Lucy's P.O.V.
After my rest with gildarts he asked me if I had a place to stay, I told him I didn't so he told me that I can stay with him. We are heading to his place right now and there was this awkward silence between us until he said,"So what happened to your parents?" I tensed up from his question.
'What do I tell him?'
"If its too painful to tell me its alright I'll understand. I know firsthand how it feels to be asked that question by a stranger." He said with a distant look on his face as if he was remembering something.
'It's probably about his parents'
"What happened to your parents, if you don't mind me asking"
"No I don't mind anymore. I'll tell you." He paused for a few seconds like if he was gathering his thoughts and then he lets out a slow deep breath and starts his story...
"I lived in a small peaceful town in a cottage with my parents I was only 6 years old at the time. It was like any other normal day to us, that is until He arrived and changed my whole world..... I was in my backyard with my dad, he was starting to teach me magic when He came out of the woods that was behind our backyard and came towards us. My father told me to go inside the house and get my mom and run as far away from here as we could. I told him why, but thats when He decided to hit me with his magic, but my dad jumped in front of me just in time so I wouldn't get hit. He sacrificed himself for me and I couldn't do anything about it. I ran inside my house and told my mom what was happening and she told me to grab my things, put in a bag, and run in the woods and to never stop running until I thought I was safe. While I was packing some of my things my mom decided to face Him on her own. After he managed to defeat her I had barely escaped into the woods and ran away from my town, my home, and my family."
I saw a single tear roll down his cheek like if he was trying to be strong and holding back his tears. I decided to go up to him and hug him. When I did he hugged me back and put his head in my neck and started to cry.
"I c-couldn't save them. I c-couldn't save all of t-them. I was too weak and scared to save them. I had watched my dad die in front of me and I couldn't do anything. I couldn't do anything! I was too weak. I just left my mom and my town there to die by the hands of that monster, Zeref!"
When I heard that name once more I couldn't help but think what happened to my parents. That Monster not only killed my parents but Gildarts too along with an entire town. Rage built inside of me and right there I promised myself that I will become stronger than any other mage in the entire world and will beat Zeref one day. I will not only take revenge for the death of my parents, but to all the people he hurt and killed. I will defeat him one day and if that means I have to die in the process, then I will still do it for the sake of myself and others who have suffered the pain of losing someone they loved because of him.
I Promise to myself and my parents that I Will defeat Zeref one day.
I hug gildarts tighter and start to cry along with him. That's when I knew I can trust him, so I decided to tell him who I am and what happened to my parents. I let him go and I look into his eyes and tell him, "I am Lucille Draconian, Daughter of Acnologia, the king of dragons ,and Daughter of Celeste, the Queen of Dragons, and I promise I will become more powerful than Zeref himself and defeat him, for he too, killed my parents." I say with determination in my eyes.
He looks at me with shock and surprise, but then he recovered and had a determined look on his face and he said,"I promise to become powerful too, so I can be by your side to fight against that Monster and defeat him with you!"
I looked at him and then I smile and told him, "It's a promise then." I take out my hand for him to shake and he placed his hand with mine and looked at me and said, "It's a promise," we then shook our hands.
(To be Continued)
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