Addison's P.O.V ~
"Addisoooooon! You're taking forever!" Natalie yelled at me as I was in the middle of packing.
We just got out of school and now had a week off for break, so we were both getting ready to head off to the airport to meet Harry and the lads while they're on tour. I decided to invite Nat since I promised her I would spend break with her, but I wasn't looking forward to it. Natalie still didn't like Harry that much and who knows how they'll act around each other. I was just hoping Natalie would warm up to one of the other lads so she would back off. Don't get me wrong, I love Natalie but sometimes she's very.. intense.
"Nat, I've been home for five minutes! Just give me a sec!" I yelled back and rolled my eyes at my red headed best friend.
"Fine, but if we miss the flight I'm blaming you." She scoffed and plopped down on my bed only to pull out her phone. We both stayed silent as I continued to pack for a minute until Natalie decided to speak again.
"Who do you think I'd look better with? Niall or Liam?" She asked me.
My head snapped up and my eyes widened at her. She couldn't be serious. While I was trying to stay out of the spot light, she wanted in.
"Ha! You should see your face!" Natalie laughed, her dimple prominent. "I'm only kidding Addie. But if it happens, it happens." She joked and I shot her a glare.
"Shut up and help me pack." I whined and threw one of my shirts at her.
"Fine, fine! If it means that you'll move faster, I'm all for it!" She told me before she got up from the bed and started to pull clothes from my closet.
My mind traveled to Harry, like it usually did. Ever since he asked me to tag along on his tour, I couldn't help but wonder why. I understood that he missed me, and I miss him more than anything. But the situation still perplexed me.
"Hey, Ad! Earth to Ad!" Natalie said and threw one of my bras in my face.
"What?" I said angrily and put the bra in my suitcase.
"You keep zoning out, it's freaking me out." Natalie said before placing a large pile of clothes next to my bag.
"Did you even look at those?" I asked her and eyed the pile. She just shrugged and started to fold them.
"I'm sure there's some good things here. Not like what you wear matters, Harry will probably tear it off of you anyway."
"Nat!" I yelled and swatted her arm.
"What?! You know it's gonna happen. I'm surprised it hasn't yet."
"Can we please talk about something else?" I pleaded. Natalie shrugged again and put some clothes in my suitcase.
"There's no need to be embarrassed, Harry's probably done it plenty of times before." Once she realized what just came out of her mouth, Natalie's eyes widened and smiled at me as if to say "sorry."
"Thanks for the reminder." I mumbled and zipped up my suitcase.
I'm not stupid, I know Harry has been with other girls and has slept with other girls. I just don't like being reminded that he has. It makes me feel.. not so special. It makes me angry knowing someone else was able to have that moment with him when I've been waiting for him since I was 14. It was aggravating, frustrating, and humiliating. I don't want to be known as another one of Harry's bed mates. I want to be known as his girlfriend.
"I need to pee, so I'll be right back." Natalie said before she walked out of my room to the nearest restroom.
I placed my suitcase by the stairs before I walked back into my room. I was going to go sit on my bed, when my attention shifted to my dresser. I thought back to when Harry first came back to Cheshire and I noticed that bracelet, out bracelet. I didn't mention it to him, I just acknowledged it when we would hang out by noticing that it was still on his wrist. He never took it off, even though it looked like it would fall off any day now. It was like he never took it off in the first place while I never put mine back on.
I started to chew on my bottom lip when I walked over to my dresser and opened the top drawer. My hands felt around until I felt the familiar fabric and I wrapped my fingers around it. I pulled it out of the dresser and stared at it for a moment. I hesitated before I wrapped it around my left wrist and tied a double knot to make sure it wouldn't fall off.
It was a step, a small one, but it was a small step in the right direction. Right as I put it on, I heard Natalie walk back in. I turned around to see that her eyebrow was raised and her eyes traveled down to my wrist.
"What are you doing?" She asked me and crossed her arms.
"Um.. Putting my bracelet back on." I said quietly and walked over to grab my bag.
"Wait, THE bracelet? The one Harry gave you a billion years ago?"
"Uh, yeah." I said and ran my fingers through my hair.
"Why are you putting it back on?" She asked, suddenly sounding annoyed.
"I don't know Nat, it seems appropriate." I snapped at her and threw my bag over my shoulder.
Natalie stared at me for a moment and her green eyes softened.
"You really love him, don't you?" She asked me.
I looked up at her and nodded and started to chew on the inside of my cheek.
A warm smile spread across Natalie's face before she grabbed her own bag and walked over to me and engulfed me in a hug.
"I glad you're happy Ad, but don't let him get away with anything." She said before letting me go. I smiled back at her and followed her out of my room before I grabbed my suitcase.
I love Harry with every fiber of my being, I just hope he doesn't break me like he did before.
AN: sorry i forgot to update yesterday, I was super busy! & I'm sorry this chapter is short it's more like a filler for the next chapter :)
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