[ im gonna get to hang out with friends like a normal person for once and i'm?? so here for it // song is by paramore!!
warnings: language, dumb shit
concept: i found dialogue prompts on tumblr again oops
stay safe,
lew. ]
"I'm tired, and my bed feels so empty without you here."
The video call was lagging a bit, things looking pixelated, but it was easy to tell that Lewis was wearing one of Logan's hoodies, curled up underneath his blankets with just the light beside his bed on. He definitely looked tired, the bags under his eyes more pronounced than normal.
"I know, baby. I'll be back in a couple days, I promise," Logan murmured, laughing a little as he added, "You picked a horrible time to get sick."
"I know. But my immune system was like, 'I don't care that you've got an award ceremony to go to, you're gonna get the flu'." Lewis managed a smile. "When do you hafta be at the place?"
"I need to leave in ten minutes. I'm already dressed up and everything," Logan replied, setting the phone down and standing up to show off his suit. "What do you think?"
Lewis whistled lowly, a grin on his lips. "You look really nice, you always do. And I'm over here rocking the 'boyfriend's hoodie and sweatpants' look."
"That's a good look too, just not award show material."
A knock on the hotel room door pulled Logan's attention away, but since it was just the other half of the band, he let them in, then went back over to the phone.
As soon as he caught sight of the other bandmates, Lewis waved and tried to sound cheerful as he told them, "Good luck, guys! Text me when you win!"
Jon and Spencer were only there for a few moments before Logan shoved them out the door again. "I'd better let you get some sleep, Lew."
"And I'd better let you get going. Your voice is gonna win us all the awards, and even if no one else sees that, I'll have a trophy for you back here, sunshine," Lewis murmured, blowing a kiss at the screen.
Logan repeated the gesture, looking touched by his words. "That's sweet. Get some sleep, baby, love you."
"Love you, too!"
When Logan got back, he was barely inside the house before Lewis practically threw himself into the singer's arms. "I missed you," he mumbled, pressing his face into Logan's chest.
"I missed you too," he replied, kissing the top of Lewis' head. "But can I at least take my shoes off before you pounce on me?"
"Why didn't you answer your phone?" Bailey muttered bitterly, kicking up dust as he and Chase walked home.
Chase sighed loudly. "B! I was working, I couldn't answer it!"
"It was an emergency! I forgot to say 'I love you' before you left for work and I felt bad!"
[ dead man walking au tbh (in case you don't remember, that's the one where chase and ezra are siblings!!) ]
"Can you please move the dead body out of the living room? My friends are coming over soon!"
Chase's voice was starting to really annoy Ezra, but if he didn't respond soon, she'd resort to coming into his room, and that wasn't something he'd want to happen. So he headed downstairs, yawning as he found her in the kitchen.
"It's a Halloween decoration. Tell your friends that, they're all stupid enough to believe it if they're stupid enough to be friends with you."
She idly swatted at him, but it was clear she didn't put any force behind it. "My friends aren't stupid, and it's starting to smell. I'd move it, but I literally can't unless I drag it and make a huge mess."
"You owe me for this."
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