[ yo here i am again with this bullshit
warnings: language, sibling bullshit, violence; these are literally taken directly from a prompt list
also idk if i spelled the mannequin's name right but oh well
stay safe,
lew. ]
"I hate you."
Five's voice was rather soft and hard to hear, but that could've been due to the fact that Ezra had headphones on. He wasn't listening to music, but still.
"Why? I'm lovely."
"Just give me the damn coffee."
"You're a thirteen year old addicted to caffeine. If you can kick that habit, I'll try to kick one of mine."
"Séance, might I remind you that I'm almost sixty fuckin' years old. I want my coffee."
"Are you clinically insane or incredibly annoying?" Five grumbled, rubbing her eyes as she watched Ezra (who was obviously high on something) pick through her clothes that no one had bothered to get rid of in the past decade.
He shrugged. "I don't know, probably both." Then, he threw an outfit to her. "Get dressed, we're going on a mission."
"It's a long story," Five mumbled, staring up at the ceiling rather than at any of her brothers.
"You conned us into thinking you were dead for eleven years or so. We have time." Logan rolled his eyes, gesturing towards the empty chair in the room. "Sit down, stupid."
"You look..." Lewis seemed to be struggling for words at his brother's appearance. The unbuttoned shirt, a goddamn skirt of all things, and a pink feather boa.
"Beautiful, I know. Can we move on?" Ezra struck a pose for just a brief second, then grinned and grabbed his umbrella.
Lewis smiles back hesitantly, but said, "I'd agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong."
"If you could even comprehend where I've come from, you would be terrified of me." Five snapped, hands tangled in her blonde hair.
"I've been alone in a fucking hellscape with just my thoughts and half of a storefront mannequin named Deloris for like forty plus years! And I don't know if I imagined it or not, but she talked to me! I think I was falling in love with a goddamn piece of plastic!"
Ezra was silent for a long moment, then told her, "Five... Eat a Snickers. You're not sane when you're hungry."
"Shut the fuck up before I stab you."
"I'm trying to have a serious conversation with you!" Ronnie shouted, following Ezra down the hallway.
"And I'm trying to subtly avoid it!" Ezra replied, then slammed the door shut in his brother's face.
"I don't give a damn about this family anymore!" Lewis shouted, setting his violin down before he dropped it or slammed it until the ground.
"You give so many damns they're visible from SPACE," Bailey snapped back, one of his knives ready in his hand. "Logan could see them from the fucking moon!"
"Is that blood?" Ronnie asked, a concerned frown on his lips.
"No?" Bailey was obviously lying, if the shredded and bloody shirt on the floor was any indicator. The bandages he had pressed to his side only added to Ronnie's distress.
"That's not a question you're supposed to answer with another question!"
"Can you please go be stupid somewhere that's away from me?" Bailey asked, sighing loudly.
Ezra seemed to consider that as he popped open the pill bottle in his hands. "Hmmm... Nope!"
"You forgot me." Lewis' voice was soft and hesitant, his eyes not moving from their focal point at Logan's feet.
"It was an accident."
"Fuck you."
"Look, if you want to conjure some demon spawn from the great beyond, that's all fine and dandy. Just wait for me to leave before you start," Lewis snapped, heading for the door. "This is not what I signed up for-"
"Stop being a little bitch and sit down. None of us signed up for this shit."
[ here's a bonus lmao ]
Five, Ezra, and Bailey were in the bowling alley, waiting for a call or signal from Logan or Ronnie. It was boring, and as a way to help the time pass, the three of them played game after boring game.
"Excuse me," a lady interrupted, her arm around her rather awkward looking son. "It's my son's birthday today, and, if your dads don't mind, it might be nice to play with someone your own age."
Five looked shocked at first, but it soon faded into annoyance and disgust as she said, "I'd rather chew my own foot off."
The lady looked alarmed and quickly made her exit, but Ezra and Bailey could be heard bickering in the background.
"Bro, even if we weren't related, you'd be the last guy I'd date."
"Excuse me! You would be privileged to have me!"
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