...Of The Past 2

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I couldn't take my mind off the issue. When ever I see him Salma always comes to my mind.why am I so curios, I wanted to find out how much he loved her from Mahmud himself, I wanted to see what she looked like, I wanted to know how he got over her or does he have any feelings left?

I hated my situation, I was always told that my curiosity will be the death of me one day, I think that day is here, I desperately wanted answers, I am sleep deprived but I thank God it was a Saturday, if you ask me, I hate this job of mine I cannot wait for it to be over.

Not to forget the preparations for Amma's wedding, how time flies, we've gotten everything ready for the previous week, and I Minal Abubakar was going to be the made of honor and of course  I had to look the part,

I was in Mamie's room all excited running my mouth about Amma's wedding when Mahmud came in, we said our hellos because we couldn't just ignore each other in front of Mamie.

He found a nice spot in front of both Mamie and I to seat,

"I want to talk to you about something" he said sounding very serious,
So I picked up my coffee mug and stood up to leave,

"No it concerns you as well" he ordered,

My heart kept skipping beats trying to figure out what it was that concerned me, because I knew clearly how Mahmud is trying to ruin everything these days,

"I will be travelling for a while" he paused,

"Where, is it for work?" Mamie asked,

"No not for work, I just need to clear my head for a while, somewhere far away" he stated,

"Haba  Mahmud has anything gone wrong, when are you going? Are you taking your wife along? How many d..." Mamie kept on with her questions before she was interrupted,

" no Mamie calm down, I just need space, and I am not taking her along, its just for a week or more"

" then why can't you take your wife along" Mamie insisted,

" Gaskiya Mamie I can't follow him, I can't miss Amma's wedding, not after all we planned and you know that I am her best friend I cannot just leave " I pleaded

"Okay fine, you can stay but it means Mahmud can only travel for a week and that's it" she paused for a while, "when are you leaving?" She asked,

"I am leaving for Morocco tomorrow, everything has been booked by my secretary" he replied,

"Why this soon?, Is something bothering you?" Mamie asked worriedly,

" No I just need the break that's all" he replied, leaning back in his chair,

I couldn't care less in fact I was so glad I wouldn't see his face for a while I felt like a huge burden had been lifted off my back,


I knew her friend was getting married because she wouldn't shut up about it but I never knew it was the week I planned on going away, my heart skipped a beat at the mention that she was the maid of honor, I wish I could stop her from going or take her with me to Morocco but then the reason I was going there in the first place was to get away from her.

I went into my room to pack the little I was going to need for my holiday, I called Amin as soon as I was done so he could take care of the office in my absence, and also drop me off at the airport tomorrow morning.

Alhamdulillah! I was so excited to get off the plane after a couple of hours, i dislike being seated in a single spot for a long time, but I would endure it all for Morocco.

I took a taxi to my Favourite hotel, took a warm shower, prayed and took a short nap. The person I wanted to get away from was everywhere, I mean everywhere, in my dream in my head, it even hurts more being here and far away from her but I have to learn to live without her.

I had no idea when it happened but I have fallen in love with her, Amin was right, its too late now, she is all I think of, all I want but I have to end it before its too late, at the end of the day she would still want a divorce especially after learning the whereabouts of her boyfriend.

I was becoming too emotional about everything so I decided to go out for some fresh air. As days passed by I learnt more and more about my feelings, it was as if I was adding salt to my injury, i grew more depressed, the beautiful city that always excites me wasn't exciting anymore.

I have been in my room for two days going through her Instagram pictures over and over again, thank God for picture, freezing her beautiful smile in time.

What am I doing here, I kept asking myself, my attempt to get away so I could forget her was in vein, so I packed my belongings and went straight to the airport, I needed to see her, I couldn't think straight after seeing the pictures she uploaded on Instagram about the little bridal shower last night.

When I arrived at the house there was no one except the maids, i was informed that they had all gone for the Kamu so I went into my room took a shower and performed sallah.

I sat in the living room watching soccer and having my shrimp glass noodles as I waited for my wife to get back from the wedding.

They got home at around ten thirty all tired and worn out, minal held her shoes in her hands with her silk head almost coming off but she still looked stunning in her skirt and blouse, and suddenly I was overwhelmed with jealously, I couldn't stop staring...

" yaya! When did you get back?" Nasreen and Amani chorused,

"Oh I just got back" I answered in a shallow tone,

"I thought you would be gone for a week" Mamie chirped,

"Yeah... Something came up at work" I lied.

She walked passed us to her room without a word, it was clearly written on her face that she wasn't all that glad to see me, I also stood up leaving Mamie and the rest in the living room.

I began to dial Amin's before I got to my room and as soon as he picked up I couldn't stop talking telling him everything, and to be honest I felt a little relief.

"Calm down, it will all be okay, there is no harm in it, just let it be... Besides she is married to you, you just need to be more human and she will come around... In shaa Allah" he kept trying to calm me down,

How could I show her when I have forgotten the first thing about love, I cannot even bring my self to admit it. How could I be friendly with her when she doesn't even get my jokes.

I barely got any sleep, I was the first one up so I ordered Waina  for everyone, but I was too famished I couldn't wait to eat with the whole family.

I took a shower, got dressed in a white kaftan, took the keys to my white Rover and drove to Amin's house. We talked for a while before I got back home just after Magrib.

The house was almost upside down as I met the girls running around trying to get ready for a wedding dinner,

"Have you seen my earrings, minal came out in a green fitted cape gown showing off her curves as she worked towards Nasreen applying her makeup in front of the mirror in the living room.

I grabbed her by the arm and dragged her straight to my room.

" where do you think you are going dressed like this?" I asked as soon as the door was closed.

"What do you mean.... You know where I am going to and since when did you start paying attention on my outfit" she replied furiously,

" you are my wife, I can't just let you go out like that, besides I am not even comfortable about the whole dinner stuff so I don't think you will be attending " I stated

She laughed a little giving me a scrutinizing look " you must be joking "

" do I look like I am joking? " I pulled her towards me staring deep into her eyes.

" I am only your wife by name, and don't think for once that you can control my life, I don't blame Salma for what ever she did.... You deserved it"

As soon as she mention her name I pulled back a bit letting go of her hands, it really got to me but how did she find out about Salma?


My baby is a graduate......... Congratulations @aminabmusa. This chappy is for you.

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