Chapter 18

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Harry's P.O.V ~

It's been almost three weeks since I left for the tour, and everyday felt like a year. I tried not to think too much about it because it would only make me feel like shit, and that was the last thing I needed while I'm on tour.

But today I had no time to think about Addison since we had an interview this morning and a show later on this evening. I honestly didn't feel like doing any of that, but I knew management would be on my ass if I didn't. So I sucked it up and knew that when this day was over I would be able to talk to Addison.

"C'mon Zayn! We have to leave right now mate!" Liam yelled at Zayn.

Liam, Louis, Niall and I were waiting in the living area part of our hotel room while Zayn was still getting ready. Right when Liam was about to yell again, Zayn came running out of his room looking like he just woke up five minutes ago.

"Alright, I'm ready." He mumbled and ran his fingers through his already messy hair.

"If it took you long enough." Niall joked before Zayn shot him a death glare. Niall just shrugged and started to walk out of our hotel room.

All of us followed and got to the lobby safely thanks to our body guards. We managed to get to our car despite all of the screaming fangirls that were now surrounding our hotel. Yes, being mobbed everywhere we went was beyond annoying and I would probably never get used to it. It came with the territory, I knew that. I just wished our fans would respect our personal space.

We finally got into our car and I ended up in between Liam and Zayn while Louis and Niall sat behind us and our driver sat in the front.

"Off to the interview!" Louis yelled and stuck his fist in the air. Usually, we would all yell with him but it was way too early for that.

"Really? No one?" Louis asked. Zayn turned around and smacked Louis on the back of his head before turning back around.

"Ha! He just smacked you!" Niall said and started to laugh uncontrollably.

"Shut up Niall!" Louis said and glared and Niall before we all went quiet again.

"So Harry, have you talked to Addison lately?" Liam asked me in an attempt to make conversation.

"Uh, yesterday actually. We talked on the phone for a couple minutes but she had to study for her English exam." I responded.

I didn't want to talk about Addison right now since I knew the interviewer would ask questions about her already. This would be our first interview since everyone found out about us and there was no way they wouldn't ask about her.

"Well at least-" Liam was about to say but I cut him off.

"Can we talk about something else, please?" I asked and Liam went quiet along with everyone else.

I didn't say anything else for the rest of the ride as the lads continued to make conversation. I just wanted this damn interview to be over with.


"So boys, how many of you are single?" The interviewer, Andrea, asked. The one question everyone asked and everyone knew the answer to.

Liam and Niall raised their hands while Zayn, Louis and I kept our hands down. Andrea smiled before she continued with her questions.

"Zayn, you're dating Perrie Edwards from Little Mix, correct?" She asked him.

"Yes, she's a very lovely girl." Zayn said simply.

"And Louis, you're dating Eleanor Calder. She's a student right?"

"Yes! She's a very down to earth girl and we have a lot of fun together." Louis said with a stupid grin on his face.

"Now Harry, you've been seen out with this girl." Andrea said before she motioned to a picture of me and Addison at the airport that was showing on the screen beside us.

"Yes, her name's Addison." I responded plainly.

"And how do you know her?"

"Um, we were best friends when we were younger, before I went off to the X-Factor. We just recently got back in touch and well.. you know." I explained to her.

"So how long have you two been together? I assume you've kept it under wraps for some time now." Wow, I didn't know it was question Harry day.

"Two months." I responded. Thankfully, Andrea stopped with the girlfriend questions and went onto our tour and our plans for the future.

I tried my best to keep focused and smile and laugh for the cameras, but I just didn't feel the same without Addison there. It was like she has suddenly become apart of me that I don't know how to live without. Talking to her everyday helps, but it's not the same.

I just needed to figure out a way to get her to be here with me physically, and I knew how I would get her to agree to it.


Addison's P.O.V ~

I was sitting on my bed studying for another Calculus test when my phone started to go off with Harry's ringtone. A smile formed on my face when I looked and saw his name along with a picture of us kissing. I clicked the answer button and put my phone up to my ear.

"Hey babe." I answered and shut my laptop.

"Hey Ad. What are you doing?" He asked me.

"Nothing, just studying for my math exam. What are you up to?"

"Just getting back from one of our shows. I'm pretty tired." Harry said before he let out a very loud yawn.

"Why don't you go to sleep then?" I asked and let out a small giggle.

"Because I'd rather talk to you."

I felt my cheeks burn up and I knew they were bright pink. Somehow Harry had a way of getting to me even though he was thousands of miles away.

"Hey, when's your next break from school?" He asked, interrupting my thoughts.

"Um, I have a week off in two weeks. Why?"

"Well.. I was wondering if you would want to come on tour with us for that week. I mean, if you would want to."

Wait, he wanted me to go on tour with him? That meant I would basically be living with him for a straight week. Then I thought about what Natalie said about me and Harry.. doing it. Would he try anything? Does he want to do it while I'm there?

"Addie?" Harry asked, snapping me out of my mini panic attack.

"Uh, sorry. But yeah, that sounds like fun. But.. can I invite Natalie? I kind of told her I would hang out with her over break." I told him and bit my lip. I heard Harry let out a groan before he went quiet for a minute.

I knew Harry and Natalie don't exactly get along, considering Natalie still doesn't trust him. Hell, I don't trust him fully either. But she was my best friend, and I knew she would love to go to the states and meet the lads.

"I'm sure that would be okay with everyone. Just tell her to behave, okay?" Harry asked me.

"Harry, it's Natalie. You know she's going to do whatever she wants."

"I know, but at least try." He emphasized the last part of his sentence and I knew he was just looking out for her.

"I will. Now you need to get some sleep, you sound exhausted."

"Aw, come on babe. Just a couple more minutes." Harry said before letting out yet another yawn.

"Harry, I'll be here tomorrow. Now go to sleep." I said and tried to sound serious, but I couldn't help but laugh.

"Fine. I love you."

"I love you too. Night."

"Goodnight love." Harry said softly before he hung up.

A week with Harry, Natalie and the lads. This was going to be.. crazy.


AN: Yay, Haddie's going to see each other again!

What do you think is going to happen? Any drama? And do you think Natalie will fall for one of the boys as well? If you do, do you think it will be Liam or Niall?

Stay tuned!

And I will also start updating every Tuesday for you guys!

Please read, comment & vote!

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