[ wow an idea // song is by paramore
warnings: language, mentions of drugs, withdrawal symptoms.
concept: when logan shows up at his house a few months after the breakup, lewis can't just turn him away.
stay safe,
lew. ]
It was supposed to be a quiet night alone at home.
He'd spent the past week out doing things, and he really needed time to recharge. And rightfully so, even though he was slowly taking steps to overcome his anxiety, it still clawed at him.
He'd already worked on one of the songs that was burning through his head. He was getting ready to make a snack or something when he heard the knock at his door.
A cursory glance outside revealed nothing, so he carefully opened the door-
-and almost slammed it shut again.
Logan was standing there, although it looked like he was barely keeping himself upright. Just seeing him made his anxiety spike, brain whirring into overdrive to come up with all the ways this could go wrong.
But he pushed it aside to open the door further. "What are you doing here?"
His eyes lit up just a bit, but it quickly faded out as he mumbled, "I dunno. Didn't know where else to go."
"You can come in, I guess. It's cold outside, where's your jacket?" Lewis muttered, pulling Logan inside and shutting the door.
Logan just shrugged, heading directly for the living room to sit down. Lewis went to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water, then stopped by the hall closet to grab one of Logan's jackets that had been left here.
The air between them was tense. Logan still seemed out of it, and Lewis didn't know what to say.
"I know you prob'ly don't wanna see me, an' I dunno how I ended up here," Logan murmured, taking the water and jacket that Lewis handed him. "I can go if you want me to."
"It's- It's fine. Don't worry." Lewis was oddly nervous, fidgeting and shifting his weight instead of sitting back down. "Are you hungry or anything? I was getting ready to make something when you knocked."
"I'm fine. Can I just crash on the couch for now? I'll leave in the morning, I promise-"
"I'm not that mean. You can take the guest room. It's a lot comfier than the damn couch. C'mon."
Lewis waited until Logan was on his feet again to head down the hallway. He stopped by the stairs to the basement, biting down on his lip before telling him, "I'm gonna be downstairs working on stuff. There's a bed down there you could sleep in, so if you need anything, I'll be able to hear you. Where do you wanna sleep?"
"Wherever you want. As long as there's a bed."
"C'mon downstairs, then. I'd feel a lot better 'bout letting you stay when I can check on you."
Lewis sang along softly as he played through the song, occasionally pausing to make corrections on the paper in front of himself. He was so focused that he didn't notice what time it was, until he heard the front door slam shut.
An anxious feeling hit him. But it faded as soon as he left his music room and saw the note taped to the door of the spare room.
Thanks for letting me stay. Sorry for showing up in the first place. It won't happen again, and I'm leaving before you notice so we don't have to deal with that awkwardness. -Logan.
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