With This Ring

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Our ride back home was a quite one, the atmosphere felt awkward and romantic at the same time but I felt a great deal of relief being able to tell him how I finally felt about him knowing he loves me back just as much.

The car came to a stop a few steps from the front door and he quickly opted out to open the door for me...everything just doesn't feel real anymore, it was just too good to be true and whatever this is, I was determined to enjoy every bit of it.

I opened the front door going inside alone as he went further to park the car in the garage, I quickly got rid of the shoe I had on...I hated heels, but I need them to look elegant and classy or when wearing a flowing gown like I did today.

I held my shoes in my hands as I walked further into the house when my phone began to ring,

"Yeey" I squealed before answering the call, just the person I wanted to talk to even though we talk rubbish on the phone or we end up fighting before the call is over.

"Mommy Amrah" I squealed grinning as though she could see me,

I call her Mommy Amrah now that her baby is almost due,

"How are you? How is my darling brother ? How is my baby...is he kicking? Does it hurt when he kicks? Are...." I kept talking non stop before I was interrupted.

"Minali! One question at a time mana, I can't even remember the first question" she laughed,

"Okay how are you" I asked again,

"Alhamdulillah" she answered "only that I have put on so much weight" she added, I know Amrah too much, this must have been beyond her control, I remember when she would skip meals, go for walks, what ever it took to stay fit.

"Ouch! I'm so sorry but its totally worth it since I'm going to be an Aunt" I said happily,

"Yeah, yah! So, how is Muhmud treating you? She asked teasingly but i wanted so bad to tell someone how I feel,

" Oh Allah! He treats me like a princess or someone who is going to run away any second" I paused to laugh a bit "he is amazing, really amazing...I couldn't wish for any better" I sighed,

"Wow! This Baby of mine is in love ooo, I can't wait to come home" she said

"When are you coming home, I have missed you so much I was thinking of going there to see you"

"Oh, I think on the 23rd of next month, we have decided to have the baby in Nigeria inshaa Allah" she answered,

"Who does that" I asked surprisingly " a lot of people send their life savings trying to have a baby in Canada" I added,

"I want a Nigerian baby, very traditional so I guess I am not a lot of people because I am really proud of where I come from" she began her patriotic citizen speech.

"We will be going to Italy for two weeks but I will be there as soon as we get back" I explained, "just don't have any babies while I am away" I added.

We talked for a while before she hung up the phone,

"Wow I didn't know you were still a chatter box" I heard his voice from behind me,

"When did you get here?" I asked looking like I saw a ghost,

"You were so engrossed in your conversation and I didn't want to disturb so I thought I should wait" he explained calmly,

He sat on the edge of the bed close to me bringing out a small box from his pocket,

"I wanted to do this a long time ago, when I first fell in love with you" he said smiling as he opened the box bringing out the ring,

At this point my eyes were as big as sources as he held my hand,

"Don't worry I am not going to ask you to marry me as we are already married, I just want you to be mine...mind, body and soul. I want the world to know you belong to me and I promise to take care of you as much as I can, I promise I will be the best father there is to our kids and the best husband the world has ever known... I will love you, cherish you , support you through anything and everything until time isn't ours" he smiled slipping the ring onto my finger,

"All I ask is for you to love me and let me handle the rest" he said cupping my face,

"I will!" I answered excited as I was out of words I couldn't say more.

He came closer until our lips were locked, moving synchronously to the rhythms of our hearts and our love expressed,

Before I could spell my name things got really heat up almost out of control...pined to the ground intense, Something I really wasn't ready for.

"Stop it" I pleaded at first but got no reply what so ever,

I tried again and again and was getting really upset but he was far gone to realize what I was saying which got me even more upset so I put together every bit of energy I had to push him away from me,

"What do you think you are doing" I yelled getting away from him and into the closet as I locked the door behind me.


"Inna lillahi wa inna illaihi raju'un" I kept muttering for a while before I walked out of the room,

What was I thinking, I thought she loved me that much, I thought she understood how much she meant to me and how badly I needed her in my life, I thought we were on the same page..... Oh Allah, how can I bare this sort of embarrassment, how could she lead me on like that or was I reading the wrong signals?

I couldn't think straight, I kept pacing to and fro and later picked up my car keys as I was really upset and embarrassed. I had no idea where I was going but I really needed to get out of the house.

I drove around for a while before pulling over on the side of a lonely street placing my head on the staring wheel, I stayed in that position for a while before my phone began to buzz non stop,

I quickly opened the messages thinking it was from my wife wanting to find out where I had gone to or for me to come home if she even cared but it wasn't from her...it was from someone else, someone that has loved me right from her childhood, someone I had always shunned but never fails to express her love for me, someone who does anything to attract my attention...I mean what ever it took.

You know when the devil wants to play with your destiny a little, well this is my own episode.

This message had photos of her with her usual skimpy clothes showing of most of her bosom, its not like I haven't seen pictures like this from her but I was able to ignore it as I felt disgusted with everything she does but not today. My anger got the better of me and I tried so hard not to reply but it seem I didn't try as hard so I replied her for the first time asking where she was,

"Wow! Finally, I'm at home mi amore" she replied and just when I thought i shouldn't say anything to her another message came in,

"If you want to meet me now, that can be arranged"

Like the fool that I was I replied "okay"

And seconds later another message came in "meet me at The Deluxe hotel in 30 minutes"

Those few seconds of deciding whether to go there or not was the hardest decision I have ever had to make but I had no where to go and it was far better than being parked on a lonely street or so I thought.

I caught sight of her leaning against her car waiting for me. I parked close and came out of the car.

She ran towards me giving me a bone crushing hug, "I have waited a long time to show you how much I love you" she said dragging me towards the lobby.

I was shocked when she walked passed the reception...does that mean she had booked a room already? God what kind of woman is this,

She slide the card in unlocking the door dragging me in like a puppet "by the time I'm done with you, you wouldn't be able to go home to your wife" she smiled mischievously and before I could protest she started to kiss me passionately.

Thank God for my mothers prayer I was able to escape her grip "we shouldn't" I said almost out of breath,

"What do you mean?" She asked looking clueless, "am I not good enough for you" she shout looking pitiful,

"I can't, I don't love you...I just promised my wife everything a while ago...what am I doing here" I asked no one in particular,

"I love you, I have always loved you...I have done anything and everything just to prove it, why can't I have you?" She cried heavily clutching her chest, I couldn't help but feel pity for the poor child...you can't really chose whom you fall in love with,

"Go home....go home Hannan" I said fastening my buttons,

She laid back in bed and all that could be heard was the sound of her cries, so I walked out driving as fast as I could back home...where I need to be,where I belong.


A bonus chapter!

Happy birthday to my better half and his twin, May Allah shower his blessing upon you and keep you happy. Ameen

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