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Ace of Spades

Sayoni sits across from Journey as tears fall down her face.

"Let me formally introduce myself, my name is Journey Cooper. Ring any bells" Journey questions and Sayoni is just frozen.

"Ok I see you kind of stupid. I'm Andre babymother, I was 5 months pregnant when your weird ass sent him to jail" She angrily stares at Sayoni and begins psychotically laughing flaunting the gun around.

Journey stands up jumping off the bed. "Why are you doing this, I ain't never did nothing to you"

"Why? Do you know how it feel to do everything alone? Have a baby, raise a boy, and having his father come home and still worry about you. I'm doing this for my son. With you out the way maybe my son will get a father" She says pointing the gun at Sayoni.

The door bell rings and Journey lowers the weapon and tilts her head at Sayoni. "Expecting some one?" she asks and Sayoni shakes her head. "Then who the fuck at the door!?"

"I don't fucking know man! I don't know" Sayoni puts her head down and Journey walks towards the door.

Sayoni side eyes her before tripping her and Journey falls on her stomach.

Sayoni run towards the gun only for Journey to grab her leg making her fall straight down. She almost lands on her stomach before stopping her self and landing in a push up position.

"You stupid bitch" Journey say as her and Sayoni fight over the gun.

The two hassle each other before a gunshot rings through the air. Both of them freeze.

Sayoni looks down at the blood quickly spilling onto the floor.

Journey drops to the ground and Sayoni gasps.

"Help me" Journey cries out and Sayoni just stands there shocked as Journey holds her stomach.

"What about my son" Journey says and Sayoni gulps like she just drunk a cup of water. "I'm sorry" Sayoni apologizes as her front door opens.

"I heard a gunshot.. did you do it" A woman says and  Sayoni head turns to the dark hallway.

"C-Camryn?" Sayoni stutters before the door slams shut.

"Please, I'm sorry" Journey says and Sayoni curses under her breath before running to her purse.

She pulls her phone out before calling 911.

Sayoni stares at herself in the mirror as it seems like everything is going in slow motion.

The water from the sink covers her hands.

The moment comes to an end as the bathroom door swings open. It's a female forensic scientist, she's sliding her gloves on.

"I guess knocking not a thing police do" she dries her hand and the Lady does not look amused. "Detective James will like to have a word with you" The woman says and Sayoni nods.

The woman gave no context, Sayoni don't know who detective James is.

Sayoni walks out of the bathroom and the forensic points at a dark skin male he has on a suit and is hold nothing but a pen.

She approaches him. "She said you wanted to talk to me" Sayoni fiddles with her two pointer fingers.

"Yep, let's take a seat" He puts a hand on her back using the other as a guide to the couch. "Do you know why the woman would try to attack you" He asks continuously pressing the pen.



He watches Sayoni's every movement from her eye blinks, her chest rising and falling, foot tapping, and finger fiddling.

"Um she told me that she wanted my ex boyfriend, who is her baby father, to show more attention to their son"

The detective nods.

She looks at his hand as he keeps pressing the pen.

"What is his name?" Detective James questions and Sayoni looks at the Camera flashing at the front door, taking a photo of it.

James looks at the door. "Don't let it bother you, just act like we the only two people in the room right now" He says and Sayoni nods her head.

She cracks her knuckles "Andre Greene, is his name. He was or still is a alcoholic. A few years ago he raped me in a apartment we shared" She explains.

"Can you give me a run down on what happened tonight, start from the beginning" He tells her and she nods.

"I came here to get a few things before I went to the doctor. In my room there's a walk in closet and I went in there and she said something and when I turned around she had a gun. She told me who she was and then someone knocked on the door-"

"Who was at the door?"

"I don't know. She went to check on it and when she tried to walk by, I tripped her. When I tried to grab the weapon she tripped me, we started fighting over the gun and it went off, shooting her in the stomach I think" Sayoni explains and the detective nods.

He stops clicking the pen. "We want to get you to a hospital so they can check if you and your baby is okay"

Sayoni looks at the screen confused as Dayvon is staring at the screen with the same confusion as her.

"What that mean" He points and the Nurse looks at what he's pointing at.

"That's baby one, and that's baby two. It looks like you're two weeks along." She explains and Sayoni looks at Dayvon.

"Why is their two babies like why? What the fuck" Sayoni questioms rubbing her temple. "Sometimes the sperm can fertil-"

"I know how the process of making a baby works"

The nurse just stares at her before turning the screen off. "We want to keep you overnight so we can monitor the babies and you" She explains and Sayoni slowly nods.

The last thing she wants to do is stay at a public place.

"Officers will be monitoring the door 24/7, no one gets in or out without them knowing" She says before pushing the screen out the room and closing the door behind her.

Sayoni grabs tissues so she can wipe the gel off her stomach.

She can feel Dayvon burning a whole in her face with his eyes. "What now" She asks standing up and walking towards the garbage.

"Why you ain't call me? Why I have to find out from somebody else?" He asks and Sayoni side eyes him. "What the fuck? 'I just shot somebody, let me call Dayvon and inform him first'" She sarcastically says and Dayvon is not amused.

"Yo ass is really starting to blow me folks" He points his finger in her face and she smacks his hand away. "Don't put yo finger in my face, I ain't no lil kid" She tells him and he coldly chuckles.

He pulls his phone out texting someone back. "Just don't touch me" He says and Sayoni glares at him.

If looks could kill he would be dead. "You really texting somebody while we having a conversation?" She almost shouts immediately drawing his attention.

"Why're you yelling? We not having a conversation it sound like you want to argue. I asked yo ass a simple question, that required a simple answer. Didn't nobody ask for you to be fucking sarcastic"

"Stop CLAP talking CLAP to me CLAP like you crazy, is you cool?" She questions him and he tilts his head.

Dayvon ain't never really seen Sayoni get angry and it feel weird to see.

"You got it, folks" he tells her going to sit on the couch.

Sayoni pulls her phone out.

The cameras on the third and fourth floor switch off with a click on the keyboard.

You can hear every step from the platformed Doctor Marten boots. They have 4 minutes before the cameras reboot.

The elevator dings, signaling its arrival and The woman steps aside letting the nurse through. "Oh I'm sorry ma'am visiting hours are over" The nurse says pushing a cart of medical supplies.

"Oh I was already here. I'm just telling my mother bye" She looks at her watch, three minutes.

The nurse nods letting her into the elevator.

The woman rides to to the fourth floor, she walks to room 413. The door opens and she looks at the sleeping woman.

She approaches the bed and the footsteps wake her up.

Journey looks at her confused. "Camryn? What're you doing here"

"I'm sorry, J. but you know like I know. We can't have no loose ends. I'm sorry but you knew better" Camryn says grabbing a pillow.

"Wait, wait" Journey says trying to sit up but Camryn hurry's and covers her face with the pillow. Journey tries her best to fight back but is unable to do much.

After a minute Camryn watches the screen as her vitals go flat. Camryn lifts the pillow.

She glances at her watch. One minute!

Camryn drops the pillow running out the room as and alarm rings and she hears 'Code blue' she decides to take the stairs. She glances back and sees doctors running into the room.

Camryn runs down the fights of stairs before stopping on the main floor the cameras switch back on.

Camryn walks through the waiting room, towards the front door. "Hey" an officer shouts after her and she comes to a holt.

"Tie your shoes Ma'am you wouldn't want to become a patient right?" He says with a smile and Camryn nods continuing to walk.

She's stopped again and this time it's by Journeys son. "Hi Tete Cam" the three year old smiles holding onto his grandmother's hand.

"Aj! Hi baby" She says looking down at him. "I have to go, I'm sorry" she rushes off. Looking behind her at the hospital one more time it's like her soul jumps out her body as she see's Dayvon staring at her from Sayoni's room.

Camryn shakes the feeling off before getting in her car and leaving the hospital.

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