That night Edward and Briar had claimed eachother. They fed from eachother and made love, which in my opinion was good- as they both were old age virgins- and told eachother they loved eachother.
They were now inseparable.
However, Edward still had to talk to his family. He was worried what they would say. "Hello." Carlisle asked sadly.
"Carlisle." Edward says
"Edward." Carlisle breathed.
Moving. Moving to Forks, for Edward. He had become family to them all. Maybe Forks would be good for the Salvatore's.
Luckily the Salvatore's had a mansion in Forks from Damon and Briars stay in 1869, they got someone to put electric into it a few years ago and had cleaners come everyday.
Brair designed the whole thing herself and Damon compelled the entire town to build it for them.
Edward went a day before the Salvatore's, which was hard enough as he had to spend 24 hours apart from her.
He agreed with his family he'd stay with Briar after she has modified the house they also asked to be the first to see it with Edward. Briar agreed, excited to meet his family- her confidence was something Edward loves about her.
Edward and Briar's bedroom
Stefan's and Caroline bedroom.
Damon and Elena bedroom
Guest bedrooms
Living room
The Cullen's absolutely loved the house as Edward showed them. He finally brought then to the library, ready to meet the Salvatore family. "Meet the Salvatore's. " Edward says.
"I'm Damon, the best Salvatore sibling. This is my wide Elena." Damon introduced.
"I'm Stefan Salvatore, the better Salvatore brother and twin. This is my wonderful wife Caroline."
"You're both idiots, I'm Briar. Edwards mate." She smiled after smacking them both on the back of the head.
"If anything Briar's the best Salvatore. " Elena said.
"How?" Damon asked in mock offence.
"She designed this house in 4 days. Whilst you watched Ellen reruns" Caroline states.
"See, girl power." Briar smiled. They all fist bumped.
"Well I'm Carlisle and this is my wife Esme." Carlisle says.
"I'm Alice, and this is Jasper."
"I'm Rosalie, and this is Emmett." Rosalie said in boredom.
"Cut the attitude bitch, I'm not some weak human that's going to get you in trouble with the Voltori. I'm a extremely powerful vampire, with a short temper and killer heels." Briar says to Rosalie.
"She's fiesty, you have my approval Edward." Rose says smiling. Making Briar smile.
"So how old are you?" Emmett asked.
"Around 167. Damon's older. Elena and Caroline are around 27?" Briar says.
Briar hurriedly got ready for school, being late was a uncommon thing for her. Edward was already waiting outside for her.
Briar met the Cullen's a week ago and they fell in love with the family. Either the Cullen's would hang out st the Salvatore's- which happened most times as it's bigger and the Cullen's could leave any time as they didn't need to sleep- or the Cullen's. Over the last few days Briar has been giving them gifts, such as the power to eat human food, and walk in the sun without sparkling. Tonight she was giving them the power to sleep. She couldn't do it all in one night as it made her sleepy.
Today was sunny and it was the first time the Cullen's would appear in public, and they were excited.
"Briar, hurry up please." Edward begged as he didn't want to be late on his first day back in months. And it was Elena, Stefan, Caroline and Briar's first day. The others had already left.
"I'm ready. I'm ready." She said, running and giving him a kiss.
"Finally." He joked.
"Shut up, you took hours on your hair." She argued.
Pulling up in Edward Cullen's volvo, on the first day with his hand interlocked with your own Is definitely a way to be remembered. Every girl looked on with jealousy and so did every guy. And then Isabella Swan's truck pulled into the school parking lot.
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