[ again, disclaimer: i'm one issue into hotel oblivion, and i haven't watched the show. things and details might not match up, and i'm keeping spoilers out of this as much as possible.
warnings: language, mentions drugs like once, kids doing dumb shit.
i've decided i won't be using number six bc i literally know next to nothing about him but according to volume one issue one he's very easily manipulated and naive
chase is referred to as five in this, with one mention of her name being cassie!
if you give me ideas about what you wanna see, another part to this will be soon!!
stay safe,
lew. ]
One day, all around the world, forty three babies were born in the exact same moment, all to single young women who displayed no signs of pregnancy.
Seven of those children were hunted down and adopted by a brilliant scientist. They all displayed various powers of sorts.
Assigned numbers by their adoptive father, and later on actual names by a nanny, the children grew up as siblings, known as The Umbrella Academy.
Number One, given the name Logan, codenamed as Spaceboy, possessed super strength and resilience. Excelling at everything he tried, he was almost the perfect soldier, even as a small child.
Number Two, Bailey, The Kraken, seemed off from the start. Fighting for attention with all those other children and comments from their father turned him into a more hardened and volatile person, unlike the sweet and kind boy he'd been before. His abilities included almost deadly precision and holding his breath indefinitely.
Number Three, Ronnie, the Rumor, was by far the most popular, not even considering his gift of reality altering. He was well liked by everyone he came across, and most siblings had a soft spot for the boy.
Number Four, Ezra, the Séance, could communicate with the dead, and possessed telekinetic and other psychic powers that were still developing. However, he seemed to be targeted more often by their father for experimentation.
Number Five, The Girl, a peculiar specimen, rejected the name given to her by their nanny. She could pretty much time travel, although the extent of her powers had yet to be found. She wasn't the easiest person to get along with.
Number Six, the Horror, was the victim of a tragic accident, leaving most of his siblings devastated.
Number Seven, Lewis, was the only one who didn't display any real signs of powers other than a slight proficiency at violin and other musical instruments. He tended to be isolated from the rest, not only by his own mentality, but by their father as well.
Here they were, a team of children slated to save the world. It started out small. Missions to help people around them, to diverting national crises, to even stopping an alien attack once.
But in their downtime, sibling rivalries surfaced.
Bailey tended to get upset when left alone too long. He was almost resentful towards Logan because of it, because he seemed to get all of their father's attention. It lead to his very sweet temperament turning sour into his teen years, only amplified because of Five's disappearance at age thirteen.
Logan was the golden boy, the perfect child, the one that received most of their father's attention in the waking hours. Most of his down time was spent either with his siblings or teaching himself guitar, no help from Lewis.
Five was a sullen, withdrawn child who spent most of her time either alone or with Bailey, and occasionally with Lewis when his gloomy, everybody-hates-me outlook didn't annoy her.
Ronnie actually had a lot of friends outside his siblings, but didn't get to spend much time with them due to all the training and experimentation. But as he grew up, he began using his gift with dishonesty to sneak out and have a little bit of fun on his own.
Ezra was the one who underwent the most testing, to the point of having brain scans done almost on a daily basis as his powers began to manifest and grow exponentially. He had a particular soft spot for the Rumor, and an almost bitter hatred at the knowing and teasing nature of Five as she began to take longer and longer trips into the future.
Lewis stayed to himself most of the time, fearing he'd be a distraction to his adoptive siblings and their missions. Since he was powerless, and no help in any of the situations, he became almost a personal assistant to their father, which was no way to spend a childhood.
But neither was being a hero, now was it?
"Number Seven-"
"Don't call me that, please. I have a name," the young boy mumbled bitterly, dragging a marker across the notebook he held.
"Not with me. I don't show any of your siblings such preferential treatment."
"Whatever." He sighed, getting up. "I'll go practice. I know you want me to leave you and the others alone to celebrate."
"Seven, come back here—"
"Leave me alone! I'm not your stupid experiment!" He shouted back, then slammed the door to the office closed.
On his trek back to his bedroom, he nearly tripped over Five, who had a knowing smirk on her face. "You've really pissed him off now, Seven."
"Oh, screw off, Five. Why don't you disappear for another two weeks?"
"What's the fun in that? Then I'd miss what the old man's gonna do with you now." She fell in line beside him, keeping her arms folded. "And I don't wanna miss it."
"Leave me alone, the last thing I need to deal with is you, Cassie-"
"Don't call me that. It's a stupid name-"
"Well, so is Seven! What's the use in having a number if I don't do anything? Mom named me Lewis," he mumbled, pulling on the sleeves of his sweater.
Five scoffed. "You're really calling that pile of plastic and scrap metal 'mom'? You've really hit a new low, there."
His temper flared up, and before he knew it, he shoved her petite body against the wall. "That 'pile of plastic and scrap metal' feels more human than you, you little bitch."
After that, he took off running into his room, slamming the door shut before she picked herself up off the floor. Once she was on her feet, she cupped her hands around her mouth and shouted, "Never thought you'd have the balls to say something like that, dumbass!"
Logan sat at the piano, gently pressing on the keys as Bailey and Ezra played a game of checkers. Ronnie was texting a friend, while Five kept popping in and out of the room sporadically and Lewis was sitting underneath the piano, up against the wall with his notebook.
Hesitantly, he kicked out his foot and tapped Logan's, telling him, "Play an octave higher."
His voice almost startled the leader, who apparently didn't realize that he was down there. "Seven-"
"It's Lewis."
"Buddy, I don't-"
And of course, Five had to poke her head into conversations she didn't belong, sitting on top of the piano like a complete idiot. "Spaceboy, One, whatever you are, our dear brother gets angry and violent when you don't call him by the name... 'Mom' gave him. Last week he shoved me into a wall."
"Hate to say it, Five, but you probably deserved it," Ezra added, using his powers to move his piece.
"You know what, Séance? I liked you a hell of a lot more before you started doing drugs." With that final statement, Five disappeared again.
"That was... actually pretty normal for a conversation around here," Bailey mumbled.
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