Chapter 10: The City

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Ahsoka woke up in her room on Onderon. She had had no dreams or visions that night. She walked out of her room and into the hall, and made her way over to Lux's room.

Hopefully he's awake, she thought.

Sure enough, when she knocked on his door, she heard his welcoming voice.

"Come in," said Lux.

Ahsoka opened the door, Lux once again dressed as a nice-looking gentlemen. He was clearly trying to look his best. Ahsoka smirked.

"You know you don't have to be all elegant in front of a Jedi," smirked Ahsoka.

"I know, but I wanted to be well dressed since I'm going out in public. I am a senator, after all." 

Ahsoka smirked again. "Really?"

"Yeah," he replied nervously.

It was quite obvious that Lux was trying to impress Ahsoka. Yet, through containing her feelings, she managed to convince herself it was only etiquette.

"Well, I can't wait. See you after breakfast," she said, walking out the door.

"See ya," said Lux.

Lux and Ahsoka walked down the main road of Iziz. There were several street markets and happy citizens. They were all so happy after the separatist occupation of Onderon had ended. 

"Look at all these people, Ahsoka. They're so happy."

"I know. It's because of what we did."

People stopped to wave at the Senator and Jedi, with smiles on their faces. Lux and Ahsoka were always happy to wave back. Eventually, they stopped for a lunch at one of the markets. They talked for a bit while waiting for food.

"Well, Ahsoka, how do you like Onderon?"

"Well, it's very... peaceful, in a way. The people here are some of the strongest I've ever seen."

"Yeah, the environment will do that to you sometimes. When this planet was first colonized, the people of Onderon lived in harsh, unforgiving jungles. There was no telling if a Ruping would snatch one of your friends, or if a Dalgo would stampede your entire camp. Soon, however, we learned not only to survive, but to thrive. Nature became our greatest ally. We tamed the creatures of this world, and we built walled cities to protect ourselves from what we couldn't tame. Now, Onderon has some of the friendliest creatures you will ever come across."

"Well, I can say that for a fact," said Ahsoka, "Rupings are probably the best thing I've ever ridden. Well, except for starfighters and the like. Say, how intelligent are those things?"

"They're pretty smart by our standards. Give them a few million standard years and they probably would have become a sort of advanced civilization. That's... quite odd to think about."

"Yeah, imagine a Ruping serving us food and all that," Ahsoka laughed. Lux laughed with her. 

Then, out of the corner of her eye, Ahsoka saw something. She watched as a gang of three Gotal harassed an innocent civilian, shoved him to the ground, and take his Credits.

"Theif!" Ahsoka yelled. 

Ahsoka got up and darted towards the Gotal assiliants before Lux had a chance to process everything. She quickly caught up to one of the the Gotal, knocking him out with a swift kick to the face.

"Ah, looks like we'll have to get dirty," said one of the Gotal.

He was pulling his blaster out of it's holster, when the other one yelled, "Jedi!"

He must have noticed the lightsabers on her waist. The two Gotal put up their hands, and one yelled, "We surrender!"

The third Gotal, who had regained consciousness, was moaning on the ground. After he got up and realized he was dealing with a Jedi, he too raised his hands in surrender.

"Cowards," Ahsoka mumbled to herself. Some local police noticed the conundrum and came up to Ahsoka.

"We'll take it from here," said an officer. "Thanks," said Ahsoka. she walked over and handed the credits back to the civilian who was robbed.

"Thank you," said the civilian.

"You're welcome, said Ahsoka, "it is my duty to help the people who need it most."

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