[ i need to explain this bc that label makes no sense // song is by sons of an illustrious father
warnings: language, violence, knives (there's no mention of blood, but yeah)
concept: full blown demigod au. instead of just logan and harry and lewis being demigods, all (or most of them) are.
some of this is based on what i remember from the percy jackson books please shoot me
bailey - iris
chase - enyo
ezra - ares
stay safe,
lew. ]
"Bailey! C'mere!" Chase shouted, causing her roommate to come running. She heard the telltale thump that meant he definitely lost his footing and fell.
"Is everything okay?" He asked, rubbing the back of his head.
"Yeah, buddy, my phone isn't working so I was wondering if you'd help me get a message through to Ezra?"
"You don't need me to do it, Chase. You can do it yourself." He sighed, crossing his arms.
She rolled her eyes. "But when you do it, you don't really have to pay. Please, B?"
He groaned, but set up the call. As soon as Ezra's face appeared in the rainbow, Chase snapped, "Just because my mom works for your dad doesn't mean shit. Square up, asshole."
She then severed the connection and grinned at Bailey. "Thanks, babe."
"You're insane."
"You probably shouldn't fight her," Ronnie told his husband, almost warily resting his hand on his shoulder.
"You want me to let her get away with something like that? If I let her say it once without repercussions, she's gonna continue doing it. It's best to stop this before it gets out of hand," Ezra replied, shoving his hand away.
"Yeah... So, Chase is probably gonna get murdered soon," Bailey told Lewis, leaning against the kitchen counter as they talked.
Lewis hesitantly asked, "What did she do this time?"
"Made me IM Ezra for her so she could tell him to 'square up'. She makes horrible decisions. But she's still my best friend."
"Trust me, buddy, sometimes your best friend makes stupid decisions, and you still love them more than anything. Just don't let her choices mess you up too."
Bailey frowned and started to respond, but Lewis' phone started playing what sounded like a Queen song. The older man sighed. "Speaking of best friends who make questionable decisions... I gotta take this, B. I'll be right back."
"Whatever higher power stuck Chase in Ezra's path was really wanting a catastrophe, weren't they?"
"It's hard to tell, Lew."
"If they do fight... do you think you could help her out? I'd hate to see what Bailey would do if things got really bad, sunshine."
"If you're asking me to get between them-"
"No! Absolutely not! I mean... like, afterwards. Healing her up a little bit, I guess."
Finally, when Chase went to confront Ezra, the entire group was there.
Bailey had called Lewis in a panic, who in turn called Logan, who brought Harry along. Ronnie was already there, because, well, Chase went to the couple's house.
She really wasn't the sharpest knife in the drawer, because immediately, she shoved him- or at least tried. He didn't budge. Instead, he grabbed her by the shirt collar and lifted her up, holding her against a wall as he pulled out a switchblade.
Bailey, the poor guy, cried out, until Lewis pulled him in for a hug and let the younger man hide his face against his chest.
Chase still struggled wildly, kicking out with all her might, but it didn't help at all. "Let me go, you fucking psychopath!"
Ezra laughed, but it was a humorless sound. "That's not how this works, dumbass." Carefully, he carved a thin line into the flesh of her collarbone, slightly overlapping the old scar.
The only sound out of her mouth that time was soft, pained whimpers. Clearly, she didn't want to give him the satisfaction of hearing how much it hurt.
Lewis pulled his phone and earbuds out, letting Bailey drown out the sounds with some loud music.Logan already had one arm around Harry, but after a glance from Lewis, he put an arm around the smaller man's shoulders.
"You know... If you really wanted this to hurt, you would've used a dull knife. So... thanks," Chase managed to stutter out as Ezra was finishing up the cut.
And of fucking course- Ezra rolled his eyes and slammed the knife into her shoulder.
After that, he dropped her to the ground and walked away, giving the rest of them a steady glare.
Lewis tugged one of the headphones from Bailey's ear. "Listen, buddy, I need you to stay right here and keep playing with my phone, okay?"
"Okay, Lewis. I will," he replied as he shoved the earbud back in.
"How do you feel, Chase?" Logan asked, carefully surveying the damage.
"Not at all like some fucking asshole stabbed me," she snapped. "Why does this shit always happen?"
"Have you tried not mouthing off to people more dangerous than you?" Lewis replied, crouching down next to her and taking hold of her hand. "Try to relax, okay? Bailey's fine. You should really thank him, he called me, and I called Logan."
It was at that point that Logan pulled the knife out and clapped his hands over the wound, closing his eyes and singing softly.
Chase didn't gasp or make much noise at all, but she did squeeze the hell out of Lewis' hand. But soon enough, Logan was finished and Chase's new wounds just looked like old scars.
"Have you learned your lesson?"
"I dunno, it depends."
"On what?!"
"How bad Ezra pisses me off. I dunno."
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