51. Welcome Back

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Hola. Two chapter is one go! Yayyyy...


My heart drops


I did not expect this" I can explain-" I rush panicking.

"Can you?" He interrupts "My workers are demanding for you presence!"  

I sigh in relief, I had no idea that humour were hidden in those eyes.

That was a close one.

"You know I didn't want to give you this job, it's hard," Alexis emphasis.

"But I like it, I wouldn't prefer anything better!" I whine like a child. Alexis looks at me in disbelief, "Can you handle it?" He asks.

"Yes, of course," I obviously say.

"Then you are officially hired," He smile and reaches out to shake my hand which I take. "You wish my command, your happiness my happiness," He finishes.

"Thank you," I say politely. Got to have my employer socks on.

"Welcome back Liana," Alex says his voice leaning towards his authority.

"I am delighted to be back, Sir!" I posh-ly announce.

"SIR?!" Alexis says in shock, a hint of amusement in his voice. He raises his eyebrows in questioning.

"Yes boss!" I salute.

We both laugh and in between the laughter's when Alexis lifts his chin up and closes his delicate eyes I slip the drive into my hand bag.

"Well I better get to work," I sigh and Alexis nods in agreement. I walk over and bend down to kiss Alexis on the cheek, muttering a bye I leave.

I turn around and face my back to Alexis and with a knowing smirk on my face I walk out.

I'm a sly bitch!

VOTE COMMENT SHAREEE!!!!!!!!! ^^^ that's how cool I am.

Letty was here.

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