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[ wow look more trash

warnings: language

this doesn't really seem like it's connected to the first part but it's supposed to take place on the band's first big-ish tour

stay safe,
lew. ]


The months after first hearing from his soulmate were hectic.

He spent a lot of time talking to her, and working on the band and the music with Logan. It was a busy time, but somehow, it was, like, the best time he'd ever had.

His mom had said something to him before they left on their first real tour, and it stuck with him. She had told him that, if it were a real thing, he and Logan would've been platonic soulmates. People just destined to be close friends.

"Don't let that boy go. You work too well together for any silly argument or anything to break that apart."

Lewis had scoffed and replied with, "He's my best friend, mama. I'm not gonna be losing him any time soon."

Now, crammed in the tour bus with the three of his bandmates and their manager, all he wanted was some alone time.

They stopped off at a roadside rest to stretch their legs and get some fresh air. The first thing Lewis did was call his soulmate.

Daisy, or Z, as she preferred, lived on the West Coast, so he knew it wouldn't be too late to call her. Hell, he'd settle for just getting her voicemail, because after dealing with his friends in such tight quarters, he needed a break.

He loved his friends a lot. But he could only handle so much of Logan singing loudly (even though he was supposed to be on vocal rest), Spencer drumming on random shit, and Jon throwing his shoes at Logan and Spencer. Let's face it, Jon had horrible aim, and if Lewis got hit with a flip flop again, he'd probably shove it down Jon's throat.

Thankfully, though, Z answered the phone. And that was just the boost he needed to get through the rest of this drive.

When he got back on the bus, Logan pulled him back through the bunk area and into their tiny bathroom. "Listen, Lew, I have a favor to ask."

"What's up?"

"Tomorrow night, after the show and everything- it's a hotel night- could you maybe crash with Spence and Jon? Ruby's supposed to be there and-"

"Don't finish that sentence. I'll see if they're cool with it," Lewis sighed, but before he could say anything else, Logan pecked the top of his head and left.

It wasn't too much longer before Lewis made his excuses and climbed into his bunk, pulling the curtain shut.

He didn't go to sleep or anything. He just scrolled through pictures on his phone and may or may not have cried while listening to his favorite band.

The song that came on shuffle was pretty much his anthem for this tour. Home by Bobaflex. Sure, all this shit was cool, but in the end, all you wanted was to be home. This was so disorienting.

He couldn't tell you what state they were in. He didn't know what routes they were taking. It was a mess and he didn't like it.

Soon enough, the curtain to his bunk was being pulled back, light streaming in as someone pulled out of his earbuds out. He knew it was Logan before the younger boy had even spoke, but the soft and caring tone just confirmed it. "I heard you cryin'. What's wrong, Lew?"

"I'm fine, just made myself nostalgic and sad again," he answered slowly, looking over his shoulder once he knew he'd be able to hide the tears in his voice.

"Bullshit. There's some other reason you're upset. Scoot over."

"Wha-? Dude there isn't enough room for both of us in here-"

Logan didn't care. He shoved himself into the bunk as well, squishing Lewis against the wall. "If you wanna talk, I'm here. If not, I'm still gonna be here because someone stuck their sweaty stage clothes in my bunk and it smells exponentially better here."

He pulled Lewis so he was laying halfway on top of his chest, his hand surreptitiously soothing along his spine. Lewis sighed contently, obviously not too annoyed at having been manhandled into this position. "I don't wanna talk. Maybe just sleep here with me, make up for kicking me outta our room."

"I think we can manage that." Logan slid the curtain closed again, then carefully pulled Lewis' quilt over both of them.

"Does Ruby mind how close you get with me?" Lewis asked after a pause, tracing his finger across a pattern on his friend's shirt.

"I don't know. I haven't asked. What does Z think of it?"

"She doesn't mind. It's like... you're my best friend, and getting close with you like this calms me down. And just 'cause that person's your soulmate doesn't mean you'll necessarily want to be with them."


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