anthem for... || genderswap teen au

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[ iDeAs . // song is anthem for a seventeen year old girl by broken social scene (or there's a good cover by nicole dollanganger)

warnings: language

concept: a genderswapped teen au where lewis' crushes get ten times worse tbh

i spent like twenty minutes looking for an appropriate flower name for lewis' swapped name for this okay. flower names are fuckin complicated. we're going with liatris

a little guide:
lewis - liatris / lia
logan - lana
ronnie - veronica / ronnie
i think ezra and harry aren't going to change at all, and chase and bailey's names are staying the same

stay safe,
lew. ]

Lunch was always a weird time.

Lia preferred to go outside and have a cigarette to calm her nerves, but her friend almost always wanted to go to the cafeteria and sit with the third member of their little trio. So she mostly stayed inside.

"Bailey, honey, you do know that your shirt is on inside out, right?" Lia said gently, ignoring all the stares from the other teens in the room.

"Wait, really?" She seemed confused, but sighed loudly and stood up, grabbing the older girl's hand. "Come with me to fix it, please?"

Lia glanced across the table to Bailey's best friend, a guy named Chase. He made a face, but nodded. "I'll watch your stuff, go on. If anyone tries to bother it, I'll kick their ass."

Chase was about as intimidating as a middle schooler, but it was better than lugging her guitar to the bathroom with her, so Lia nodded and left with Bailey.

And Bailey, that sweet naïve idiot, started to tug off her shirt as soon as they got to the bathroom, not even bothering to check if anyone else was there.

Of course, a cheerleader and her friend were standing at the sinks. Great.

"B, stop!" Lia hissed, grabbing the back of the younger girl's shirt to pull it back down.

Unfortunately, that caught the other girls' attention, a startled laugh coming from the blonde.

Immediately, Lia began apologizing, ushering Bailey into a stall so she could fix her shirt without flashing her tits to everyone. "My friend was homeschooled up until the beginning of the year, please don't mind her. Sorry about that."

"It's fine," the taller girl- a cheerleader, if Lia remembered right- assured her, flashing a smile and, yeah, there was no doubt about it, Lia definitely wouldn't mind getting to know this girl. "Luckily, she's got a good friend."

Lia was an idiot and ended up with crushes on everyone, especially ones with gorgeous smiles, honestly.

"My other best friend is better!" Bailey chimed in, fixing the hem of her shirt as she joined the rest of them. "No 'fense, Lia, but I like Chase better."

"Chase, as in the 'I'll fight everyone and their grandmother' boy?" The blonde asked, sounding amused.

Bailey nodded excitedly, running her fingers through her hair. "That's him!"

"Ezra knows him," the blonde explained to her friend, a little smile on her face. Louder, she introduced herself. "I'm Ronnie, you probably knew that, though. And this is—"

The bell signifying the end of lunch cut her off, as well as Lia's soft cursing as she headed for the door. "It was lovely to meet you, but I gotta get going before Chase abandons my guitar in the cafeteria. C'mon, B."

"See ya!" Bailey said cheerfully, waving at the other girls before pausing and telling them, "You're both really pretty! Hope I can talk to you again soon!"

Bless that child.


[ this is a part one lmao i love genderswap stuff ]

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