hazy shade of winter || two

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[ uh i've been reading comics lately and i might do something based on danger days/the killjoy comic next??

warnings: language, general sibling bullshit

to reiterate: this all takes place during childhood and teen years (aka before hargreeves' death) but eventually i might do a post that's post death?? idk

stay safe,
lew. ]


"Sorry about my little sister," Ezra told the woman on the sidewalk, grabbing Five's arm to prevent the girl from running off. "She has the worst manners."

"It's fine," the woman brushed off, continuing on her way.

Five wrenched her arm away from her brother and smoothed down her jacket. "Embarrass me in public one more time, I dare you."

Ezra laughed, pulling a cigarette from his pocket along with his lighter. "See, that would sound like a threat, if you weren't five feet tall."


Ezra was at his normal spot at the table, a giant travel mug of coffee next to his bowl of cereal. He didn't say a word until one of his siblings walked into the room, and then he sighed out, "What if I poured coffee in my cereal instead of milk?"

Ronnie paused, then picked up the mug of coffee as he walked by. "Or, what if you didn't do that?"


"This is why Mom doesn't fucking love you."

Logan's voice boomed through the mostly empty room. He pretty much stopped, though, when Bailey burst into tears.

"No no no, don't cry— It's just a joke— Mom still loves you, don't cry."


"Not to worry. I have a permit," Five said smoothly, handing a sheet of paper to Logan as she slipped past him.

"This literally just says, 'I do what I want', and it's signed with your name."


"Dad is a mean person," Bailey said softly, staring up at the ceiling.

Ezra scoffed, capping his bottle of nail polish. "Come on, Bailey, you can do better than that."

He thought for a moment before stuttering out, "He's a grade-a bitch."

"There we go!"


Ezra tapped Ronnie's shoulder, prompting the boy to turn around. "Look, Rumor, I've got this beautiful rock."

In his outstretched palm, what looked to be an amethyst rested. He grinned and added, "Five oh so generously gave it to me."

"I threw it at you and somehow missed the growth on your neck that you call your head," Five snapped as she passed the pair.

It took everything Ronnie had to keep himself from laughing when Ezra murmured, "She's very sweet."


"Number Two, I need you to do something extremely important," their father said, sounding gravely serious as he knelt down to be on his son's level.

"Yes, sir?"

Bailey was practically vibrating out of excitement, because wow— his dad really needed him for once!

"Can you go find Number One? I need to talk to him and you're the one I trust to tell him."

"Yes, sir."

There went Bailey's good mood.


"Is it too much to ask for a hug?" Lewis mumbled nervously, standing in the doorway to the room that Ronnie and Logan shared.

Ronnie put aside his magazine and stood up, pulling the timid boy in for a quick hug. As soon as Ronnie let go, Lewis was practically crushed into Logan's chest in a tight embrace. "Got tired of getting robot hugs?"

At that statement, Lewis jabbed Logan in the ribs until he let go, then he left the room without another word. Logan looked down, then back up at Ronnie and asked, "Was it something I said?"

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