"Warm up!" I yelled as I entered the gym.
"You're late, Amaterasu." All Might said as I approached him.
I just groaned as I set my stuff down.
I was up all night thinking about my kiss with Hawks, so I barely slept. Plus, I was exhausted after training Katsuki and Kirishima this morning.
I took a nap during my break, and may have overslept just a tad...
"Barely," I grumbled.
He just laughed and put his hand on my shoulder.
I also trained with Shinso this morning. He barely gets any time in the gym, so his progress has been so much slower than everyone else's.
It was starting to piss me off.
As I watched the students warm up, an idea popped into my head.
I looked over at Shota, not really wanting to talk to him, but he was the one to ask, "I want to bring Shinso in to train with class 1A."
"Not possible," He mumbled.
"And why's that?"
"He's not in the hero's course."
I was getting really annoyed now, "You and I both know he should be. He deserves to be!"
He looked at me, "Regardless. That's not something you can just decide."
"So, who would decide that?"
"Great! All Might, take over for the next 10 minutes. I'll be back."
"Where are you going?" Shota groaned, annoyed.
"To go talk to Nezu!" I called while walking out of the gym.
"It's pointless, y/n." He called after me.
"Ugh, she never listens..." Shota said.
I heard All Might laugh.
Shinso will train with us... You'll see.
I threw open the door to Nezu's office, and was shocked by what I saw. Hawks, Endeavor, and Gang Orca were all sitting there.
I hadn't spoken to Hawks since our kiss yesterday afternoon, and I had definitely been ignoring his texts and calls.
Well, I came in too hot to turn back now.
I walked forward and put my hands down on Nezu's desk, "I want to bring Hitoshi Shinso in to train with class 1A."
Shota casually strolled in, "Sorry for the interruption, I tried to tell her."
I ignored him, my eyes locked onto Nezu.
Nezu, come on! Trust me!!!
"Ha! You can't just barge in here, into our private meeting, and demand something so ridiculous!" Endeavor called.
I turned around, "Do you mind? I'm trying to have a conversation."
I looked back at Nezu, "Nezu, I've been training with him. This kid is amazing. But he's not getting any time in the gym—"
Endeavor interrupted, "You can't just demand a regular student join the heroes! If he was good enough, he wouldn't be in the general course!!"
"Seriously, dude. Manners." I rolled my eyes at him.
"Y/n, no. We need to get back to the gym," Shota interjected.
"Nezu, you asked me to help you with the next generation." I continued, "That's exactly what I'm doing. Please, Shinso deserves a chance."
I turned back to the room, "You all saw him at the sports festival!"
"Yes, we saw him lose," Endeavor growled.
"He gets maybe a couple hours a week in the gym. It's not enough. Just imagine if he had the same opportunities" I said to Nezu, ignoring Endeavor.
Nezu just looked at me. He started to smile, "Fine, y/n. I trust your judgement."
I wave of relief washed over me, "You will not regret this!"
"However," he stopped me as I was about to leave. "He has to prove to us what he can do. I will go watch him now."
"Also, you will be responsible for ensuring he catches up on whatever work he misses from class."
"Absolutely, you can count on it." I smiled.
I felt Hawks looking at me, and I glanced over. He was giving me the same look as he did right before he kissed me.
You always leave me in awe... His words rang in my head.
Not now, y/n. Focus!
Endeavor interrupted, "If you're watching him now, then so am I!"
"Great idea," Nezu smiled. "Why don't all three of you join me in the observation deck over the gym?"
Oh no, so Shinso would get an audience.
"I'll go get him from class sir," I bowed before taking off out of the room.
I ran down the hall, to Shinso's class. I burst through the door, "Uhh, sorry for the interruption."
I was scanning the room for Shinso.
"No problem, Amaterasu, what can we do for you?" Midnight asked. She must be subbing.
"Shinso!" I called. "Get your training clothes on and meet me in the gym. You have 5 minutes."
I looked at Midnight, "I'll explain later. Thank you."
I smiled and headed back to the gym.
It's your time to shine, Shinso. You can do this.
**Aizawa's POV**
Y/n had already taken off out of the room.
"You're too soft on her," I mumbled to Nezu.
"As much as I hate to admit it, Eraser Head is right!" Endeavor called.
Nezu just shrugged, "I brought her here because I trust her judgment. Just like I trust all of yours."
He smiled while pulling a box out of his desk.
"Shota, make sure you, y/n, and Toshinori all wear these ear pieces. I want to hear everything being said."
"Of course," I replied.
"Is she always like this?" Gang Orca laughed.
I responded, "No, it's usually more intense."
I saw Hawks start chuckling at my response which really annoyed me.
How would you even know?
"All right everyone," Nezu called. "Let's get over there."
"This ought to be entertaining," Endeavor smirked. "No way that kid can keep up."
Hawks chimed in with a smile, "Well, if Y/n's been training him, I wouldn't be too sure. I watched her train some students yesterday. She's one of the best teachers I've ever seen."
Endeavor growled in frustration.
They were together yesterday? How often do they spend time together?
I felt a sadness rush over me, "I better get back to the gym."
I walked back, and y/n was beaming with excitement.
"Put these in," I said to y/n and All Might. "Nezu wants to hear everything."
They took the devices and inserted them into their ears.
"Y/n," I mumbled as All Might walked away. "Hawks said he was training with you yesterday. Who were you working with?"
I tried to sound casual.
Her eyes were big, she looked really caught off guard, "U-Uh.... um, Kirishima and Katsuki. He only observed though."
"Why was he here?"
"He actually just brought me a drink and ended up wanting to stay," she whispered, not making eye contact.
I was getting angrier. Why did he always have to be around?
"Do you know why they're here today?" she asked.
"No idea."
"So strange..." she trailed off. "Shinso's going to blow them away. I just know it."
She looked at me with her beautiful, hopeful eyes.
She wasn't even thinking about me. Or about Hawks... just her student. She really is just such a good teacher.
"They're lucky to have you." I smirked, putting my
hand on her shoulder.
She looked at my touch with shock, "Oh, um, thanks."
She smiled and put her hand on top of mine. My heart skipped a beat at the touch of her skin.
I hadn't touched her in so long, and I missed her so much.
"Shall we?" I asked, gesturing over to the class. I started to walk away.
"Shota," she called, grabbing my hand.
She touched me, again...
I looked down at our hands, and then up at her.
"They're lucky to have you around too," she smiled. "And so am I. I couldn't do this without you."
She was blushing like crazy, and my heart started racing.
Just then, we heard someone walk in the gym.
"Shinso!" she yelled, letting go of my hand and rushing over to him.
Even after everything, she still wants me around.
I sighed. How was I going to tell her? I have to tell her...
I watched her smiling and laughing with Shinso, trying to make him feel more comfortable.
You're an angel, y/n.
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