useless.

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