When I Met Her

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Gildarts P.O.V.

I was walking through the forest with my bag behind my back. That's when I heard something rolling my way but I wasn't fast enough to move out of the way. Something crashed into me and landed on top of me and I hit really hard on the ground.

"Ugh my head" I said painfully. I felt someone was on top of me

"I-im s-sorry" I heard a girl's voice above me 

I look at her face and she has the most gorgeous blue eyes ever and her long white hair is just mesmerizing. I felt this sense of warmth spread through me and I felt this need to protect her and that I can trust her. I then noticed that she was on top of my and my face got red.

"U-umm can you get off of me please" I said all flustered

"U-umm I can't my legs are too tired from running too much that I can't get up" She said with embarrassment 

"Oh um here let me help you then," I grabbed her shoulders and rolled us over, so that I was on top of her and she was on the bottom. I then notice how close our faces are and I instantly blush. I get up and have my hand out to her for her to take so I can help her up. She gives me her hands and I pull her up, but I saw that her legs were wobbling and before she hit the ground I grabbed her waist and pulled her towards my body so she can lean against me. 

"I-im sorry my legs are just really tired from running so much so I can't really stand right now" She tells me all flustered

"It's ok I'll help you, here sit down and lean against this tree" I say as I put her down and she leans against the tree. I then sit down next to her.

"Thank you ummm..."

"Oh my name is Gildarts Clive and i'm 10 years old, what's your name?"

"Ok i'm 8 years old and my name is...." she trails off

'Did she forget her name?'

"Did you forget your name?" I looked at her curiously with my head tilted to the side.

"Umm no its just that I don't know you and my mom always told me to not tell strangers my name if I don't know them"

'Her mother is a smart person for telling her that, I respect that'

"Oh ok thats alright with me I can give you a nickname for now until you trust me enough to tell me your real name" I tell her with a smile on my face

"Really? Ok then" She said all cheery with a big smile on her face

"Lets see what name should we give you?"

I see that her smile can brighten up my whole world even on bad days and I already know what name to give her because she is my light....

"Hmmmm how about Lucy" 

"I like that, yes my name will be Lucy" She said with a big smile on her face

'I'm glad she likes her name'

"Well hello Lucy nice to meet you I hope we can be good friends" I said

"Hello gildarts I hope we can be good friends as well"


(To be continued)

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