Chapter 11: Lunchtime and Flirting

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Lux watched and smirked as his favorite Jedi beat the living kriff out of a Gotal, and as the other two surrendered like the cowards they were. She fought gracefully, and with more agility and acrobatics than any human could ever muster. She was always a blur when she fought, and he honestly was never able to tell exactly where she was. Everything about her made him more and more in love with her. But... would he ever have the bravery to tell her his feelings?

Ahsoka walked back to Lux and sat down at the table.

"Wow, that was incredible!" said Lux.

"I've learned from the best," replied Ahsoka, "I always have to help someone in need."

The galaxy needs more people like you, Ahsoka. You'll be an amazing Jedi one day, I know it."

"Thank you!" replied Ahsoka.

Then, Lux decided to express his feelings a little more.

He began to flirt with Ahsoka Tano.

"You look rather nice in that outfit," said Lux.

Ahsoka blushed a little, and tried to squeeze out a normal response. "Well, thanks! I wear it a lot, I prefer it over a cloak or robes. They just restrict my movement too much."

"Ah. To be honest, that thing has to be quite elastic to keep up with your moves. I've never seen anything like them. You fight so gracefully, you know."

Ahsoka blushed harder, and tried to hide it.

"Yeah, again, I've learned from the best. Master Skywalker isn't the best at acrobatics though, so I had to take a few tips from some other masters. I eventually developed a liking of some advanced reverse-grip lightsaber techniques."

Lux nodded in agreement. "Yeah. I noticed. It really adds a lot of grace to your fighting."

Ahsoka blushed even harder this time. Eventually, she did something a Jedi was never supposed to do.

She flirted back.

"You know, you look good in that outfit too," Ahsoka said nicely.

Lux too began to blush.

Is she flirting back to me!?!? Lux thought.

"You're not such a bad fighter yourself, too," Ahsoka added.

"Well, thanks!" Lux replied.

Then, Lux decided to take it a little deeper.

"Remember when you saved me from joining Death Watch?"

Ahsoka nodded in agreement.

"I'm glad you were there. I made a horrible mistake then, Ahsoka, but you saved me from it. I was so caught up with trying to get revenge on Dooku for killing my mother that I sought out any way to get him killed. But, after seeing what Death Watch did to those Civilians on Carlac... You saved me, Ahsoka. You saved me from the worst mistake I ever made."

Ahsoka looked at Lux, and Lux looked back. They leaned the slightest bit towards each other. Lux considered kissing her right here, but Ahsoka broke eye contact before he could decide. He probably would have decided against it anyways.

Then, the waiter came with some food.

"Delicious!" Ahsoka exclaimed as she looked at her food.

Quickly, she took a bite out of a Jogan Fruit, and clearly her taste buds were in agreement with her anticipations."

"Mmmmmm..." Ahsoka moaned as she took another bite.

"You know, we don't get much like this as Jedi," Ahsoka said between bites, "Our life is... surprisingly mundane beteen all the action."

Lux couldn't help but feel bad for her. She was never really allowed to experience the joys and hobbies that others could. She couldn't see family, or even know who they were, and she couldn't form relationships either.

"It must be hard to be a Jedi, then..." said Lux.

"I know, but it's very important. We're keepers of the peace, not soldiers."

"But... ever since I've seen you, all you've been is a soldier. Tell me, Ahsoka, is there anything you... don't like about being a Jedi?"

"No," said Ahsoka.

But Lux could tell she was somewhat troubled by his statement. She was lying. Ahsoka shook the troubled look off very quickly, but not before he noticed.

She's lying, thought Lux, maybe she does have feelings for me after all...

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