Wait, Please [7]

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MONSTER, on this floor. With the timer counting down, everyone silently knew they lost another one to their group.

 As Vee edged closer to the elevator, watching carefully. To her surprise, Boxten would make it, "GUYS! WAIT!" he screamed. 

 Bad choice. 

 His feet got slower, breaths heavy. His speed was diminishing - which wouldn't have been a problem, if it wasn't for the heavy thudding behind him. With the music box growing louder, an atmosphere of horror followed. Almost out of the darkness, like he was lurking, waiting for this moment, came Dandy. That beast knew, he knew. 

 It was too quick to register, Dandy's enormous claws pierced through the small toon, freezing him in place as he was impaled. His screams were cut short as Dandy's hand immediately crushed him underneath. Just as the elevator started to close, the squashed toon's blood splattered at the bystander's feet. 

 Collectively, they all took a step back. There wasn't anything to say.

 He was dead. 

 And on that note, the elevator continued its descent further into the facility. 

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