55. Genie in a bottle

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Hola. Listen to the song Genie in a bottle by Christina Aguilera to set you in a mood for this chapter.

"I feel like I've been locked up tight

For a century of lonely nights

Waiting for someone to release me..."

I sing along with CD playing in the background. This is my Aunt's playlist and it's really good. I breath in getting ready to sing the next line. Its amazing how I know the lyrics without even thinking about it.

"You're lickin' your lips

And blowing kisses my way

But that don't mean I'm gonna give it away"

I sway my hips to the chorus.

"Baby, baby, baby (Baby baby baby)

Ooh, my body's sayin' let's go

Ooh, but my heart is sayin' no..."

I stand up in my room, it's currently night and the stars are in sight. It's dark and I feel free dancing to myself. I swing my way towards the open window as the cool air brushes my face. I look down at the lights of the beautiful city below me. I lift my arms in the air and close my eyes swinging my head.

"If you wanna be with me

I can make your wish come true

You gotta make a big impression (Oh yeah)

Gotta like what you do

(I'm a genie in a bottle baby

Gotta rub me the right way honey

I'm a genie in a bottle baby

Come come, come on and let me out)"

"You would have made a great stripper," A voice says behind me, I freeze while the music plays in the background. I immediantly turn around at the hostile comment. I look at the dark figure who is too familiar to myself to know who it is just by the smell. I chain my self in an strong posture.

From the bottom to the top, he's dressed like he always is. The hat he's wearing only shows the dirty smirk he holds. His hands losley in his pockets as I realise he's been stood here for a long time.

"You want to see some more?" I say. He does nothing but smirk. I sway towards him, sliding my hips side to side rocking my arms stepping side to side.

This time i'm in front of him, freely dancing without shame. I can control myself without caring about what someone else thinks. I'm so close I can feel our body heats combine. As soon the music fades I slowly fade out of my dance and stand completely still.

I raise my hand to wipe that smirk of his face. I'm half way there and he grabs my hand. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE ALEXIS?!"

Sooooo guys! What do you bloody think? The guts of this man to turn up after you know! Liana has changed but she's not scared like Alexis said she would be if she found out everything. Did you notice that? Mind you Liana knows everything but its still got to be revealed to you lot. I don't know how i'm going to do it but I AM GONA. Full stop.

Letty was here.

*That is Alexis.

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