Chapter one: Sweet Scents
Tiredly Edward sat down in the café. He had a day, then the sun would come out and the Voltori would kill him. He sighs, for some reason he was hesitant for death. You would think that after being alive for around a hundred years he would want to die but it was like something was out there for him, or someone. And he was right, but Alice couldn't see her. All Alice could see was Edwards death because Nightwalkers blocked her power without knowing it, kid of like werewolves.
The smell. Chocolate and strawberrys. Following the smell. The smell was intoxicating he got up and followed the amazing scent. His eyes landed on the most gorgeous girl he has ever seen.
She was gorgeous her brown hair was slightly curled. She had a better style then Bella, which made Edward happy as he really didn't like Bella's clothing choices. Not that he'd say anything. He was so used to women wearing good clothes, even he was fashionable, this girl in front of him was beautiful and fashionable.
She squealed as Stefan picked her up my, "Ah. Don't do this, it's twintrale." and with that he pushed her into a pool.
Everyone, expect Briar, laughed at her annoyed face as Edward tried not to laugh. "Someone's here." She said shaking like a dog. "Vampire, you can come out now." She said, shocking Edward but he stepped out anyway.
Everyone other then Briar crouched into attack positions, Edward looked slightly scared. "Oh stop it, he's good. I saw him coming. What I didn't see was you guys pushing me into the pool!" and with that she smacked their heads.
"So, meet Edward Cullen. My mate." She added. "Edward this is my twin brother Stefan. My older, stupid, brother Damon. Stefan's wife, Caroline and damon's wife, which I still think she's crazy, Elena." she tells him.
"I guess you know my family?" He asked.
"Not really, a human blocked my vision. I only see vampires. Like my family, who are night walkers." She says with a smile.
"Well, we have the coven leaders. Who are like our parents for all purposes, Esme and Carlisle. Then we have jasper and Alice. Jasper's a empath. And Alice sees the future. Then Emmett and Rosalie. Emmett's crazy and has extra strength and Rosalie has inhanced beauty. I read minds and we all drink animal blood." Edward says with a smile, he rearly smiled with Bella. At least he could relax with Briar.
"So, I was bitten by a cold one. But as my heart stopped Katherine's vampire blood brought me back. Healing everything. So I got the power to copy anyone's power, and enhance it. I was also a siphon, making me a heretic." Briar tells them.
Alice told the Cullen's she could no longer see Edwards future believed he was dead, they were moarning and decided to move to Forks as it reminds them of Edward. It had been 4 weeks since Edward 'died.'
When really he was having the time of his life with the craziness that is the Salvatore's. "Damon, I'm gonna kill you! " Brair shouted.
"What did you do with my journal? " she shouted furiously. Damon just smirked. "if I don't get it in the next ten minutes I'll tell Elena all about your human corn fear." she threatened and damon's smirk dropped.
"You wouldn't." He said.
"Elena, when Damon was 20 and human, he would-" all of a sudden her mouth was covered and she was given her journal. Which she hugged.
"Oww! I wanted to hear the story!" Caroline complained. Suddenly Briar gasped, her eyes going completely white.
Everyone rushed to help her stand as she lost control of her body as she had her vision. Which takes her into the vision. Gasp. She's back. "Edward... You're family think you're dead."
"What?!" Edward asked.
"I saw them, dry sobbing. Saying it was all Bella's fault. It was... Such a powerful vision." She says and leaves almost in tears leaving a confused Edward.
"When she has a vision she feels everyone's emotions. She's you're mate and she felt like you were dead. But it was magnified by her emotions and everyone in you're family. You need to go after her" Stefan explained and Edward quickly ran after her.
Edward could see Briar was about to cry. "B.." He whispered. Caressing her cheek.
"It was like you were dead. I felt like I was never going to see you again." She whispered, tears streaming down her face like a waterfall. "I began to believe it."
"You would never loose me, we have a eternity together." He said, looking at her lips. She stared at his. They leaned in, and their lips brushed. Edward couldn't bare not touching her anymore. He crushed his lips to hers, the kiss was slow and meaningful but quickly turns fast and passionate. In that moment Briar knew she loved Edward more then life it's self.
The my broke away, smiling. "Call you're family."
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