Hola, So the update is finally here. Btw PMsing means (Personal messaging) not the period syndrome shit thing! Hahah! I was reading over one of my previous chapters and the A/N said PMsing (lower case s) don't get confused. I thought it was really funny and I couldn't stop laughing.
My god, heaven to hell, devils horns and horses poo. Stupid Marcus is here kidnapping me. I opened my eye that were in a blur and groaned out in complaint with the sudden dry throat. I blinked to notice eye's set right in front of my face. I would have recognised his eyes anyway, they were pitch black. So now I knew who I was getting kidnapped by but it's not exactly kidnap if you're Marcus.
In this case it would be borrowing the person because you felt like it. Marcus, was my best friend and a local piss. He was fun but a major wannabi bad ass. He thought he owned the world and the people. He had a massive ego and was to proud of himself. He was a massive cheater and manipulator but my bestfriend since diaper days. Love him no matter who or what he is. He is a big fat ass of a hippo. Once I was convinced he was gay cause he 'admired' Alexis. I was angry beyond the sun exploding. But the next day he hooked up with a girl and claimed to be as straight as a line. But I still have my doubts. Marcus never 'admires' anyone but himself. Trust me!
He is in trouble if he thinks he's going to get away!
That is why he is soooo freakin' stupid!
"Now babe you come quietly with me and you don't move a muscle," He whispered in my ear. He had done this before but I had caught him. He snickered in his victory behind me.
I mumbled against his gloved hand. I was not going to here the end of this. He was taking me to his advantage, I am so going to kill him as soon as he unties me from this chair in his apartment.
"YOU ARE SO DEAD," I roared and wiggled around. Marcus took of his mask and smirked,
Ohhh, Marky baby is in the house. I wonder what he's up to. OMG, he likes Alexis? Imagine if Alexis knew that. Hahaha awkward much. I sense some jealously in Liana. Is he gay or straight? Time will tell.
It's a bit long, I got carried away.
Marcus on the media section- gif-> something he would do in my head if he had girls reading about him. (or even boys).
Letty was here.
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