[ i hate winter it's so dark and sad ugh // song is by stand atlantic
warnings: language
concept: there's a lewis and logan relationship thing and a lewis and ronnie friendship thing shoot me please
stay safe,
lew. ]
logan / lewis + snowday
"I don't want you driving when the roads look like this," Lewis told the younger man from where he was peering out the window.
The road looked like a sheet of ice, and the heavy snow coming down wasn't helping matters. This was the only reason Lewis had gotten out of bed; Logan had woken him up to tell the older man he was leaving. During the winter, it was practically instinct to check how icy the roads were before anyone left.
Logan could tell how worried his boyfriend was, so he slowly pulled off his jacket and kicked his shoes back off. "If I stay today, I need to actually go tomorrow, no matter how the roads look. Okay?"
"Fine," Lewis replied quickly, a relieved smile on his lips as he wrapped his arms around himself. "What do you wanna do today, then?"
"I dunno... You look like you're freezing though, babe. C'mere."
"I'm fine, sunshine. I'll just turn the heat up. Don't-"
He was cut off when Logan grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the couch. The taller man practically fell back on to the surface, and the force caused Lewis to fall on top of him. Logan just grinned up at him and tossed the blanket that was normally draped over the back of the couch over both of them.
"I think we can sleep here for a while and get you warmed up. Or maybe we could get up to something a lot more fun than sleeping," the younger man murmured, trailing his fingers up Lewis' side.
"Mhm... maybe later. You're warm and you smell really good," he replied drowsily, moving his head just enough to kiss Logan's shoulder.
"That didn't sound creepy at all."
———— ————
lewis + ronnie + photography
"Listen, I trust you enough. If you want, I'll get you a key for my house, and you can come over and take pictures or do whatever in the garden whenever you want," Lewis told Ronnie as the two of them got ready to part ways.
After Logan's death, Lewis made it a habit to check up on and catch up with Ronnie at least once or twice a month. He knew that Harry and Ezra both probably disapproved, but Ronnie was a grown man who could do what he wanted.
"It wouldn't disrupt your family, would it?" Ronnie asked, looking down at the older man.
"Nah. I mean, Z's gone most of the time at work and Ty's too young to care," Lewis told him, smiling back. "If I thought it would've been a problem, I wouldn't have said anything."
Ronnie thought it over, then hesitantly nodded. "That would be amazing."
"I'll get the key made for you, then. Just give me a call, I'll let you know when we'll be home so you can come get it." Almost shyly, he opened up his arms for a hug. "Stay safe, buddy. See you soon."
When Ronnie showed up, Lewis opened the door, looking tired but happy. "I'm glad to see you, man. Me and Ty were out in the garden, so c'mon."
He led Ronnie through the house and out the sliding glass door, a smile on his face as he simply says, "Make yourself at home."
There's a park bench that's in the shade given off by the apple tree, vines to match the ones on the guitarist's wrist draped over the back and growing over the armrests. That's where Ronnie sat, as Lewis collected the baby from the playpen underneath a different tree.
"It's gorgeous out here," he murmured, still taking in his surroundings. Even though some areas seemed chaotic, there was something beautiful in all the brambles and tangles of flowers.
Lewis' tired smile morphed into a full grin as he sat down with Tyler on his lap. "I'm glad you think so. I'm still working on it when I have time."
They sat in silence for a long while, until Lewis pulled the key from his pocket and gave it to the baby.
Immediately, Tyler held out the key, giving Ronnie a practically toothless grin. Ronnie smiled back and took the key, telling both of them, "Thank you."
———— ————
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