[ hey since the last chosen thing ended up being ezra and ronnie (bc i'm a dumb fuck who put ronnie's name twice),,, does this count?? i think it does
warnings: language, other warnings for this au i don't remember off the top of my head!!
stay safe,
lew. ]
Ezra knows none of the others in this damn house agree with him. It's dangerous, sure, but (even though he'd never admit it), there's a hole in his heart, only to be filled when he finally gets his Ronnie back.
That's been the goal the entire time. Since his boyfriend disappeared almost three years ago, that's all he's cared about. Chase doesn't remember what exactly happened, and the rest (besides Harry and Z) only know what he's told them.
He takes a deep breath in, then goes back to memorizing the incantation. It has to be perfect, and while he's very confident in his ability, he'd rather make the margin for error as small as possible.
Right when he's closing his journal, someone knocks on the door of the office/studio he's been holed up in. Unfortunately for him, it's Chase, so the knocking really is just a warning.
"Hey, dickhead, Harry and Z want you to go downstairs and eat before you try to kill us all with your dumb fucking ideas," she says rather cheerfully as she peeks her head in.
He rolls his eyes and shoves the door, nearly catching her skull between the surface and the frame. "Fuck off, Roush."
"Kiss my ass!" Chase shot back, footsteps and voice retreating away from the door. She's beyond irritating, but Ronnie insisted they keep her around, and it's only thanks to him that she's been around for this long.
Ezra decides to go, before they send someone more annoying after him. His journal gets tucked into his jacket's inner pocket, and he takes a long drink from his flask before hiding it away too.
On his way to the kitchen, he nearly bumps into Z and the baby. She just gives him a dumb, sympathetic smile, then continues on talking to the kid like they're actually having a conversation. It's so fucking weird.
The closer he gets, the more he can tell something's off, and it's not just Lewis' burnt toast again. There's another voice, one that he hasn't heard in so long, that makes him pick up the pace, almost slamming his shoulder into the last door in his way.
Lewis, the idiot, is blocking his way, but not his view. He'd recognize that face anywhere. If it was still the angel, these morons wouldn't be stupid enough to just let it go around the house, so...
The former angel's eyes finally land on Ezra, and a hopeful look lights up his tired eyes. He softly says something to Lewis that Ezra can't catch for all the blood rushing in his ears, then finally, his angel is back in his arms.
Ezra doesn't cry. This isn't a fucking chick flick. But this is an emotional moment, so almost everyone else in the room has tears in their eyes.
"I thought about you every day," Ezra states calmly, brushing Ronnie's hair back with a practiced gentle hand.
"I missed you so much," comes the response. And entirely too soon, yet too late at the same time, Ronnie's lips are on his.
Bailey and the kid are the only two who weren't ever acquainted with Ronnie, and Z asks if he'd be okay watching Ty while everyone else catches up.
Obviously, Bailey agrees, so once the toddler is situated in his arms, Z gratefully disappears back into the kitchen/dining room.
It takes about five minutes for both of them to fall asleep, Tyler on Bailey's chest. It's peaceful. Bailey's always been better with kids than people his own age. Kids are nicer and less judgmental usually.
He doesn't get to sleep for too long before the weight on his chest disappears. He panics and sits up, rubbing his eyes and trying to figure out where the kid is.
The guy, Ronnie, has the kid in his arms, which automatically lets Bailey know it's okay.
"You scared me," he says, scooting over on the couch to give the newcomer room.
Ronnie sits beside him, and the kid somehow keeps sleeping. "I didn't mean to. Chase told me that you're extraordinarily jumpy, though."
"I'm new to all this stuff." He sighs softly, barely resisting the urge to chew on his hoodie sleeve. "Chase told me about you. Said you were the nicest person in this business."
"She only says that because I kept Ezra from getting rid of her before... before this all happened."
"Well, then I gotta thank you. Without her, I would've made a deal with a demon, or Ezra woulda shot me."
Ronnie's silent for a few long moments, his eyes focused on Ty. "Ezra's always been on the aggressive side. But he's not a bad man."
"I trust your opinion."
[ this highkey sucked but
i've been neglecting writing for playing the sims and making the characters on there oops ]
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