David and Sasha meet flo part 25

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It was a wonderful morning Charlie and Sasha were both sleeping on the couch with David and Anne Marie
When all of a sudden there was a knock on the door and David decided to go answer the door and when he open the door a beautiful dog and her puppies we're right in front of him
Oh hello may I help you David said
Why yes I'm looking for two friends of mine said flo
Oh I can help you find them what are their names said David curiously
Their names are Charlie and Anne Marie said flo

Oh can you guys wait right there for just a minute I'll be right back David said
Okay sure said flo
David went inside to find Charlie and Anne Marie and when he found them Anne Marie was still sleeping and Charlie was wide awake so David went over to Charlie and said Charlie someone's at the door for you said David okay thank you David said Charlie as he went to find out who was at the door wanting to see him and when he got there he was surprised to see one of his old friends from New Orleans come to visit him flo is that you said Charlie yes it is it's been a long time Charlie said flo happy to see him after all these years Charlie and Flo hug it's been so long since they seen each other and Charlie invited flo and her children inside for a nice glass of lemonade for her and her pups
Meanwhile Anne Marie was still sleeping on the couch and David went over to wake her up so he shake her gently to wake her up Anne Marie sweetheart it's time to get up you have guess wanting to see you said David with a soft whisper in her ear but Anne Marie did not wake up so he decided to go with plan b so he leaned over and kiss her on the lips to wake her up just like in the fairy tales stories and when he broken the kiss Anne Marie started to wake up with her beautiful eyes staring into David's and she said good morning David how are you today said Anne Marie with a soft voice I been good now that you're awake said David smiling at her David was about to go get Sasha when Anne Marie grab his arm and pull him down to kiss him on the lips David was surprised but relax and lean in to make the kiss deeper and compassionate soon they broke apart and look in each other's eyes and smile when Anne Marie saw flo and her puppies she was surprised and went over to hug them all I can't believe it it's been so long I miss all you guys the last time I saw you you were all puppies and now you're all grown up said Anne Marie excited to see them all again and David went to get Sasha and tell her they have guess over and Sasha went to get the lemonade ready for them and when she came in with the drinks she saw a girl dog and her children and she smiled and said hi I am Sasha Charlie's wife said Sasha hi I am flo and these are my adopted children we're all pleased to meet you said flo and when David came in he kiss Anne Marie on the cheek and one of the puppies smirk who's this Anne Marie your boyfriend said one of the pups smirking at Anne Marie making her blush and Anne Marie said this is David my boyfriend all the pups were surprised and happy that Anne Marie have found someone to love but they were also curious of how she got to San Francisco California all by herself so they all said Anne Marie where's your foster parents why are you here all by yourself did you run away or did they not want you anymore said all the puppies being curious to know Charlie new that answering the puppies questions was going to be very hard on her so Anne Marie decided to tell flo and her pups her story and when she was done with her story she felt Tears In Her eyes and David held her in his arms and she cry on his shoulder flo and her children we're all shocked to hear this story and heartbroken but they were all so happy that Charlie and Sasha adopted her as their daughter so flo where are you and your children going to stay well I do not know we have nowhere else to go so I guess we can handle sleeping out in the alley or something and Sasha decided to help them out nonsense why not stay here with us we have plenty of room Plus I can always use help in the kitchen and taking care of Anne Marie so what do you say flo do you want to have a job here and live here with us besides you're already like family too Charlie and Anne Marie Plus you guys won't have to worry about food because we get tons of money and bones to pay off the rent and food so what you guys think sled Sasha with a kind heart wow we don't know what to say but thank you I don't know how to repay you for what you're doing for my family said flo with happy tears in her eyes
Well it's the least I can do you done so much for Charlie and Anne Marie I just wanted to help you guys out in return said Sasha with a smile so with that Sasha showed flo and her puppies to their rooms and the rest of the day went on to be the most wonderful and beautiful Morning ever
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