It was in the middle of the night and Anne Marie woke up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and to get a drink of water when she was done in the bathroom she went to get a drink of water after she got her drink of water she went to sit on the couch she couldn't believe everything that happened so fast Charlie and Sasha adopting her and making her there daughter and her and David becoming boyfriend and girlfriend she couldn't even imagine a much happier life then this but she felt really sad and thought back to the time when Charlie tell his best friend itchy that he didn't care about her and that broke her heart and after that she ran away and got kidnapped by car face and after that Charlie went to rescue her and sacrifice his life for her and after that he came to say goodbye and went back to heaven and she never saw him again that is until now when she has those bad memories it breaks her heart and she broke down and cry she was so sad that couldn't stop thinking about that day and how bad she treated Charlie and broke his heart as well so she curled up into a ball on the couch and cry her eyes out just then someone came into the living room and it was Charlie and he was surprised to see Anne Marie up and crying Charlie thought maybe she had bad dream so he went over to comfort his little girl and said squeaker what's wrong sweetheart why are you crying did you have another bad dream said Charlie with a soft voice and Anne Marie said no I was having memories of the time what I said to you back in New Orleans and that you're not my friend your bad dog and I never apologize for that I'm really sorry for hurting you like that and I'm really sorry that I ran way and not give you the chance to explain yourself I felt really guilty after that day I could not stop thinking about it and it really hurts me when that memory comes back to me after all these years it still Hans me to this day Anne Marie then started to break down and cry and Charlie pull her in for a hug and rock her back and forth to calm down his little girl and whisper in her ear it's okay it's okay squeaker it's okay shhh shhh I'm right here sweetheart and I will never leave you not now not ever just then Sasha and David walked in the living room to find Anne Marie crying so they both went to join in on the hug and they all stay like that until Anne Marie stop crying and Charlie wipe away the tears from her eyes and kiss her on the forehead and said feel better honey said Charlie yeah thank you Daddy I love you said Anne Marie in a soft voice and we all love you too sweetheart said Sasha and a soft voice then they all started to sing
Anne Marie now I know you're safe here in my heart you will always be with me will never be apart
Charlie never know how strong my love could be your the one I waited for now you're home I believe
Everyone love survives Beyond our live
Anne Marie I feel those times growing stronger
Charlie growing stronger
Everyone love survives the tears we cry yes love survive it all love survive it all
After they all sing a song they all fell asleep in each other's arms for the rest of the night until morning
Thank you all for the support you have for this story please let me know what you think of it and feel free to leave it in the comment section down below of what you want to see in the next chapter have a wonderful day \night and thank you for the support I love you all see you in the next chapter ❤️💝💖🌹
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