Ace of Spades✰
Sayoni twist and turns in the bed next to Dayvon. It has been a few days since her meeting with her lawyer and she can't get her mind off of Andre.
Dayvon puts his arm on her making her stop moving.
"What's wrong with you" Dayvon looks over at her. Her moving every 30 seconds woke him out of his slumber.
Which slightly blew him.
"Nothing, I think i'm about to leave. Or go for a drive because I can't sleep" Sayoni sits up from the bed that's usually comfortable.
Dayvon glances at the time on his phone.
"It's 3 in the morning" He tells her and she shrugs. "Cool, we can go for a drive for like 30 minutes then you go take yo ass to sleep" Dayvon gets out of the bed.
The only thing that is keeping light in the room is the Tv that's playing Power. Sayoni stands up and slightly adjusts her comfy shorts.
Dayvon come back into the room. He walks to his dresser and grabs one of his guns, a G35. He tucks the Weapon into the waistband of jogging pants.
Sayoni slides her crocs on before Dayvon throws a hoodie her way. "It's okay, I got my own Jacket" She grabs her simple pink Jacket.
"No, put that one on"
He watches Sayoni look at him confused before putting the hoodie on.
The hoodie drops down and stops right after her ass. Her arms don't even go through the sleeves. The white hoodie hides a body.
Sayoni lightly laughs.
Dayvon nods his head. "Come on" he lets her walk in front of him.
"Wait" Dayvon says and Sayoni turns with confusion. He pulls the hood over her head. "Okay you're doing to much now" she frowns pulling some of her hair out the front of the hoodie.
"I'm doing to less, now let's go" He grabs her hand leading her to the garage.
Sayoni stares forward with thoughts racing her mind.
Dayvon glances at her as they drive down the quiet and dark roads. "What's on your mind" he asks genuinely curious.
Sayoni looks at him before turning to look out the passenger side window.
She decides not to answer. She doesn't really want to spill her mind out to Dayvon because what if she scares him away?
"You can talk to me, I ain't go judge you"
What if...What if...What if... What if...
Sayoni turns her whole body to Dayvon. "I was thinking about my ex-"
"Why the f-"
"Before you get mad let me finish" She tells him and he angrily shuffles in his seat. "A few years ago... I was raped by my Ex Andre..." Sayoni begins to explain.
Dayvon stares at the ceiling. Sayoni is laying on his chest and he can feel her light breaths on his neck.
He picks his phone up, he opens Instagram and searches Andre name. Nothing comes up. Twitter. Nothing. He opens facebook and Searches the name. Something comes up.
His mother account and he commented under a post a few years ago. Dayvon clicks his account seeing it barely stuff on there. He clicks a post and sees some guy in the comments claiming to be Andre best friend.
He opens Instagram searching the guy up. He comes up. Dayvon clicks on a post with Andre before sending it to one of his homies named Muwop.
Dayvon: Find out what you can on this Nigga. The rest of the message slidin through soon.
Dayvon clicks his phone off before kissing Sayoni forehead. She moves around a little.
Destiny presses her lips together as she sits in the examination room.
She is waiting for the doctor and is very anxious about what he has to say.
The door opens revealing a Caucasian male, his brown straight hair flops around with each step, and his steel blue eyes were almost piercing through her soul.
Dr. Ryler is the young mans name.
He clears his throat as he shuts the door.
He takes a seat and the silence is killing Destiny on the inside. "So.." she speaks up as he puts on a face mask.
"Destiny... your test results have came back. And I'm sorry to inform you, you have Brain tumors, in other words, Brain Cancer" He says and Destiny could feel her heart drop down to her ass.
"We have scheduled an another appointment a week from now to check in and see when we can get you in for a removal" Dr Ryler says and Destiny head drops as her eyes tear up.
"I'll give you a minute alone" He stands and exits the room and Destiny immediately breaks down. Her soft hand cover her face but are quickly soaked in tears.
Her silent cries become more intense as she feels like her heart was ripped out and stepped on before being returned to its original place.
Jaylen struts into his mothers room his curly hair covering his Hazel eyes. Features he got from his father.
His hair is just bouncing.
"Hey mom" He jumps into the bed with her and lays down. Destiny hides her red face into the pillow. She cried all the way home and managed to slip past her children and continue to cry in her room.
"Hey baby" she clears her throat to sound normal and Jaylen looks at her confused. "Are you okay?" He asks touching her back.
Destiny thinks for a moment before lightly chuckling. "Yeah I'm fine, why wouldn't I be" She says with her face still deep in the pillow.
"Oh, well I wanted to ask if you wanted to play a game with me, everyone else is ignoring me and Yoni isn't answering the phone" He says fiddling with his fingers.
Destiny glances at her youngest son, she sees how sad he is but she just can't muster the the energy to get out of bed.
"I got you later, we can even go to the park"
Jaylen thinks for a moment. Something has actually been on his young mind. "Mom? What happened to my dad? Why did he leave, doesn't he love me? What did I do wrong?" Jaylen presses his lips together and Destiny feels her heart wrench.
"Well you already know.. he passed away" She tells him and he looks at her confused. "Where did he pass away to?"
"He passed to god but god made sure that he's always in your heart" Destiny explains to him and he nods. "Can you tell me about my dad?" He asks and she sighs.
"You're Dad was the nicest guy ever. He was almost like a superhero. You know he became very strong because he stayed healthy and ate his veggies and fruits".
Jaylen hugs his mom head. "Thank you Mama" he says before jumping off the bed and running out the room.
Once he closes the door Destiny sits up and opens her bedside table.
She shuffles things around before pulling out a picture of Her and Jaylens dad.
Jaylen is like his father's duplicate.
Jaylen has his father light skin tone, eyes, hair, and facial features. He definitely put in the most work when it came to making him.
Jaylens father Leon actually used to wear his hair in ponytail so you can fully see and admire his attractive face.
Meanwhile Jaylen prefers to have his hair covering the top of his face.
Destiny touches Leon's face before grabbing a lighter out of her bedside table. She angrily looks at him before holding the flame under the picture. Making the area black before eventually a hole was burned through.
She crumbles the photo up, throwing it across the room.
If there was one thing. Destiny hates Leon's fucking guts and wishes he burns in hell for everything.
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