[ hi i'm dumb and i'm using what little brainpower i have to reboot this idea for the jesus fuck-eth time. // song is by,,, idk?? it's from the movies??
warnings: eventual character death. language, blood. gore. etc
this is my introduction / explanation / brainstorm post pls and thank
stay safe,
lew. ]
so,,, i found the list i made from the last time i was considering this au and filled in the rest of the slots so every district can have a named character
1 - logan
2 - ronnie
3 - bailey
4 - ezra
5 - z
6 - marcus
7 - alex
8 - harry
9 - maureen
10 - cody
11 - lewis
12 - chase
so let's elaborate a lil bit!
i think either him or ezra would be the crowd favorite, based on strength. (well,,, and looks but)
i feel like he's a sword guy for a weapon, but bow and arrows / knives would suffice.
and skills: probably first aid, but that's the only solid idea i have. definitely strength would be considered a skill as well as archery but it's a given
sweet baby. based on looks, he'd probably be up there in the ranks until they get to the scoring thingy (pls don't criticize me it's been years since i've seen the movie/read the book)
for weapons i rlly like the old idea of him using a dart gun but also i could def see him making traps??
skills: probably first aid and some camouflage and some plant identification?? maybe knots and shelter stuff too??
the only way he'd be considered in the running is if sponsors took pity on him after the interviews.
weapons: definitely traps. he could probably be like the dude from the 74th games who dug up the explosives and rigged them to work again
skills: probably just firestarting and knots?? he's just a baby
v i o l e n t. definitely a crowd favorite.
weapons: anything he would get his filthy hands on??
skills: probably just the directly lethal ones and fires man
wow another baby. she's sort of forgettable.
weapons: probably knives. she's small and pretty quick so
skills: camouflage and shelter probably.
really leaves no lasting impression on anyone tbh
weapons: honestly i don't think this / skills would matter bc he'd probably die within the first few minutes
this might just be the fact that i made this moron on the sims but i Love Him. sponsors,,, not so much
weapons: he's not rlly good with much but he'll try to use whatever he can find. based on district, it'd be axes
skills: some degree of plant identification,
he's probably got sponsors based on looks again not gonna lie
weapons: i legit don't know for this one
skills: idk i'm tired and hate my job
she's very unassuming and probably won't get much in the way of sponsors and allies
weapons: ?? probably whatever she gets her hands on again
skills: pls idk the kids i babysit are nightmares and i've got a headache for the second day in a row bc of it
s a t a n. he's a fake evil little shit who might get some support tbh??
weapons: idk man
skills: pestering ezra so much outside the arena about an alliance that ezra specifically goes after him first
sweet baby two. like bailey, his interview might gain him sponsors but other than that,,, not looking good for bby
weapons: babe isn't violent at all. he'd rely on some sort of tricking people into eating poisonous stuff and then getting sick bc oh god he just killed someone
skills: plant identification, obviously. lil bit of first aid and lil bit of rope / knot knowledge
(that one thing where it's like *guitar strum* bITCH ) yes it's this dumb hoe
weapons: honestly?? she dumb and might have one little knife
skills: annoyance and distractions. jk, she's surprisingly good at hiding / finding places to hide.
as for the arena setting i'm probably gonna go with a forest like always bc i vaguely know what i'm doing when it comes to that.
(which speaking of forests, i think i finally figured out what that lil flower i always talk about is and if i'm right it's a variety of wood sorrel which is a rlly weird coincidence wow)
it's like,,, most of the time i may not know what the plant looks like but i know meanings and general things like edibility and medicinal properties
obviously you'd have logan ronnie and ezra just based on the career thing. i like the idea of harry and lewis joining later on, bc i'm dumb like that
then maybe chase would form an alliance with bailey bc he asked, and maureen and z bc chase has the gay
just other general stuff—
one of my favorite things is characters volunteering which i know doesn't happen that much but
i was thinking maybe logan volunteers bc of ruby, and then lewis' stupid ass volunteers bc hey,,, "my brother shouldn't have to do this when his future is so much brighter than mine"
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