[ idk how far i'll get into this b4 i give up bc i don't have any sort of outline to follow and the original story had no real plot
warnings: language, demons angels and other various supernatural creatures, etc
this just turned into backstory for poachers pride and i'm not sorry
stay safe,
lew. ]
Three years after Alex died, Lewis was doing as well as he could be. Discovering that your boyfriend died a room away and you didn't know it was a hard thing to deal with, but he managed to move on.
He'd been talking to this guy named Logan for months, and he filled a gap that Lewis didn't even know was present in his life. Soon, he was staying over all the time, moving on and healing from his experiences.
Deep down, there would always be a part of Lewis that loved Alex, even though he was gone. Not a day went by where he didn't think about him, but he was getting better about it.
Then, Logan changed.
He didn't let Lewis cling to him, or hold his hand, or even kiss him. It hurt, yeah, but Lewis figured he'd just gotten tired of all the overly affectionate things he did.
One day, Lewis just got sick of it. He called Logan and left a message, saying "We need to talk, I'm gonna drop by your place after work."
When he got there, the door had been left standing wide open, which wasn't normal by any means. A strange car was parked in front, and that caused Lewis' stomach to drop.
Another person would explain how distant Logan had been, but he hoped it wasn't the case.
He crept inside the house, feeling guilty as hell. But something compelled him to keep walking.
A low murmuring chant originated from the bedroom, so that's where Lewis headed. Spray-painted on to the ceiling was a weird symbol, and the three figures in the room seemed to be having mixed reactions.
One was stuck underneath it, practically snarling at the other two. The girl (or at least Lewis assumed it was a girl, from the long blonde hair tied into a braid) tossed some sort of liquid onto the stuck one, while the man outside the circle kept up the chant.
Unfortunately, Lewis wasn't known for his grace, and he proceeded to topple over trying to get a better view.
Before he knew it, the girl had him pinned against the floor. She flicked whatever it was she'd been using in his face, turning to look at her companion when there wasn't a major reaction other than indignation. "Harry, he's not possessed. What do we do?"
Before the man- Harry- could answer, the guy in the middle of the floor screamed, black smoke billowing out and disappearing into the ceiling as he collapsed to the floor. That drew Lewis' attention, and caused him to cry out and struggle violently against the girl.
"Let me up! That's my- my boyfriend, what the fuck did you do to him?"
Harry glared at him, then said, "We got rid of the demon possessing my boyfriend." Then, he tossed the book he'd been reading from to the girl. "Z, it's up to you what we do with him. I'm going to check on Logan."
Carefully, Z got off of Lewis and pulled him into a sitting position. "You and I need to talk. I'm Z, and that's Harry."
"Lewis. I, um, didn't know-"
"Did you know a guy named Alex? Like, were you close with him?" She interrupted, moving a little bit closer.
He nodded, rubbing his eyes. "I dated a guy named Alex for like... five years. But he died, they said it was an overdose but neither of us had taken anything for like a week before that."
Z shot to her feet, pulling Lewis up as well. "We gotta tell Harry, I think I figured out the link!"
She pulled him along until they found Logan and Harry, who were sitting together in the trashed living room. Lewis couldn't look at the couple, from the intense guilt clear on his features.
"So, I think I know what happened!"
"Z, I don't want to hear this right now." Harry sighed, placing a soft kiss on Logan's cheek. Logan gave him a tired but fond smile, clutching his hand close.
"Suck it up, you're gonna hear it anyway," she told him, yet again pulling Lewis with her as she sat down on the floor.
Harry rolled his eyes, mumbling something that sounded suspiciously like "Americans".
"The entire time the demon was here, I kept hearing the names Alex and Lewis. This is Lewis, and all the signs lead to his boyfriend making a demonic deal and then obviously dying. I think the demon that possessed Logan was this Alex guy."
"Can you remember anything that happened to your boyfriend that seemed like it was impossible?" Logan asked, sounding worn out.
Lewis froze. It was surreal, because there was something so familiar yet so foreign about hearing this voice that'd been so sweet and loving over the past few months, and then- finding out it wasn't even him.
"Um... we ended up getting tickets to a concert that'd been sold out for months. Like... meet and greet, high tier tickets. Considering we were both broke high school kids."
A silence fell over the four of them until Harry sighed and asked, "Have you decided what you're doing yet?"
Z nodded, turning to Lewis. "Either you can come with us and learn how all this monster hunting works, or you can stay here and probably get attacked and killed."
"I'll go. What kind of question even is that?"
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