[ lew stop shitposting for this au challenge
two things before i start:
1: i realized i never gave the 'mom' a name and from what i understand her name in the show is grace, so we'll go with that
2: i'm bringing six into this, using my character formerly named 'whit', bc like a month or two ago, i renamed him 'ben' and forgot oops (what a coincidence huh)
stay safe,
lew. ]
"Bailey, honey, what do you have?" Grace called, seeing him running with something in his hand.
Normally, it would've been something innocent, like one of Logan's masks or Ezra's toys, but unfortunately, that wasn't the case. "A knife!" He shouted cheerfully, dashing past her.
"Bailey, no!"
"You do as I say!" Logan practically roared, looking at his siblings.
And of course, Ezra had something to say about that. "This is not a dictatorship. This is America. Give me liberty or give me meth!"
From beside him, Number Six, Ben, mumbled, "It's 'give me liberty or give me death'. Not meth."
"Shut up, I don't care," Ezra replied, earning himself concerned looks from the others. "What? Can't a guy talk to his dead sibling and not get looked at like he's insane?"
"Are you a big spoon or a little spoon? I bet you're the little spoon," Ezra murmured, staring at Bailey, who was clutching his boyfriend's hand.
"I'm a knife," Bailey replied, giving his brother the iciest glare he could manage.
Declan, his boyfriend, grinned and shook his head. "He's the little spoon. Very cuddly and just wants to be held."
"Dammit, babe, we don't tell Ezra shit like that because he can't keep his mouth shut and I have a reputation!"
"Yo, Ezra, did you eat the donuts I bought?" Bailey asked, searching through the cabinets.
Ezra wiped his hands on his jeans, swallowed the food in his mouth, then hastily replied, "Nope!"
Bailey looked at his brother and sighed. "Then... What's that powder on your jeans?"
Without hesitation, he said, "That's cocaine."
"What are you, three?!" Five shouted up at Logan.
"Yeah. Three feet taller than you," he snapped.
Not even a minute later, she pounded on his bedroom door with more force than she should've had. "Open the fucking door, coward!"
"I was joking! Can't you take a fucking joke?!"
Ronnie and Five stood in front of Ezra and Bailey, who were sitting on the couch looking rather guilty.
"Okay, Bailey, what's the new rule?" Ronnie asked, his hand over his eyes.
"No more daring Ezra to do stupid stuff," he sighed, staring down at the floor.
"And why don't we dare Ezra to do stupid shit anymore?" Five prompted, arms crossed over her chest.
"Because I have no regard for my personal wellbeing?"
"Exactly!" Ronnie and Five spoke in unison.
"Truth or dare."
"Truth?" Ronnie answered uncertainly.
Ezra grinned. "What's your credit card number?"
"I meant dare."
"Dare you to tell me your credit card number."
"Um, I have a question," Lewis murmured, awkwardly rubbing his arm as he tried (and failed) to make eye contact with Bailey and Grace.
"What's wrong, sweetie?"Grace replied instantly, a concerned expression on her face. It was easy to forget that she wasn't human, honestly.
"I, uh, forgot my pills at home, and I was wondering if D-dad had any extras here."
Grace turned to Bailey and adjusted the collar of his shirt as she asked, "Would you be a dear and get your brother's medication from your father's desk drawer?"
"Of course, Mama," he answered immediately. Before he left the room, he reached out and gently ruffled Lewis' hair. "I'll be right back," he promised.
One he had left, Grace focused back on Lewis. "Did you forget to take them this morning?"
"Yes. I was just focusing on getting here, and it slipped my mind. I don't normally forget them." His voice got incredibly soft as he murmured, "I missed being around everyone."
"You don't have to stay away, honey. You're always welcome back here. I promise."
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