death cup || rewrite of 'roommates'

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[ cool // song is by mom jeans.

the original of this is over four parts in holographic (stories one), featuring genderbent lewis

warnings: language, eventual character death, blood, hospitals, etc

concept: lia lives with logan and harry, and just another day goes horribly wrong

this was a good au and then dumbass me had to pull that dumb fucking plot twist

stay safe,
lew. ]


Lia didn't have much to do anymore, and that's how she found herself cleaning the entire goddamn house.

She'd moved in with Logan and Harry a few months ago, after she broke up with her long term boyfriend. Logan had been the one to suggest it, although Lia figured her mother had something to do with it, because Harry didn't like her too much.

She liked it well enough. Her best friend was easily accessible, which was the best part.

She cleaned up her room first. It was orderly in no time, so she put on some of her favorite music and started on the rest of the house.

Neither of the men who lived here were slobs, so there wasn't much to do other than dust. So, being a complete idiot, she started a batch of cookies, then started working on a flower arrangement.

Logan came home not too long after she was done baking. He seemed thrilled that she was out of bed, greeting her with an enthused smile. "How you feeling today?" He asked, pausing to kiss the top of her head as he walked by.

"I'm feeling better," she replied honestly, returning the smile as she put down the flower she held. "How did your record label thing go?"

"They're not happy that I want to end the contract. But technically, that contract was for all four of us, not just me and Spence. It's already ended, at least I think it has," he shrugged.

"I dunno, buddy. They'll get stuff sorted out soon."

"I gotta leave to go pick up something in a few, you'll be okay by yourself again, right?" He asked, pausing right behind her.

She rolled her eyes, turning to face him. "I'll be fine. Go get whatever it is. Harry isn't here to tell you to be careful, so... don't be stupid," she laughed, leaning in and hugging him, her head on his chest.

He obviously hugged back, grinning down at her. "I'm always careful, Lia. Don't worry about me."

"Get out of here. The sooner you leave, the sooner you get home."

About an hour later, the front door opened again.

Lia had already fielded a phone call from Harry ("yes, I've seen Logan. No, he's not here right now."), as well as a few texts from the man himself. But nothing prepared her for what just walked in the door.

"Hey, Lia? Don't freak out, okay?"

At the sound of Logan's voice, soaked in pain, Lia ran out of the kitchen, her socked feet almost losing purchase on the hardwood floor. "Logan? What the fuck—? Are you bleeding?"

"I said 'don't freak out'," he groaned, pulling his shirt off as he pretty much collapsed into a chair. "Can you fix this?"

She knelt down beside him, gently wiping away some blood with his discarded shirt so she could see. The wound itself wasn't that big, but with the blood it was pumping out, it had to be substantially deep. This was more than she could stitch up.

"We need to get you to the hospital," she told him, taking in a deep breath as she put pressure on the wound. She managed to keep her voice level, despite the panicked look in her eyes. "I don't know how far in this goes. I'm gonna call an ambulance, and we need to call Harry."

"Can we call Harry first?"

"If we hurry it up."

She fished her phone out of her hoodie pocket and dialed the number, putting it on speakerphone. "Lia, I'm busy. What are you bothering me about this time?"

"Harry, baby... Lia's gonna call an ambulance when we get off the phone with you. Something happened while I was out today, and I need you to meet us at the hospital."

Since an ambulance was called, and Lia wasn't immediate family, she couldn't go with her best friend. Instead, she found herself talking to a police officer while she tried to clean up bloodstains.

"I dunno, sir. He just came in the house and was like 'don't freak out'. And when I saw him, it was like, 'dude, what the fuck you're bleeding'." There were tears in her eyes as she worked.

The officer sighed and rested his hand on her shoulder. "So you don't have any idea of what really happened?"

She shook her head, wiping her eyes with the sleeve of her hoodie. "I've been at home all day. I don't even know where he went. All I know is that Logan leaves perfectly fine and comes back with a stab wound."

He gave her a sympathetic smile. "I have to go past the hospital to get back to the station. I could take you there if you'd like to check up on your friend."

"That would be amazing, sir. I'll go get ready."


[ part one bc this is driving me crazy trying to finish it all ]

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