pretty girl || more kid stuff

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[ idk the song has nothing to do with this i just like it // song is by hayley kiyoko

warnings: should just be language!!

concept: this is the one that's like an addition to 'doctor doctor' where ronnie and chase have to deal with each other because their daughters became friends

disclaimer: it has been a long time since i've consistently been around young children. i've forgotten how they tend to act.

stay safe,
lew. ]


"Mama!" Bee shouted, running up to Chase with an envelope in her hands. "I have a friend an' she wants me to come to a sleepover!"

"I'll have to talk to her parents, bumble. Need to make sure you'll be safe." Chase carefully took the envelope from her daughter, then grasped the young girl's hand tightly. "You ready to go home and help Uncle Bailey make cookies?"


Before they could start the walk from school to the apartment, Bee caught sight of something in the opposite direction and pulled her mother towards whatever it was.

"Mama, it's my friend and her dad, you can talk to 'em. Hey- maybe can we invite them over? Rosaline might have a lotta fun making cookies with us!"

"Calm down a little, honey, remember. I don't know your friend, and-"

"-we don't invite strangers home," Bee finished with a sigh. As soon as she stopped in front of the other girl, she was back to excited, babbling on even though her friend looked confused as hell.

Chase held out her free hand to the man standing there, who honestly looked just as confused as his daughter. "Sorry 'bout Bee- she's just... excitable. I'm Chase, and um, today the first time I've heard about our daughters being friends."

He briefly shook her hand. "Ronnie. It's nice to be able to put a face with the name. I-"

He got cut off by Bee, who tugged on his jacket sleeve. "Mister Rosie's dad, can you an' Rosie come over to my house? My Uncle Bailey is gonna help me make cookies and it's gonna be a lot of fun."

Chase sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose before she crouched down in front of her daughter. "Bumble, you can't just ask that. They don't know us. Maybe you can bring them some cookies tomorrow-"

"Excuse me. It's up to you, of course, but I wouldn't mind letting the girls play. We don't have anything to do at the moment, and it'll give you and I some time to chat."


Needless to say, Bailey was fucking confused when Chase came home with more than just Bee.

Before the children could bug him, Chase pulled her best friend in for a quick hug, pecking his cheek softly. "Bailey, this is Ronnie and Rosaline. And this is Bee's Uncle Bailey."

By then, Bee had practically climbed up the poor guy's legs, until he had no choice but to hold her. "You promised we'd make something today," she told him cheerfully.

To the girl, he said, "Yeah, kiddo, I know. Give me a few." Then, he focused on Ronnie, offering him a smile. "It's awesome to meet you! If you don't care, can your daughter help us? If she doesn't want to, or you don't want her to, it's cool. Me and Bee can wait."

He glanced down at Rosaline, who nodded almost eagerly. "If she wants to, I'm fine with it."

Bailey grinned as he put Bee back on her feet and knelt in front of the other girl. "Hi there. Wanna come into the kitchen with Bee and I?"

Rosaline slowly let go of her father and followed her friend, and soon enough, Chase and Ronnie settled down in the living room to talk.

"Sorry about the mess, Bailey must've just got home. Normally we don't have toys and stuff everywhere," Chase said, getting settled into her normal spot on the couch.

Ronnie just shook his head as he sat down in the chair. "I've seen worse. Don't worry."

"So, um, Bee told me that your daughter invited her to a sleepover? I told her I'd have to talk to you first just to make sure she'd be safe-"

"Of course she'd be safe. What kind of person do you think I am?"

"It's just... I don't trust people very easily. I'm trying to teach Bee that before she gets taken advantage of." She tried to laugh it off, but sighed and added, "I don't want her following in my footsteps and becoming a mom at like, seventeen."'

Ronnie seemed taken aback by that, so she forced a smile on her face. "Anyway, tell me about your family?"

Slowly, he nodded. "It's just my husband Ezra, myself, and Rosaline. We, um, used a surrogate. Rosie's biologically my husband's."

"That's dope, dude. Bailey's my best friend, and Bee... She was a mistake, y'know? But I'm glad that mistake happened. I love her more than I love myself."

The pair could hear laughter from the kitchen, nothing that raised any alarms. So they just let the kids have fun, occasionally hearing gentle reminders from Bailey like, "please wash your hands, bumblebee" and "Rosaline, dear, be careful so you don't get anything on your clothes".

Finally, though, Ronnie's phone rang, a family photo appearing on the screen. A look of something close to fear flashed across his features as he stood abruptly, letting the call ring out rather than answering it. "Rosaline and I need to go. It was lovely talking to you. We'll have to do this again."

"Same, bro. Uh, Bailey?" She called, waiting for her friend to come to the doorway. She then told him, "Can you watch Bee? I'm gonna walk them out, then I forgot I've gotta go back to work."

"Yeah, she can help me with dishes!"

By then, Rosaline joined her father by the door, a tupperware container full of treats held in her hands. As they went to leave, she turned and told Bee and Bailey, "Thank you. I had a great time!"

"Bye! See ya at school tomorrow!"


[ wow okay that was longer than i expected and had a lot more ways to continue than i intended.

bc- the phonecall was ezra, chase was lying about work, etc ]

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