chapter 21

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My breath caught in my throat, my heart hammered away at my chest and the growing wetness between my thighs got worse at the thought of Michael leaving me an erotic video on my phone. Quickly getting up I closed my door, then got my ear buds before settling back on my bed. Making sure the volume wasn't loud enough for me to keep me from hearing if someone knocked on my door, but loud enough to hear any sounds he was making.

Holding my breath as I clicked on the video, as it starts to play the first few minutes are of some one's ceiling. But after him saying, "Shut the fuck up," and then "Get the fuck out man!" and a quick movement his face appears on the screen. I can't help but to smile, he looks uncomfortable and a little unsure of what he is going to say or do.

"So, this isn't the sort of thing I do. I don't normally steal a girls phone just to talk to her."

He run's his hands through his hair before letting out a little chuckle before becoming serious as he looks straight at the camera lens. " I want you to know that I wasn't laughing at you when you said you were a virgin. I was just well surprised." Why was he surprised? It's not like I'm the last virgin on the planet. "Fucking impatient pricks just a minute!" He looks back at the camera before continuing, "My point is I'm sorry. If you want you can ask not to be partnered with me anymore."

With that the video ended with him frowning and reaching for the button to stop the video. I was disappointed that it wasn't a video of him touching himself or him showing me his dick. What the hell is wrong with me? I get the taste of arousal and I'm like a cat in heat, crying out for more. But I haven't even had anything to cry out for. HUHHHH!

Tossing my phone down on the bed, I roll over and stare at the ceiling fan as it spins slowly. As it spins slowly I start to feel my eyes grown heavy, a bit to heavy.


As I wake the next morning I have a text message from Michael asking if I watched the video. Before I get a chance to answer it Tyler comes walking through my door, a big smile on his face and when I see the cup in his hand a big smile forms on my face.

"What are you doing here so early?" I asked as he hands me to coffee.

A serious look comes over his face as he says, " When did 11:30 become early for you Izz?" He walks over to the window that looks out to the backyard and pulls the curtain back allowing the sun light to fill my room. " It's 11:30?" I asked after talking a long sip of the overly hot liquid in the Starbucks cup.

Looking at his watch as he sat down on the foot of my bed he gives me a smile before asking, "Are you sick?" Stretching before getting out of my bed as I answer, "No." Walking over to my dresser, reaching down to the floor where my cord has fallen, before putting my phone on the charger. When I turn back around to look at him I see that he is staring down at my legs, "What? Is there something on me?" He clears his throat before he speaks but he still has his eyes on my legs, "No, no. I just never seen you wear shorts that short before."

With a smile I look down and notice that I have a bad tan line, huffing before asking, " So, what's going on?" He huffs and flops back on my bed before he says, "Nothing just kinda feel like we haven't spent any time together." Looking at him as I sit down next to him on the bed as I say, "Tyler we work together almost ever day, how have we not spent time together?" He huffed before telling me, "We only see each other when I come see you on my break. You're my best friend well besides Jessie."

As my phone buzzed I was afraid that Tyler would hear it, and he did and he asked who it was as I walked over to check the phone. And I was surprised at his reaction when I made a joke saying, "It's from my secret boyfriend." He sat up and I could see his jaw tense, and the way he looked at me made my skin hot. "You are kidding right?" He asked as he made his way over to where I was standing, "Of course I'm kidding." I said back before he tried to grab my phone.

"Just kidding, huh, then let me see your phone. Come on Izzy, who's your boyfriend?" He laughed before reaching around and grabbing my phone taking it from me. My heart was beating out of my chest I knew he would make fun of Micheal if he saw the video Michael had left. Without thinking I blurted out, "Did you had sex with Alexa at the graduation party?" 

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