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"There is something I think you need to know." Martha told Aiden the next day at college.
"Uh.. actually there is something I need to tell you too" Aiden said.

"Okay.." Martha blushed.

"Uh... but... you go first... " Aiden played his move carefully.

"Ok.. uh. See I know I should have told you this a long time ago. But I was quite unsure of how you would react .. but now I donot want you to know this from someone else. So I decided to tell you in person." Her cheeks went more red.

Aiden felt uncomfortable. 
"Oh dear God. What is she gonna say?... does that mean we are gonna say it at the same  time?" Aiden was lost in his thought.

"Aiden? AIDEN! " Martha shouted ..
"Yes.. go on i am listening" He said.

"Okay. Here goes...  Aiden over the last few days I kinda had feelings ......."

"What the hell are you doing here Martha??"  Professor Kent.

"Shit!" The same thought on both their minds..  Martha tried to talk to Aiden still. But all she couldnot and moreover she got detention from Professor Kent...
"That bitch"Martha cursed her the whole day.
She could not belive it. She was this close from telling Aiden and here she was ,sitting for detention...

Aiden on the other hand was so high with expectations that he couldn't focus the whole day. Once college was over he went over to "shopping".

Julian's point of view:

Aiden was abnormally happy today. I wonder why.. That boy has been at his all time low over the last few days. Even at Jonathan's party he never talked to me. I just don't want to watch him like this. No matter whatever happened between us, he was my best friend all over. And I just cannot stand the fact that he is so down. But seeing him alive with happiness today was perhaps the  greatest thing that I saw today.. I think he finally found someone.
Back at college we had the best discussions.  Me and my pals..  topic:

"Cannabis is a natural product, the main psychoactive constituent of which is tetrahydrocannabinol . The cannabis plant is broadly distributed and grows in temperate and tropical areas.
Together with tobacco, alcohol and caffeine, it is one of the most widely consumed drugs throughout the world, and has been used as a drug and a source of fibre since historical times. 
At small doses, cannabis produces euphoria, relief of anxiety, sedation and drowsiness. In some respects, the effects are similar to those caused by alcohol... "  these were the stuff that my science pals told  ......

And my instant reaction:" who cares? We donot want theory...    practical lessons are the best aren't they??"

Anyway.. the most important news for today: I finally got my girlfriend!!.. yeah.. and since no one really cares, I told no one.. 


Extremely sorry I am... just bit distressed over the days.. melancholic feelings .. and above all a bit of writers block too.. 😔😔😔

oh by the way. Took a bit course over poetry too.. Will be giving that soon too.. but 2 more  chapters on these 2 people i think so...

Hope you like the chapter and hit the vote  button and do comment.  Whats the matter people, all it takes is just 1 small click. Do it yaar.   Chalo bye!🤗🤗

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