Jades POV
The week had finally passed after what seemed like forever. In this time the girls finished off the US segment of the tour, so we were heading off internationally now.
This is why instead of a small bag I packed a medium sized suitcase because I knew it would be a while until I was back home. Obviously David had to pack a lot more because he was packing for two people after all, himself and Raven.
It is strange to call him Raven nowadays, even though before I knew him personally I'd always refer to him as Raven. Now he was my dad, David.
Speaking of who, he walks into my room and picks the suitcase up. "I'll bring it too the taxi, then when you are ready we can head for the Airport." And with that he left the room.
Before I also went down I looked in the mirror one more time. It was still a little visible on my forehead where a part of the glass hit me. A small scar was beginning to form, so I just put on a beanie to hide it. I didn't want to make Aquaria feel bad when she would see me.
"You look cute with that beanie." David complimented as I got into the car and put my seatbelt on.
"Thanks." I blushed a little, not because he complimented me but because the real reason for wearing it wasn't for me to look cute.
The whole car ride to the Airport we talked about all the countries we would be visiting.
"So first it is off to London, then Paris, next Barcelona and lastly we will be heading off to Sydney." Excitement grew inside of me. I had never been to any of those places.
"I can't wait to see the world, and I am so happy to be doing it with you and the other girls. I wouldn't want it any other way." I admitted and hugged David who looked like he was about to cry.
"I wouldn't want it any other way either." he whispered.
We finally arrived at the airport and the first thing that happened when I walked through the slide doors was Katya sprinting towards me and lifting me up in the air while screaming and squeezing me.
"I missed you so much!" She continues to yell before David steps in.
"Okay Katya stop before security is called." He rolls his eyes and laughs.
Katya puts me down and looks at me with a huge grin. "You are 100% sitting next to me on the plane, I will make sure of that."
And Katya sure as hell was right. After negotiating with the lady who originally was supposed to sit next to Katya for about 20 minutes, she finally agreed to move so I could sit next to Katya.
David playfully rolled his eyes again from the seat behind us. "I can't with you." He laughed at Katya who just smirked.
Aquaria's POV
The whole 10 hour flight I had my hand firmly grasped around Crackers because I was so nervous. Raven didn't look at me once since her and Jade arrived and it was scaring me. 'Does she hate me after all?' 'Did I do something wrong already without noticing?'
Paranoia was getting to me so bad I decided to talk to Cracker about it.
"I'm sure the reason why she didn't look at you is because she was busy checking in, I mean I barely had time to talk to you guys because we were in a rush." Cracker's words calmed me down a little, but I ended up having to curl up to her in order to get some sleep.
Once we landed everyone looked super tired, including me. I might have slept for about 3 hours, but it definitely wasn't enough.
The time difference also got to all of us, so I bought a big stack of Red Bull to help keep everyone going for the day.
Back at home it was 11 at night, here it was already 7 in the morning. In order to stay awake for the gig tonight I chugged two cans of Red Bull and then headed to my hotel room.
We were all in one row in the hotel, the first room was for Raja, the second for Katya, the third was mine, the fourth was Crackers and at the very end Raven and Jade had their room. I spent most of the 'morning' with unpacking all of my drag and setting out my makeup station in front of the big vanity that my room had. Then I took a shower to wake me up and before I knew it, the clock read 2 in the afternoon.
I walked out of my room after texting Cracker about getting something to eat. She looked just as tired as she did when we left the plane, but after I gave her a Red Bull she seemed to have more energy.
First we went to a small restaurant and had lunch, then we walked through a park together. Suddenly Cracker took a hold of my hand as we started walking over a bridge. I blushed and looked up at her, she was also blushing. After exchanging our glances we proceeded to walk back to the hotel, still holding hands. We only parted when I went back into my hotel room.
I sat down on my bed and put my hand on my neck to check my pulse. My heart was beating like crazy and my cheeks were still bright red. 'Did I have a crush on Cracker?' I thought to myself. 'Does she even like me back?'
I mean, she did want to hold hands, but it could have been just because we are friends? I was so confused...
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