heavydirtysoul || intro to hella old project attempt # i lost count

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[ this is the project that logan and i became friends as a result of (i'm pretty sure jesus christ it's been like four years) 😊 // song is by twenty one pilots

warnings: this is literally about a demonic deal,,, language, angels and demons and hunters oh my,

concept: don't sell your soul for concert tickets.

stay safe,
lew. ]


"I need two tickets to the sold out blink-182 tour."

"You're selling your soul... for concert tickets? If you're that fucking stupid, you'll get your tickets and five years."

"Deal! My boyfriend is gonna be so psyched."


Alex forgot about the deal. Between finishing high school, starting college, and band commitments, his remaining attention went to said boyfriend and his family.

But the night his deal was up, he wasn't expecting it. Unable to sleep, he laid in bed, Lewis dozing peacefully beside him. Something felt off, but he couldn't place it.

Slowly, he shifted out of bed, sliding a pillow towards the sleeping boy for something to hold on to. Maybe checking the locks would help him settle enough to sleep.

Soon, a faint barking noise started as he checked the front door. None of his neighbors had dogs.

He took a deep breath and rubbed his ears. Maybe he just needed to sleep so badly he was hallucinating things.

Scratching from within the walls soon joined the barking. Alex blinked hard and sat on the bed next to Lewis, gently shaking him awake. "Baby, do you hear something?"

He blinked his eyes open, sitting up slowly. He paused to listen, then shook his head. "You're imaginin' stuff. Lay back down and try to sleep, 'Lex."

Alex sighed, running his hand through his hair. "I'm gonna take a walk. I'll try not to wake you up when I come back."

"Be careful. Love you," Lewis told him, shifting enough to kiss his cheek softly before laying back down.

He couldn't help the fond smile on his lips as he stood up. He carefully tucked the blankets back around the younger boy, pausing as he left the room to grab his jacket.

As soon as he left his bedroom, the sounds started back up with an intensity that made his ears ache. They only got worse the closer he got to his front door, but he still pushed on.

Then, all at once, the noises stopped. Now the silence was deafening, but it only lasted a few moments before the hounds tore into him.


[ okie dokie so let's talk about this concept.

in the original, we had alex selling his soul for comic-con tickets. then, after his deal was up (ten years), the hellhounds came for him. then after spending four or five human years in hell, he clawed his way back up and found his sister, who lived with an angel and had an angel for a best friend

the direction i want to take this in would add in some of the other characters such as:


so let's talk their roles.

lewis- obviously he's the boyfriend bc of some dumb shit from when i first made this account. he's the anchor bit, like the sister was in the original.

bailey- he'd be in one of the angel positions bc i love my sweet baby

chase- she'd be a new addition, possibly turning one of the angel positions into a hunter or another demon one.

logan- the idea i had for this would be that alex possesses logan's body, but they end up co-piloting?? to make it a lil worse, i could even say like,,, logan's with harry and add affair stuff in bc of alex's control, but honestly i was leaning towards having it in the time that logan and lewis dated but idk y'all this is new territory

but yeah here's my trash ideas + intro to this old ass project

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