Chapter 19 (FINALE, Important message at the end!)

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A/N Important message at the end! 

Katya's POV

When Jade said that she was tired and didn't want to come party I could tell she was lying. The way she talked and the look in her eyes showed that she was hurting. I couldn't shake the thought of her doing something bad off, so I decided to go check on her, just to make sure.

Luckily I arrived in the hotel room just on time, because I saw how she was about to hurt herself.

I had to move quickly to make sure that nothing bad happened, so the first thing I did was grab a hold of her hand that was holding the blade and forcefully removed it before flushing it down the toilet.

Next thing I see is her collapsing to the ground and beginning to sob uncontrollably. Before she completely hits the floor I manage to catch her. I feel her cling on to me for dear life, so I hold her tight and walk to the bed where we lay down together. I don't say anything until I can hear her sobbing has calmed down into small sniffles.

"Jade." I whisper. I get no response, so I look down at her and see that she had fallen asleep. Her cheeks were still red and wet from crying, so I gently put her down and headed to the bathroom to get a cloth and wipe her tears away.

After I see that she has fallen into a deep and calm sleep, I pick her up and carry her to my room. All of these emotions must have worn her out bad, because she was fast asleep when I put her on my bed and put my blanket over her body.

I decided to text Raven, I didn't tell her that Jade wanted to hurt herself, only that she was crying and that I brought her to my room for her to stay the night.

Almost immediately I received a text back from Raven:

Raven - Oh my god.. My poor baby, I'm coming over.

Me - Alright, just make sure to be quiet she is sleeping.

Raven arrived at my room and gently knocked on the door in the matter of minutes. She was out of breath, she must have run here.

"You truly are an amazing parent." I complimented her. "I wish you were my dad." I grinned at her in a creepy yet funny way. I knew Raven was stressed, but this small joke made her loosen up a bit and smile.

That smile disappeared when she spotted Jade though.

She quietly crouched down next to the girl and rubbed her cheek. After giving her a small kiss on the head, she got back up and hugged me.

"I'm so glad you took care of her." Raven let go and looked me in the eyes.

"Of course, Jade is my friend and I care about her very much." I explained.

Raven stayed a little longer before going back to her room to sleep. Once she left I got under the covers and gently hugged Jade goodnight and proceeded to sleep myself.

Jade's POV

It has been a week since the incident and we were currently in Australia. The girls had their last official performance of this tour, but touring life had not yet come to an end. All of the queens we traveled with were booked separately (or together sometimes) in different cities across the world to perform in bars and clubs. Sadly this meant we wouldn't be touring as a whole team anymore, but I'm glad I was a part of this experience.

We had already said our goodbyes and were in the plane off to LA where Raven and Katya both had a gig in a club, Manila and Trixie were also supposed to perform there that night.

When the plane landed we still had about 4 hours before the girls had to get ready, we were currently in Manila's apartment because it is the closest to the club. I was looking through her Drag with her because she said she wanted me to help her decide what to wear.

"This is cute!" I pulled out a black feather boa and put it across my shoulders. Next I found a sparkling black dress with a white belt and proceeded to try it on. I don't know what happened, but I began getting all caught up in styling myself in accessories, putting on makeup and searching for shoes. I knew Manila didn't mind me doing this, I had often come by to her house and she always told me that if I wanted to I could try on her drag. She has also done my makeup very often when we went out to gigs with the girls.

"Together with this wig it would all look great!" I put on a long black wig with Manila's signature blonde streak of hair in it.

I turned around to face her and her jaw dropped. I either picked out the most stunning or the most hideous combination of clothing, I couldn't tell by her expression which one it was.

"Have you ever considered becoming a Bio queen?" I surely wasn't expecting that question, but it did make me think. I have really taken an interest in fashion and makeup since I started living with David. I always helped the girls choose their looks, but I never even thought about trying out drag myself.

"You keep these clothes on okay? You look amazing. I think you should try performing." Manila took my hands in hers and looked at me.

"But you know I'm shy." I told her.

"Sweetie, everyone should try Drag at least once. And I know you are flexible, Katya showed me some videos of you two doing Cartwheels and splits in her backyard." Manila giggled and pulled up a clip of Katya and I messing around in her garden. Ever since I had become friends with her, we met up a lot and she helped me stretch and taught me some gymnastics.

"Why don't you put on this black leotard instead of the dress and try performing a number with Katya?" Manila pulled out a leotard in the same colour and fabric as the dress. I got changed into it and quickly returned.

"You know what Manila? You are right. I'm gonna do this." I smiled up at her.

Of course Katya was beyond excited when I announced that I wanted to perform with her.

"We HAVE to do the same parts!" She squealed. I giggled, remembering how we made our own little choreography to Tatianna's song and would always practice it when we had time.

I agreed to this and touched up my makeup a little before we all headed into the car. David was of course also very excited. He couldn't stop looking at me and grinning.

"I'm so proud of you, I can't wait to see you shine out there." He said. 

A/N So this is it, the last chapter in this book.  Don't worry though! I'm creating a sequel soon, I'm already working on the first chapter :) I hope you enjoyed Book 1!

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