riptide || two

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[ the house in this is based on where i'm staying just fyi i might add pictures sometime??

warnings: language, alcohol, and mentioned drug use

stay safe,
lew. ]


Lewis spent a lot of time down on the dock, despite his fear of the water. He said it was easier to think down there, and within a few days, he'd filled up nearly half his notebook with ideas.

Logan picked through the notebook, sitting on the porch while Lewis basked in the sun, still on the fucking dock. Pages from before he arrived were nearly illegible, probably thanks to those empty bottles all over the place. But there were snippets of songs and an entire page of possibilities for a concept album.

Most of those were painfully simple, like 'finding yourself' or 'turning your life around'. The clearest one was 'falling in love with people you shouldn't', and the phrase was almost enough to hurt.

Jon, Spencer, and a couple other people were set to arrive the next day, so instead of bothering Lewis, he just set the notebook aside and made sure things were ready.

One of the garage bays had a couple camping cots set up, so along with the two bedrooms and the couches in the living area, they should be set. Not exactly comfortable, but it would work.

It was never a good idea to write in Lewis' notebooks, even if it was for the band. Yet another idiosyncrasy, but without all those, the guy wouldn't be the same.

Logan grabbed a few loose sheets of paper from a basket on the table, then grabbed an acoustic guitar from beside the door. The porch was a nice place to work, and it was clear why Lewis' family used this as a getaway from the city.

Logan worked on chords for a good half-hour before Lewis finally walked up the path. Instead of saying anything, he just walked past, then reemerged a few moments later with a joint, that he was in the process of lighting.

Once it was lit, Logan snatched it from him. "I thought you weren't doing this anymore."

"My brother said it might help the anxiety thing. I'm just trying everything I can without going to a doctor," Lewis replied, grabbing it back and heading over to the opposite side of the porch.

"That's not really healthy but whatever."

"Have you been able to figure anything out?" Lewis asked after a brief lull, cautiously getting up and moving to a closer seat.

Logan flipped through the notebook pages and his own notes, finally settling on a song that was accompanied by tiny doodles of the moon. "I'll play what I've got. See if you can figure out where I'm going with it and sing along."

Lewis groaned softly, exhaling a cloud of smoke. "Dude, I can't sing very well, don't make me do it."

"The guys are gonna be really disappointed that you called them out here and we don't even have the basic structure done for a single song."

"I'll share this with you if you don't make me sing."


It wasn't too long before the guitar and the notes were abandoned in favor of raiding the alcohol stash and going back down to the river.

Which, that was probably a really shitty decision, but whatever.

Halfway through the bottle of rum, Lewis capped it and set it aside, staring at Logan with a calculating look. "Stop me if i'm being stupid."


Lewis had practically crawled into Logan's lap and cupped his face in his hands, then crashed their lips together.


The rest of that night wasn't spent out under the stars, but instead in the bedroom Lewis had claimed. Lewis' head rested on Logan's chest like always, and he forced a laugh once his breathing had returned to normal.

"We always end up like this. What the fuck."

"It's hard to say, Lew. But... we should probably shower and go to sleep, the guys will be here in the morning."

"I'll change the sheets an' stuff if you wanna take a shower first," Lewis offered through a yawn, forcing himself to sit up. "If the shower was bigger, I'd say something dumb like 'we could shower together to save water', but that thing is ridiculously small."

"Sounds like a horrible time," Logan remarked dryly. "Sure you can handle this?"

"I'll be fine. Just go."

By the time Logan was done with his shower, Lewis had already got the bed remade with clean sheets, and was rifling through his clothes for pajamas.

It startled him when he turned back around and saw Logan getting into bed, honestly. "I, uh, thought you'd sleep in your own room."

"What, do you suddenly not like sleeping in the same bed as me?" Logan teased. "Thought it'd make it a little bit easier if someone decided to stay in here with you."

"That's fine by me," he replied, maybe a little too quickly.


[ this is shitty but lmao here it is ]

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