[ i'm tired as shit dude and when i woke up the power was out, it came back on (aka my fan beeped) and it scared me // song is by lil peep
warnings: should just be language!!
stay safe,
lew. ]
"Lewis, it's midnight. Why are you in my room?"
Logan seemed bewildered, subtly rubbing his eyes to make sure he was in fact seeing his pajama-clad friend sitting on his bed.
Lewis smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. "My mama isn't home, and I- There was a weird noise downstairs and I got spooked. Climbed out the window an' everything."
"Who even let you in?" Logan sighed and sat down next to him. Surely, Harry's parents wouldn't let a boy they'd never met into their house in the middle of the night?
Apparently, Logan was wrong. Lewis answered, "Harry's mom. She wasn't happy, but I guess I looked pitiful enough."
He did look pitiful, though. Tear tracks (mostly visible due to running eyeliner) marked down his exertion-flushed cheeks, eyes themselves bloodshot. His shirt had a slight tear in it, twigs in his hair, along with a few bloody scrapes on his hands and arms.
"You can sleep in here, Harry will let me sleep in his bed with him," Logan told him, pulling a few of the twigs and leaves from his friend's hair.
"I don't wanna kick you out of your bed."
"It's okay, it's giving me an excuse to sleep next to my boyfriend." He pressed his hands against the small scrapes, and within seconds, they were gone. "Get some sleep, plantboy. I'll walk you home in the morning- I need to be up for work anyway."
For once, Lewis ended up sleeping in. He just chalked it up to utter exhaustion and feeling safe knowing that his best friend was just a room away.
Logan shook him awake, looking a bit impatient although he had his normal smile on his face. "Hey, sleepyhead. Let's get you home, your phone has been blowing up for the past five minutes."
Lewis sat up immediately at that, rubbing his eyes before grabbing his phone. "I gotta call Mom, I didn't leave her a note or anything."
"Let's get going, you can walk and talk to her at the same time."
[ yep that's all i've got but this has been in my drafts for ages so i'm gonna,,, add another thing that i don't rlly know how to continue so,,, ]
songs i can't listen to || rewrite of 'apartment'
song is by neon trees
Really, Bailey should've stopped Lewis before he got out a photo album.
It still hurt. At first, a white-hot poker slammed into his heart, and now, just a dull ache in his throat and eyes. Getting left behind by the person you love always hurt, but like they say, time heals all wounds.
Given, it'd only been two weeks.
The picture that finally caused the dam to break was simple: just Lewis and his ex-fiancé, as teens, smiling widely at the camera. Bailey quickly snatched the book from him, then held out his arms for a hug.
Lewis ended up crying himself to sleep, clinging to his friend like a life preserver in the ocean. Bailey, in a sick and twisted way, felt relieved, because at least Lewis wasn't holding all of this in anymore. He fell asleep as well, Lewis' head in his lap and his own hand in the older man's hair.
What finally woke them up was Chase's low voice, accompanied by another, and the gentle sensation of her hands running over cheekbones. "Hey, guys. Wake up, I gotta talk to you."
As soon as Bailey opened his eyes, he reached out to stop her from bothering Lewis. "Leave 'em alone. He cried himself to sleep." At that point, he actually looked up and saw Ronnie, his favorite of Chase's friends. "Hey."
Ronnie returned the greeting, sitting down on one of the many chairs in the room. "Ezra and I are having a little get-together tonight, if you two want to come."
"I'm going because someone's gotta aggravate the shit outta Ezra," Chase told him. "Lewis needs to leave the house too. Make him come with you. He'll listen."
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