[ i can't believe an actual lyric in this song is "this is so sad, alexa play despacito" // song is by jon walker
warnings: should be just language and mentions alcohol
concept: lewis' behavior changes a couple weeks into tour. his friends fear the worst, but it's not what they think
this could morph into polyamory or something along those lines?? idk what i'm doing anymore
also i'm currently debating between alex greenwald and dan keyes for alex's fc?? idk man
stay safe,
lew. ]
Lewis started acting different a few days ago.
His bandmates noticed it, obviously. He left to head back to their hotel or their bus as soon as he changed out of his stage clothes. He constantly was on his phone, and the most anyone could get out of him in way of an answer was 'I'm texting, leave me alone right now'.
Most shocking of all, he didn't cling to Logan as much. When he got overwhelmed, he started texting again. It was starting to drive everyone up the damn wall.
"Someone's supposed to meet me down in the lobby in ten minutes," Lewis mumbled, locking his phone and shoving it back in his hoodie pocket.
Logan kept his eyes on the older boy as he got up from the table and put his boots on. At the last moment, he sat up and said, "I'm going with you."
Lewis looked a bit annoyed, but sighed and nodded. "If you're gonna come, get the fuck up. Please."
Lewis' fingers drummed against his thigh as he scanned over the groups of people in the lobby. He leaned on Logan, and the weight was familiar and something he'd almost missed in the last few weeks.
But that was gone as soon as a guy around Logan's height entered the room, and Lewis practically launched himself towards the guy.
There was something almost practiced in the way the unknown dude caught the guitarist, hugging him tightly and setting him down with a blinding smile. Lewis linked their hands together and led him over to Logan.
"Let's go back up to the room, okay? I'll explain when we get there," he told Logan, refusing to let go of the stranger's hand even as the other people in the lobby gave them odd looks.
As soon as the elevator doors closed, the guy kissed the top of Lewis' head with a certain level of fondness in his eyes. Logan realized what was going on, and tried to keep the astonishment off of his face.
When they got to the room, the first thing Lewis did was stand on his tiptoes to kiss the guy's cheek, which earned him another smile. He blushed before clearing his throat and saying, "Logan, this is Alex. One of my old best friends, and he asked me out a couple weeks ago."
"Who else knows?" was the only question Logan could manage to ask, laying back on one of the beds.
"Manager. He said 'Lex could come with us as long as we don't do any overly couple-y shit in public and he doubles as guitar tech," Lewis explained, sitting beside Logan and drawing his knees up to his chest. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I don't know what I was thinking, please don't be angry with me-"
"Calm down, Lewis. I'm not angry with you. I promise," Logan soothed, maintaining eye contact with his friend, who promptly decided that he needed to get a hug from someone. He laid down next to Logan and threw his arm over the younger boy's waist, grinning when his reaction was to play with his hair for a moment or two.
"As sweet as this is, can I have him for a while?" Alex asked from his spot on the other bed.
Logan heaved out an overly dramatic sigh, shifting both him and his bandmate into a sitting position. "Ugh, I guess. I get him when it's time to sleep, unless... Do I need to spend the night with Spencer and Jon to give you some privacy?"
"No," Lewis answered quickly, scrambling from Logan's bed to Alex's. He snuggled up to the older man and sent a smile towards his friend. "I'm not planning on sleeping with him, if that's what you're asking. You're safe to stay here, sunshine."
Like normal, when Logan came in from that night's party, Lewis was already asleep, curled up in the center of one of the beds. Unlike normal, Alex came in with Logan, taking the spot in front of his boyfriend.
Logan didn't say anything, but it was clear he was somewhat thrown off because hey, he was accustomed to coming back drunk and cuddling up to Lewis.
Surprisingly, it was Alex's gentle voice that stopped him from crawling into the other bed. "Hey, if you need to, there's room over here. I don't mind, and I'm sure Lew doesn't either. If you're used to sleeping beside someone, it's hell when you gotta sleep alone."
When Lewis woke up, the first thing he saw was Alex's face, a fact that made him smile as he reached up to brush the hair out of the older man's eyes. There was a moment of confusion, though, when someone's arm tightened around his waist, their cold nose on the back of his neck.
Lewis had been in distressingly similar situations before, and it honestly caused him to panic, struggling before the familiar sounds Logan made as he woke up filled his ears.
"S'okay, go back to sleep," the younger boy soothed sleepily, kissing the back of his neck out of habit. "'Lex said it was fine. It felt weird tryin' to sleep without you."
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