[AUTHOR'S NOTE: There's really small blood/minor gore at the end. Please read at your own discretion!]
Her raw, genuine emotion was a nagging reminder to her lack of humanity, eating away at Vee's consciousness. Such a stark contrast her own emotions, which were far more faint than Shelly's, almost indiscernible at times. Sure, she could feel something, but it was always artificial; it felt scripted, never out of her own will.
Once she read the room, it only added to her sense of isolation. Everyone had their own unique, individual personalities and reactions. It was natural for them, why not her? If she was made by humans, why did she feel so inhuman?
Glancing back to Shelly, she let her earlier words sink in.
Before her thoughts could gnaw away at her anymore, her attention was diverted behind her. A creaking rumbled underneath the hazardous trapdoor, pushing its doors upwards. As she expected, Dandy popped up on his platform with his shop. He garnished his brick plates with items — the same ones she saw earlier on the floor!
His scandalous choice of goods didn't surprise Vee, his suspicious behavior had already been an indicator that he didn't have good intentions. With a glare, she noticed he seemed odd, his expression starting to falter. Oddly enough, he didn't say anything either, his eyes bore into Vee's. If she didn't know any better, she would have thought he'd turn rabid right then and there and tore her to pieces.
What did he want again? Tapes?
Her suspicions were confirmed once he pulled the lever, dragging his shop back downwards. "Those tapes don't belong to you," he spat bitterly, his gaze hateful; this brought the elevator's attention to him as the toons watched him drop back down, hiding behind the trapdoors. His ominous, threatening tone offset some toons, visibly making them anxious. Not many of them had tapes either, finding the useless film a hassle to carry around.
Regardless of Dandy's intentions with the tapes, it was clear he'd been peeved with everyone's hesitancy. Unsure of what he was planning, they gave each other confused glances. Whatever he wanted with those tapes, however, wasn't as important once the elevator came to a complete stop.
Once the elevator became still, Vee's eyes shot right at the door. She waited patiently for it to open, but it seemed stuck in time: okay.. odd. She figured it'd just be an elevator malfunction, nothing that couldn't be fixed in a few seconds — but she was so wrong. After a moment, the realization of their situation dawned on the others, letting panic set in.
As she glanced upwards, it seemed that the elevator was possibly stuck, maybe experiencing a fault in the lift. Following the safety procedures programmed into her, she trudged to the elevator's panel, clicking the door's open and close button; nothing. Didn't deter her much, pressing the emergency button instead.
Although she didn't expect a reaction, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment when she was met with a buzzing static instead of a message to help. Looking at the ceiling, she contemplated what her next plan of action was. Directing her focus back on to her peers, they mostly seemed either panicked or confused, just as unsure as what to do as her. Some ideas were spurred, but Vee mentally shot them down for their risky, dangerous nature.
The lift had an issue, that part was apparent, but she was still puzzled how to fix it. Before she could register another thought, the lights cut out and left the group in darkness. Almost on cue, the elevator shifted to the side before plummeting down, pulling the toons down with it. Terror ensued as they dragged downwards into the belly of the facility.
Their screams pierced Vee's sensors, ringing throughout the room as it continued to descend. Shaking heavily as the elevator kept vibrating, Vee gripped on to the railing on the side. It gave her brief stability, but she still shook aggressively. Her head wobbly, she averted her gaze towards the other toons clutching at their last resort.
Sparks hurled at them from the corners of the walls, flinging into their faces. Vee wasn't phased by that much, cautiously edging closer to the toons near her to block them from the oncoming debris; likely the most she could do anyway. As the elevator rocketed downwards, it grew more aggressive and violent, almost hurling the toons around inside.
In as little time as possible, the elevator halted, catapulting the toons to the center. As they launched into the center floor, Vee braced herself, not willing to crack her screen once again. When her arms met the floor, a pang of heavy discomfort hit her body, causing her monitor to project a slight error for a small second. Wincing, she pushed herself off the ground, idly warbling a quiet groan. On her feet, she dusted herself off and directed her head towards the others, checking their condition.
A few seemed relatively unharmed, others were bruised or scathed, and then there were some that got seriously hurt. Quickly, she estimated that 6 of them were critically hurt, and almost without thinking, she rushed to the nearest one, Shelly. Maybe it was a little odd, but in a way, it felt natural to her.
Shelly had hit her head directly on to the cold, solid floor of the elevator, leaving herself flat on the ground. She seemed like she was either partly or fully unconscious, one of the two; anyhow, it didn't seem like she was getting up. Considering that, Vee knelt to her level whilst she flipped her over and scooped her closer, checking for anything major. Her shell adorned bruises, small cuts, and a large crack over the spot she must've hit her head at. Taking an interest in the crack, Vee gently grazed her thumb across the edge of it, estimating how deep it really went; though it seemed shallow enough.
Clutching Shelly closer to her, she glanced at everyone else, who seemed to be tending to themselves or others; didn't bother her, at least she'd be helping someone. Shifting back to Shelly, she wasn't sure how to help her much, but it wouldn't deter her. It's the least she can do for her after Shelly practically danced with death for her. Reflecting on Shelly's deeds for her, it gave her a weird sense, drawing her to remain at her side. She wouldn't focus on it long though, as she'd snap out of that trance to pick up a distorted, off-putting melody behind the elevator door.
The door swung open once again, and this time, the toons exited without much hesitance, as the elevator clearly wasn't any safe spot. Following the toons without much thought either, Vee hoisted Shelly upwards - she wasn't even sure what her recommended weight lift was, but she couldn't care less as she stepped out of the platform. With Shelly in her arms, she looked left and right, it seemed they'd already gone far enough into an attraction-like site; the facility was embellished with an arcade like pattern, with merchandise of the toons scattered all over. It was an unorganized mess, one made in a rush. The other toons had already spread out and got started.
"Vee!! Is Shelly alright?!" Vee almost drowned out all the other toons, but she whipped her head to see Tisha. It wasn't any time for a witty remark, Vee responded frankly, "I don't know for sure, I think I'll try to find the emergency kit down here and patch her up." There had to be something down here, undoubtedly, it's a place meant for customers. Although, considering Gardenview's safety allegations, she wouldn't doubt it much.
Tisha stepped closer, observing Shelly's injuries, "Oh, good plan," she paused, "Keep her here, if you can't find a kit nearby I'll find one further back," she murmured. Without the bitterness in Tisha's tone, she seemed dead serious; it kind of perplexed Vee. That wasn't her biggest concern though, bringing Shelly behind a counter near the elevator. She glanced back to find Tisha, who couldn't be seen as she had already rushed to find something to help. Glimpsing back at the elevator, there wasn't any turning back as it slammed shut, leaving her to commit to Shelly.
Well, she had Shelly, a relatively hidden spot, and the dreadful music that accompanied them.
Speaking of Shelly, Vee figured she'd be better lying comfortably than held awkwardly by a robot. Glancing at the desk, she found a jacket, one of a human's; it's slightly bigger than the toons, but it'd have to do for a makeshift bed. Without dropping Shelly, she shifted her hands to grab that jacket and kick it to the corner of the counter. After she adjusted it to fit Shelly, Vee lowered herself carefully, placing Shelly in the nest of a jacket.
Once she put Shelly on the floor, she pulled away. Maybe there was more she could do, she shouldn't waste her time letting it slip by. Observing her surroundings nearby, there wasn't anything of immediate use, but maybe..
Grabbing the plushie off the counter, it was one of those ugly, god-awful Dandy plushies. Vee scoffed quietly, but after she squished it in her hand, she knew it'd be a better pillow than a toy. She turned back to Shelly, slowly lifting her head to put the softer plushie underneath. Vee drew her hand back to herself, leaning over Shelly once again. Looking at the crack in her shell, it started to slightly leak, and Vee quietly hoped that Tisha would show up soon. Looking to the side, there wasn't anything to wipe it off with, and she wasn't too sure about using that jacket.
She figured that while they'd wait for Tisha, she could at least look for something to help. It was a large hallway, unlikely that they'd have anything, although there was another room nearby with a counter and possibly a towel, or napkins, something! She couldn't help but note the tune playing in the background, finding it eerie. Although, she disregarded it as she started to approach it, cautious not to leave Shelly for too long. In a few seconds, Vee approached the register, leaning upwards on her tippy-toes to see anything. To her surprise, there were some paper towels, which she quickly snagged.
The distorted music box from earlier seemed to play even louder, leaving a sinking feeling set inside Vee. Brushing it off, she started to make her way back to where Shelly was nestled. Wouldn't be long, especially when she didn't go far; only took her a few seconds to get to the large hallway. Vee clenched the paper towels, thankful that she wouldn't have further to go. Just as the counter came into view, Vee froze in place.
What was this?
One of those zombified monsters, it had to be. It walked almost catlike, predatory. No, this wasn't any other 'zombie,' far too massive, too aware. Massive, too, would probably crush anyone with a hefty swing. It was looking for something to force into its twisted game, a helpless prey. And the worst part, it was heading right where Shelly was - there's no way she'd wake up to react, she'd die.
Vee's stance froze, for the first time, she could say she was genuinely terrified. Shaking in place, she couldn't bring herself to rush to Shelly, to call for help, anything. But it wasn't going to stop anytime soon, she had to do something to save the poor girl. It could probably sniff her out, directly lurking towards the counter.
Against her senses, Vee immediately screamed, "GET AWAY FROM HER!!"
That thing veered its nasty head around, glowering at Vee with a snarl. It then pivoted, ready to charge Vee at any given moment. Vee could pick out that hateful gaze from anywhere, Dandy; and he was a ginormous monster ready to rip her head off. Taking a step back, it triggered that kill drive within Dandy, charging at Vee.
Vee dropped the paper towels, immediately ducking behind a crate as Dandy's freakish form lunged at her. As Dandy's heavy attack skid him away, Vee sprinted behind the clothing racks, hoping to deter his attention elsewhere for a brief second - but he was tenacious. Knocking the clothing racks to the side, he swung back at Vee, who barely got out of the way as she continued to run down the gift aisle. With Dandy close on her tail, she knew that she wouldn't be able to outrun or fight this guy - but maybe she could buy her a little time. In another room, there were plenty of thin barriers with openings at the bottom, Vee took her chance to slide underneath it. A hurl of snarls and frenzied slashes tore at the barrier, but Vee wouldn't wait to see how it would turn out, immediately running to the other side of the room to a waiting area.
Other toons were rightfully hidden, as they heard the commotion grow closer and closer; Vee envied them but now wasn't the time to get so uptight about that. Glancing back at the exit of the prior room, Dandy had tore through the walls and spotted Vee from afar, growling as he continued to give chase. He's relentless!
Slowing down to conserve her energy, knowing she'd dwindle soon. As Dandy weaved around corners just to catch her, she knew it'd just be a matter of time before he'd get her. And like as if she jinxed herself, she could sense the warm breath just grazing her back. Overcame with horror, she was overwhelmed as she tried to cut corners around shelfs, crates, anything.
"HEY UGLY!!" Vee couldn't register who said that as a cloud of purple smoke engulfed her and Dandy. She continued to run out of the smoke, unaffected, but Dandy was coughing up a storm. Getting her bearings, she saw Glisten who had thrown one of the few bombs he attached to the bow along his waist. He motioned Vee to hide, and without any hesitance, she ducked behind a crate. Standing in the direct vision of Dandy once the smoke cleared up, the mirror called out again, "Are you gonna stand there and look stupid? Come on!!" With a scoffing smile on his face, he continued to taunt Dandy, "Or are you too scared?"
Dandy's eyes narrowed as he locked on to Glisten, glaring daggers into him. Glisten scoffed, "You can do better than that." Whatever it was with Glisten, it enraged Dandy; maybe he just couldn't focus on two at once, and seeing that Glisten was the only one left, he dashed at Glisten. Glisten, knowing this would happen, urgently sprung out of his spot and raced out of the room. Dandy, a mess of claws and teeth, took after him.
Hearing the music grow fainter and fainter, Vee peered from the corner, they were gone by now. She almost felt a slight relief until a mirror appeared in front of her, startling her as she felt herself flinch. "Miss me? Of course you did!" Glisten, who had walked out of the mirror, flashed a grin. Vee rolled her eyes, "Yeah, yeah," she muttered, pausing after, "..Thank you." As she muttered, her tone was quiet and almost bashful.
Glisten smiled, "Hold the applause, I know," he lightheartedly spoke. He observed Vee's condition, "Oh, wow, you look rough," commenting on her dirty, unkept appearance; it was so unlike her to present herself that way. Vee could only make a noise that would be considered a sigh, "I know," she replied, lifting herself up from her spot. She dusted herself off, "all good?" Glisten asked, placing a hand on his hip. Vee nodded, "Yeah, thank you," she quickly added, "I owe you big time."
Glisten scoffed it off, "No big deal, but I'll keep that in mind," he looked around for any danger, "Seems like the coast's clear, gotta help your friend?" Glisten asked in a light tone, peering past the doorway. Vee shook her head yes, affirming his question. Quickly, she said her goodbyes to Glisten and rushed back to Shelly, a strong, weird feeling overcoming her.
She had to get back there, now.
While she was careful not to attract attention, she still almost sprinted towards the hallway with the counter top. Rounding the corner, she felt her dread absolutely take over - if anything happened to Shelly, it's all her fault. Glancing to the little nest that she made for Shelly, she froze in place.
She was okay.
Vee could have melted right then and there, but she forced herself to remain calm. Kneeling down, she observed Shelly's body. She hadn't moved an inch, and her crack definitely leaked way more than it should've - prompt to Vee's inadequate efforts to get the paper towels. She reached out, tracing the small fracture on her shell, at least it could be patched up. Trailing her fingers down to Shelly's hand, she applied her thumb to the little divot in her wrist, gauging her pulse.
To her relief, there was a pulse, and Shelly's breathing signaled she was doing alright. Wrapping her pinky her around Shelly's, she watched the gentle rise and fall of her breathing, how she seemed almost at peace if it wasn't for the context of her condition. It stirred that same feeling from earlier, but this time Vee could actually put her finger on it; a protective feeling.
Vee was so caught up watching over Shelly, she hadn't noticed that Tisha already came back, "Hey Vee, couldn't get my hands on a medkit," Vee looked at Tisha, her expression concerned. "I found this package of bandages though," she muttered, opening the box to reveal a couple of bandages. Those wouldn't help as much, but it was something. "Oh, and I think you dropped this," Tisha held the paper towels in her other hand, handing it to Vee.
Relieved, Vee took the paper towels from Tisha and ripped off a portion of it, "Oh! Thank you Tisha." She immediately cleaned up the split in Shelly's head, while Tisha put bandages around it. Not their best medical performance, but none of them had any medical experience or supplies to be fair.
"Are they almost done with the machines?" Vee asked curiously, her hand subconsciously meeting back with Shelly's. Tisha surveyed the area, "Hmmm, yeah, it shouldn't be long." Taking a moment to calculate possible outcomes, Vee found herself worried; the floors weren't safe, there wasn't a way to control where the elevator went, not only that but it was hazardous, and they didn't know anything about what was going on. "Do you think that the elevator will even open again?" Vee pondered, and Tisha paused, "Maybe not, but what other choices do we have?"
Thinking about her words, she ultimately decided Tisha was right. Although, she wasn't satisfied with that answer, contemplating other outcomes. However, she wouldn't think long, as the elevator opened and revealed the elevator.. almost in crisp condition. Looking at Tisha, she had the same skeptical look on her face. Still, Tisha gestured to enter the elevator, seeing as there were no other alternatives - at least to their knowledge.
Vee, gazing at Shelly, found that she was stirring in her rest. Leaning closer, she wrapped the jacket around her, "C'mon, wake up, Shelly." Vee shifted her hand behind Shelly's back, bringing her closer, "Please." Shelly groaned, barely moving. Troubled, Vee put her other hand underneath Shelly's knees and hoisted her back up, bringing her to the elevator. Once inside, Vee set Shelly off to the side, leaning her against the wall.
Looking back at the toons, they diminished in numbers. Sixteen toons left? If Vee had teeth, she'd clench them just about now. After scanning everyone, the one missing was.. Boxten. A small crowd gathered at the front of the elevator, anxiously waiting for him to come; No way he'd survive with that thing,
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