[ i already have three drafts with ideas for this book please help.
warnings: language, mentions of drug abuse.
stay safe,
lew. ]
"Okay, Mr El-Amin, what makes you think you deserve to go through this?" Liatris asked, holding a notebook against her chest. The look she gave Logan was a challenging one, and he returned it.
"Because you love me and want to be in a band with me?" He tried, the challenging look melting into a pout.
Her face turned as red as the roses outside as she slowly handed over the book. "I spent all night copying lyrics out of my other books because there's really personal shit in there that you aren't allowed to know yet."
"That explains why you look like hell," he nodded, studying her face as he took the notebook. "You have eyeliner on your forehead."
"Really?" She sighed, pulling her phone out of her pocket, and a tissue from her backpack. She got the smudge wiped off, using her phone camera to check to see if that was the only fuck up. Luckily, it was, so she put both items away. "So, dude, my mom isn't gonna be home this weekend, so you wanna stay over and work on this band shit?"
He was concentrated on the pages of the notebook, reading over the green-inked words carefully. It was clear he hadn't heard her, especially when he frowned and held out the book, pointing at a scribbled out part. "What's this word supposed to be?"
"Uh... it's supposed to be 'whore'," she told him, rubbing the back of her neck.
It was probably midnight or so when the two of them stopped working on perfecting the lyrics.
Logan leaned back and stretched, giving Lia an amused grin when her eyes were practically glued to him.
She faked a yawn, dropping her notebooks and papers to the floor. "What do you wanna do now?"
"I dunno. Get to know each other better?" He suggested.
She shrugged, pulling her knees up to her chest again. "You go first, dude."
"Ladies first, Lia."
"What's your favorite song?" She asked, resting her cheek on her knee. "Can't think of anything better."
"I don't have one. I like a lot of music," he answered simply, shrugging. "You?"
"I really like this one called 'So Long As We Keep Our Bodies Numb' by Midtown."
"I'm gonna pretend like I've totally heard that one. Cool. Favorite color?"
"If black doesn't count, then pastel green. Got any hidden talents?"
"Sometimes, when I get really excited, the power goes out. It's a weird coincidence," he told her casually. "Let me be a fuckboy and ask, are you a virgin? You don't have to answer if it makes you uncomfortable-"
"I'm not. Haven't been since I was fourteen," she answered, seeming to curl in on herself a little bit more. "I kinda regret it, though."
"I'm not either," he replied, folding his hands over his stomach. "Uh... What's your biggest secret at the moment?"
She froze. "I kinda have more than one big secret."
"Share one. I'll tell you something really personal too, so we're even."
"I, uh, had a problem with substance abuse thanks to my shitty 'bandmates' and 'friends'," she admitted after a long pause.
"It's in the past, though, right?" He asked, sounding concerned.
She nodded, laughing a little. "Yeah, I'm like a year and a month or so clean. I don't think I'm gonna relapse anytime soon."
It was his turn to hesitate. He laid down on her bed, staring up at the ceiling before he quietly said, "I ran away from home. I live with a friend- Harry Brooks, you've probably seen him around school."
"I've seen him around. I'm glad you've got somewhere," she told him, reaching out to gently touch his knee. She took another deep breath, then told him, "I slept with most of my old bandmates."
"As long as it was consensual, more power to you."
"It was... mostly consensual? Only one of those relationships fell within legal limits, and the other one could've gotten the singer from my band thrown in jail," she admitted, using her free hand to brush hair out of her face as she laughed. "Gods, I shouldn't be telling you all this shit."
"I'm glad you trust me enough. Something tells me that you haven't told very many people," he told her.
She was silent for a long moment, then she softly asked, "Can I have a hug?"
He didn't respond, but he sat up after a moment and pulled the older girl in for a tight hug.
"Chloe, he's like, perfect," Lia murmured into the phone, checking her hair and makeup in the mirror. "I just... I dunno why he's hanging around me. I'm a disaster waiting to happen."
"Liatris Ryan Williams. I'm gonna fly out there and kick your ass. Stop being so hard on yourself," Lia's other best friend sighed, obviously rolling her eyes. "I have to go, though. Your brother just turned on the stove so I have to supervise him. Love you!"
"Love you too," she replied, then hung up. She paused in front of the mirror before getting dressed, in a white button up and plain black skirt.
Their band was gaining momentum. Surprisingly, Lia liked hanging out with the guys Logan had invited to join, at least to an extent. Brent could go suck a dick, but Jon was cool. She enjoyed his company.
They had a show that night. They practiced their set until Lia and Logan deemed it perfect, and then they practiced more on their harmonies. It was going to be perfect, if Lia's nerves didn't get the best of her.
Once she made herself presentable, she waited for Logan to get there, her laptop open on the logo and single artwork designs that her brother and future sister-in-law sent her. She had already forwarded the designs to the rest of her bandmates, but hey. She was proud.
When Logan got there, they loaded up her amp and guitar, then went up to her room to chill out for a while. He sprawled out on her bed like he normally did, and she laid with her head on his stomach.
"Are you nervous?" She asked softly, reaching up to poke his cheek.
He laughed, capturing her hand in his. "Definitely not. Are you?"
She didn't struggle, she just shrugged. "Kinda? I always get nervous before shows. I'm used to playing bass, playing guitar in a show is a bit of a new one to me."
"We're gonna do great," he told her gently. "Don't worry 'bout it, Lia."
"Dude... I think you're my best friend. And I think it's probably too early in our friendship to say it, but I love you, man."
"Love you too, plant girl."
[ okay so: new au ideas
- pints of guinness make you strong | against me!
the au where chase and logan become drinking buddies
- second emo | fall out boy
the au where lewis and logan have separate bands and kinda hate each other
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