Chapter 22

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My question had the affect I wanted because his grip on my phone loosened enough for me to pull it from his hand. He ran his hand through his hair uneasily before asking, "Did she tell you that?" Suddenly, the sound of blood was pulsing through my ears was the only sound I could hear, but I still answered him. "No, what I saw. . . I just figured that. . ."

He was pulling at his bottom lip the way he always did when he was thinking about something."Yeah I did... but it wasn't at the grad party. It's not like it was anything more then that, though." I shifted uncomfortably, taking a sip from the now cool coffee. I honestly didn't know what to say to break the silence.

Luckily, Christian came into the room followed by my mom, his blonde curls bouncing as he wobbled over to Tyler with a toy in his hand. "Isabella, I was wondering if you were going to be around the house today?" She asked before smiling lightly over at Tyler who now had Christian on his lap, listening to him jabber away about his toy truck. "I'm not sure. Why did you need me to stay home?"

"No reason, really, I was just wondering. We are going over to Ken and Tiffany's for the boys to have a play date. I wanted to know if we needed to tell Doris there needed to be another plate set, thats all." I nodded, not necessarily caring too much. She smiled again as she reached over and pushed some on my hair back from my face, saying, "Well... I'm not sure when we will be home tonight, so make sure you feed yourself." She turned towards where Tyler was sitting on my bed, gesturing for Christian to come over to her, "Okay baby, let's let the big kids talk. We'll go get some apple sauce." Tyler helped, letting him climb down from the bed, leaving his truck in Tyler's lap.

Tyler gets up, "SO! What should we do today, how about go to the park and maybe walk around? If it gets to hot we could go my house and swim?" I shrugged, "That's okay with me." He groaned, "And because you have to get dinner for yourself I'll go with you?" Grabbing the cup from my dresser before saying, "Let me pack a swim bag and okay but I get to pick the restaurant." He smiled wide enough for his dimple to stand out before saying, "Awesome." He got up from the bed came over taking my cup before saying, " Well... get ready."

As we walked around the park down to the pond were the ducks were, my phone went off again, another text from Michael. Tyler gave me curious look before asking if it was Alexa. Giving him a small smile before telling him no.

" So are you two still fighting?" He asked as he kicked the rock that was in the path in front of him. "We weren't fighting, I was just mad at her for something." I told him as I sat down on the bench that was close to the pond. He tossed a rock out into the water it didn't skip just landed with a strange noise, he cursed before saying, " I use to be really good at skipping rocks a cross the pond." He was eyeing the new rock in his hand before speaking, " So have you decided on if you're going to come with us to Keith's' party next weekend?"

My phone buzzed again, wow he is being persistent. "Why should I go?" I now had his full attention as he turned towards me. He tossed the rock over his shoulder, this time it landed in the water with a loud plop. He seemed to be confused as to why I had asked that question, He stepped up on the bench only to sit on the back of it before speaking. "Why should you come, Izzy really?" His green eyes lite up as he began his version of a peep talk.

"Here are the three main reasons to go to any party Isabella. Making out, having fun and of course getting drunk." Smiling at hm before pointing out the obvious, " Of course getting drunk." He gave me a wink before adding in, " And I'll be there and I'll miss you if you don't come." The butterflies in my stomach just took off. I could see that he was waiting for me to tell him I was going so I did, which earned me an awkward hug.

He looked at his watch before saying, " Lets get some lunch then go back to my house?" I smiled and agreed before telling him I'm starving. As we walked he talked about how much Jessie messed things up with Amelia, and wishes he could take it back. "Why did you let him use your car for that?" He seemed a bit shocked that I knew about him using the truck to cheat on Amelia. " I didn't know that was his plan when he asked for the keys." He said avoiding eye contact, and I didn't push any further.

The ride to restaurant was quite other then a few remarks here and there about the park.

Tyler held the door for me as we went in, as I entered my heart began to race when I saw Michael and the tall blonde guy from the other day. His friend hit him on the shoulder, as he said something before pointing towards where I was standing with Tyler next to me.

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