starring role || idk

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[ ik i used this title before too leave me alone // song is by marina and the diamonds

warnings: language, cheating

concept: 'you know i'd rather walk alone than play a supporting role if i can't get the starring role.'
an au where lewis never left his hometown, he's stuck between a rock and a hard place: sleeping with one of his friends and the realization that his friend's girlfriend might not like that fact too much.

stay safe,
lew. ]


He enjoys moments like this. Straddling the other man's lap, one hand tangled in his hair, the other dropping towards the hem of his shirt.

He enjoys it more when the other man leans in and starts kissing along his neck, fumbling with the button of his jeans and-

The phone rings.

Lewis gets gently shoved (if that's even possible) out of Alex's lap, tumbling on to the bed and staring up at the ceiling. Alex gets up, smooths down his hair and wipes his lips, and answers the phone, a bright smile as he says, "Hey, babe! Nah, I wasn't busy, what's up?"

And yeah. Lewis is definitely pissed off, staying on his back for a few moments. He uses his sleeve to wipe off his throat, then he buries his face into a pillow and groans.

By the time Alex comes back into the room, Lewis is practically asleep, the spare pillow cradled against his chest. The older man smiles fondly and throws a blanket over him.


"When are you gonna break up with her?" Lewis asks softly one night, curling closer in towards Alex. His head is resting on the older man's bare chest, hand tracing patterns on his stomach.

"I'm not breaking up with her," Alex tells him, sounding confused. "I love both of you, so I'm staying with both of you."

"Does she know about me?"

"She does... not. She just thinks you're an incredibly close friend."

"Alex. I don't wanna be your side bitch!" The younger man snaps, forcing his aching muscles to actually move. He gets up and tugs on his boxers, then fumbles with finding the rest of his clothes.

"Dammit, Lew, just sit down and let me talk-" Alex replies wearily, sitting up.

"You told me that you'd break up with her months ago. I'm tired of sneaking around and being your goddamn dirty little secret!" His words are punctuated with an angry little glare, marred by the tears pooling in his eyes.

"Lewis, baby-"

"Don't call me that. I'm going home, call me when you make up your stupid goddamn mind."


"Alex, you're fucking using me, and I don't wanna be the second best. I just... Forget it."

"You we're doing good until the last four words," his friend Chloe says, rolling her eyes as she paints her nails.

"You aren't helping, Chloe."

"And neither is rehearsing your words in the mirror. I'm close to just telling Shannon for you guys, all right?" She caps the bottle and looks up at him. "Go talk to him. The worst that could happen? Y'all call it off or Shannon finds out and kills you both."

"Thanks, Chlo, you just made me that much more anxious," Lewis groans, walking over to his desk. His phone chirped from his pocket, and the screen displayed a text.

from: alex 💕
i choose her. i'm sorry


[ idk that was really bad. i have a couple concepts, maybe pick one??

- tammy faye | murderer au
'cause i shoot the gun any chance i get. blood on my clothes and my hands, i've done it again'.
murder is an adrenaline rush, and chase is practically a junkie.

- (untitled as of yet) | based on textposts
based on textposts logan sent me about magic piercings / tattoos / etc

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