"Everyone!" I yelled to get the classes attention.
"I believe you all know Hitoshi Shinso," I smiled. "He's going to be training with us today!"
The class erupted into cheers and welcomes. My heart was singing.
Shinso, this is where you belong.
I turned to him, "All right, go join the rest of them."
He walked over to stand with the class.
"So, today," I continued, "We're going to be sparring one-on-one. We'll be doing timed matches split into quirk usage and hand to hand combat."
"Katsuki, you're with Shinso. Everyone else, partner up!"
"Because you're a good matchup. Now hurry and get to your square."
The class started to pair off and go to separate sections of the mat.
"Ok, for today, I'm going to be focusing mostly on Shinso and Katsuki. Mr. Aizawa and All Might will still be walking around to help, but like always, just call out it you need something."
"You'll start with a minute of hand to hand combat, and when I blow the whistle, you'll fight with your quirks for another minute."
"Get ready for round 1... Begin!"
I was watching Katsuki and Shinso closely. Katsuki was clearly stronger, but Shinso was quick.
He didn't land too many hits, but he didn't take too many either.
I can work with this.
I blew my whistle, "You can use your quirks!" I called out as a reminder.
Katsuki didn't waste any time. He was blasting Shinso with explosions left and right.
His quirk made him slower though, so Shinso was able to dodge most of them.
"COME ON YOU EXTRA!!! FIGHT ME!!!" Katsuki yelled.
Shinso, use your damn quirk already. He's been screaming at you non-stop.
"Times up!" I yelled, "Everyone stop! Take a minute to debrief with your partner. We'll start again in a moment."
I walked up to the two boys, "Katsuki. Shinso. Come here."
"I thought you said he was good?" Endeavor mocked, talking into my ear piece.
"Katsuki, you're slow," I said simply. "Now, go. Let me talk to Shinso."
He huffed and stormed off.
"Shinso, what the hell was that?" I asked.
"He didn't beat me."
"But you didn't win."
He was silent.
"Why didn't you use your quirk, Shinso?"
He just stared at me.
"y/n-sensei... W-Will you call me Hitoshi?" he whispered.
I sighed and smiled at his nervousness. I mean, how could I not smile... "Of course, Hitoshi. Now, we're going to do another round. I expect you to use your quirk."
He nodded and walked off.
These kids... Turning me soft.
"Alright, now, you'll use your quirks first this time. Then, when I blow the whistle, you'll switch to hand to hand combat!"
"AHHHHH!" Katsuki screamed as he rushed towards Hitoshi.
In less than a second, Katsuki was frozen, just standing there. Hitoshi kept him there for the full minute, mouth closed and all.
I blew my whistle, "Fight!"
Katsuki immediately charged for Hitoshi, "YOU THINK YOU'RE CLEVER!!?! DIE!!!!"
Hitoshi hadn't done anything to win the fight. He just used his quirk to disable Katsuki, and now Katsuki was fighting him at full strength.
I sighed. What is this kid doing? Should I tell him there's people watching right now?
No... He needs to focus.
"You're wasting our time!" Endeavor yelled.
"Hawks, will you please put a muzzle on him until he learns to behave?"
I heard Gang Orca and All Might start to laugh.
"Time! Discuss with your partners how they did." I instructed, "This is how we get better! Make sure you talk about your weaknesses and strengths in the battle."
I walked up to Katsuki and Hitoshi.
"Boys," I sighed. "This is a trainwreck."
"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN!?!" Katsuki yelled.
"Katsuki, it took him literally half a second to control your mind, and it's because you have absolutely no control over yourself or your emotions. You're an easy target. It's too easy for him to control you."
He was about to start yelling, "Also—" I cut him off and lifted up my hand. "Also, you're still too slow. Especially when you use your quirk."
Endeavor started screaming into my ear, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TEACHING THESE KIDS!?! HE'S NOT SLOW!!"
I knew Endeavor was just mad because Katsuki was probably faster than Shoto, which would make Shoto slow as well. I laughed to myself.
"Let me correct myself," I looked at Katsuki. "You're faster than most of the people in this class. However, since you want to be the #1 hero," I paused. "You're too slow."
"Language," Shota called.
I laughed, "Katsuki, let me talk to Hitoshi alone please."
"Tch," he walked away.
"Thank you for using your quirk, Hitoshi," I smiled. "However, you didn't use it at all to your advantage. What's going on?"
He looked at the ground.
I put my hand on his shoulder, "Hitoshi."
"I want them to like me," he mumbled.
"They do! Just ignore Katsuki, he's like that with everyone. This is part of training, no one will take it personally!"
"You don't get it..." he was starting to tear up.
"I can help you. You just have to talk to me."
"Ihaveavillainquirk," he muttered.
"What was that?" I asked him, not understanding.
"I HAVE A VILLAIN QUIRK!" he yelled. "No one will like me if they see my quirk!! You won't let me train here if I really use my quirk!!! Don't you get it?!"
He was fully crying now, "My quirk... It was made to be evil. I'll never be a hero with this stupid villainous quirk."
I widened my eyes at his confession...
Poor Hitoshi. This is what he's been told his whole life. I heard it at the Sports Festival too. I just didn't know he believed it.
The entire class was staring at us now. Waiting to hear my response, and watching their newest teammate cry.
I looked around at everyone, thinking about what to do next.
"y/n..." Nezu said into my ear.
"I got this," I whispered.
I brought Hitoshi in for a hug, "Thank you for trusting me."
I released him and looked at the class, "Everyone come here!"
They all came rushing, "Spread out in front of me and take a seat."
"I want you all to listen very carefully," I ordered.
"Hitoshi, I want you to know you're not the only one who feels this way about their quirk... But you're wrong."
"Katsuki makes explosions. Mina shoots acid. Tokoyami has dark shadow. All of our quirks, they're so different."
I paused, knowing what I had to do.
"I'm going to show you all something," I said softly. "Then, we'll talk more about villain quirks."
They were all sitting and watching me intensely.
I walked over to All Might and whispered, "Can I use you to show my quirk?"
He just looked at me, "Of course, y/n. Anything you need. But I don't understand—"
"Thank you," I walked away, knowing the pain I would put my best friend through.
He had no idea about Blood Manipulation. No one except for Dabi and Nezu knew.
All Might and I were facing each other, ready to demonstrate.
I began to tear up, "I'm sorry, Toshinori. I promise to make it quick." I whispered into the ear piece.
I heard Nezu sigh.
I started at him intensely.. Blood Manipulation. 10%.
All Might cried out as his body began to twitch and shake. The students were just staring at us, trying to make sense of the scene in front of them.
I cringed. Blood Manipulation. 15%
"Ahh!" All Might cried as he dropped to his knees.
I quickly released him, and he exhaled loudly, coughing up a small amount of blood.
I rushed over to him and crouched down, "I'm sorry, Toshinori. I'm so sorry. You were the only one who would be able to handle that."
"W-What was that?" he asked.
I helped him up and turned towards the class, "You want to talk about a villain quirk?"
My eyes began to glow, and I quickly brought all 4 elements around me.
The cement pillars around the training grounds began to rise, and I immediately caused them to burst, crumbling down.
Then, I disintegrated the broken pieces of rock and flew the ashes around the room. After a moment, I let them fall, turning them into rain droplets.
I changed my eyes back to normal and looked at them. My heart was breaking as I began to expose the truth about myself that I had always believed.
The students were staring at me in fear and awe as they saw my true prowess for the first time.
"If you think you have a villain quirk," I muttered. "Well, you're not the only one."
"I can control and manipulate any of the elements, down to their molecular level." I began to explain, "The human body is 70% water."
"What you saw with All Might, that was my Blood Manipulation. I can control the body using the water molecules. This quirk, it has no other function than to cause pain."
"The person on the receiving end of my quirk," I sighed and looked at All Might, "Well, it's like torture. I know because when I use it, I feel the same pain I inflict."
They all looked at me with shock, including Toshinori and Shota.
I hope they don't think I'm a monster, too.
"When I enter goddess state," I continued to explain. "I become a master of all 4 elements. You all saw that when my eyes were glowing..."
"That part of my quirk, is pure power. Destructive power."
I paused. Time to lay it all out there.
"My quirk is so destructive, in fact, that villainous organizations have tried to recruit me on more than one occasion," I laughed a bit to myself.
If their jaws weren't dropped before, they were now.
I made eye contact with Hitoshi, "But none of that matters... because I'm not a villain. I want to save and protect and inspire."
I walked over and crouched in front of Hitoshi, "You see, quirks aren't good or bad. They aren't heroic or villainous. They just are. We get to decide what we do with them."
"We get to choose who we are, Hitoshi Shinso. So my question for you is, who do you want to be? Do you want to be a hero?" I smiled at him.
He had tears in his eyes, "Yes."
"Good!" I yelled. "Then get your ass up, get stronger, and prove to us, once and for all, that you belong here."
I stood up, "All of you! Show me why you want to be a hero!"
I got up and walked away as the students started cheering and preparing to fight again.
"y/n-sensei!" I heard Hitoshi call.
I turned around.
"Thank you," he bowed.
"Don't thank me yet. We're just getting started." I gave him a wink.
"Partner up and let's start again!" I yelled.
"Amaterasu," Hawks spoke into the ear piece. "You're one bad bitch."
I started laughing, looking up into the glass of the observation deck. I had forgotten they were there.
Maybe it's not too late... Maybe I was born to be a hero.
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